
Chapter 1

You could hear the fluttering of wings in the air, as the leaves danced and played in the cheerful wind. A girl with short brown hair that reached just at the middle of her back, in a beautiful floral dress and hazel eyes that seems to shine just like the raise of the sun, she was running along the shores of the beach as the wind plays with her her while she ran under a sea filled sky that display beautiful array of colors. Just not far behind was a young man in a white T-shirt with Grey shorts. He had short black hair with blue eyes that seemed to display the sight of the depth of the ocean with clear skies and the enchantment of fantasy. He was chasing after the girl who was giggling as she ran. "HEY! Mira wait up you running to fast" they young man shouted from behind as he tried to keep up with the girl who seemed to have energy of a small child that is running in the park, "now where is the fun in that I told you to catch me if I slow down you would catch me easily" she shouted back at him with a playful giggle as she continued to run, she eventually fell into the sand letting exhaustion take over her tired body.

Just as she laid there the young boy walked up right beside her and sat down right next to her "well I got you now" he said panting as he was out of breath due to the running he lay bedside her as he looked up into the beautiful sky, "yes yes you did Merlin you caught me" she sighed as she regained her composure as they laid there Mira looked over to Merlin who had closed his eyes and listening to the sound of the gentle waves hitting the shore. "You know I will love you always no matter what right Merlin?" Mira asked with a worried but assuring voice that made Merlin shoot his eyes open and looked over at her "yes ...yes I do know that Mira and I love you the same" Merlin responded with pure joy in his soul as his eyes showed some little sparks in them.

"Then please for your own good let me go and move on" those were the last words Merlin ever wanted to hear in his lifetime. It was as if someone had just killed his beloved family right before his eyes and he couldn't do anything, he just had to stand and watch them all die. Merlin didn't want to hear those words before he shot up out of bed bedding in cold sweat that seemed to form a pool of water right below him, his clothes were drenched in his sweat similar to when someone comes out of a pool completely soaked. "MIRA!" he shouted with fear in his eyes, his eyes frantically searched his room but who he was looking for was not there.

Merlin placed his face in the palm of his hand and threw himself back down into the bed as he let his mind wonder back to the dream he had just had "Why...Just Why couldn't my father let us be I loved you so much" he said to himself in a mere whisper as a small crystal tear fell from his eye, he laid there reminiscing the lost and the precious memories of his beloved Mira

Hi I am Shimuri I am new to the whole writing a novel on this app but I hope you like my novel.

Sumiki_Jungicreators' thoughts