
Future Planning I

After brothers got tired of laughing like a third rate villains they got more serious expressions on their faces. Silence stretched for a few seconds and soon Saba started talking.

"What are the plans now?"

"Let's eat first and we will talk later"

"#Good idea#" - Snaky commented.

"By the way can you eat too?" - Sandro curiously asked

"We both kinda feel hunger so we can try?"

Boys started chopping meat on makeshift table made of tree trunk. After everything was sliced Saba tried to cook the meat using his body's heat. He took slice and held it between closed palms, then he tried to increase intensity of heat around his palms, which has limited effect at best.

"Saba move a bit further table might burn because of heat"

"Ohh, sorry sorry"

Saba moved few steps back and concentrated again and in a few seconds meat seamed... well edible. He did same thing for relatively raw slices and soon he was done.

"Let's dig into it"

Sandro was fist who took slice and while he moved it closer to his mouth Saba watched intently.

"What?" - Asked Sandro with raised eyebrow

"Nothing, just curious how you will react on that" - Saba said with shrug

"Bruh, do I look like lab rat to you?"

"# Nah, but lab lizard is an option #" -Snaky said with chuckle.

"Whatever" - Sandro rolled eyes and took bite of roasted meat.

Saba and Snaky looked at him intently, waiting for any sign of problem.

"How is it?" - Saba asked.

"Meh, it's edible. Now I really understand power of spices, well to be exact salt. It will be much nicer with it"

"# I don't think salt is a spice.... Well lets eat shall we? #" - Snaky immediately took one slice when he noticed Sandro's dangerous gaze.

Brothers ate in silence what should be their first meal in this strange world. Soon from all the spoils that Saba brought only fur was left. They even ate bones and all inner organs, but at the same time Saba discovered another problem. He had difficulty controlling his body heat during the meal, which often meant that food would turn to ash before it even reached his stomach.

"God! This is so annoying I can't even eat normally now" - Saba complained.

"# No problem here #" - Snaky commented on the side with a snaky smirk.

"Shut up will ya?"

"# Why are you screaming? we share the stomach for the fucks sake #" 

"This situation is same as if grown ass man reincarnated and became toddler, who has to shit in his pants, because he can't even walk, also how the hell our stomachs are connected?"

"#Yes but we won't starve so calm down, I will eat instead of you and no I have no idea how that works#"

"$Maybe intestines are what connects you two? Ahh... This situation seems pretty depressing$"

While Saba was arguing with himself, Sandro was busy thinking about everything. Snaky noticed how Sandro went into deep thoughts. Many emotions could be seen on his face. As everything seemed pretty much magical and unreal. What was the chance that you would get reincarnated into a different world? or was he even reincarnated? was this even real? 

Through Snaky Saba also noticed that Sandro was getting too lost in his thoughts and decided to say.

"I hope you are not thinking that all of this is dream"

"Nahhh... Classic line though"

"Well... talk, it's better to say everything out loud rather then become crazy"

"$Heh, says the guy who has gone crazy$"

"#It seems like that you already went crazy. Dude is talking to himself, Like can you imagine? HAHAHA #"

"$WHEEEZE, Ha hahahaaa... well, let's stop with jokes for now and think about our situation.$"

"Well then Sandro, what do you think? Did we get isekaied or got reincarnated?"

"I do not think so? I do not remember dying"

"Neither do I, Well then, All we know is that, we do not know who we are or what we are, We do not even know where we are and any possible information on this world"

"Yes you are right, but we do not have choice and need to survive"

"#ugh... I thought reincarnation stories were cool but our start is scariest thing possible, As the saying goes, Fear the Unknown#"

"$Everything is unknown... $"

"Only thing we know is that magic is real, Saba can use magic but not me, but I can control my body which is tougher then trees. and lastly I know that we are brothers" said Sandro

"Yes... although it is strange that we both are here, But hey I am glad that I am not only person who has discovered himself in strange body. I probably would have gone crazy"

"#$"You are already crazy"$#" - said everyone to Saba

"sigh..." sighed Saba and rolled over his eyes 

"Well alright I am sorry, look everything is seems to crazy and weird, So for now let's do what can we do" - said Sandro

"alright sounds good, okay firstly..."

So brothers started thinking about what they were going to do for now. The food was not enough for both of them, So they decided to hunt separately, Sandro decided to hunt at night, since his brother was too bright, as for Saba, He decided to hunt at day, Although animals would be careful at day time, Saba thought he would blend better with the sun rather than with the moon.

"Well this is all we can decide for now, besides I think you should really do something about light. I will go hunt, I feel crazy hungry for some reason"

"Hmm... alright happy hunting" - said Saba and went to try to learn his newly gained powers. - "Wait do we have water?" - He asked Sandro before he was gone.

"I made small reservoir.. Well more like big bowl. It's on the other side of tree" - Sandro said.

Saba went to big bowl that was carved out of tree stump - 'How did he do this this fast?' - He thought - '$Barbarian magic$' - '#Definitely#'.

When he got close he was excited to drink and see his reflection. Saba looked into the 'big bowl', but moment he did, sound of boiling water and steam could be heard.

"#Stop!! You will evaporate all supply#" - Snaky shouted

"Fuck. This is so annoying." - Saba said with frustration - "$Yeah we really need to learn to control our power$"

"Yeah" - Saba sighed - "Okay you drink" - He pointed Snaky, who drank water with satisfied smile.


Some time passed and Sandro soon returned home, he had little bag with him which he made with animal leather which was left after eating.

"Hoh? you are fast" - said Saba

"Well there was chaos because for some weird reason forest was on fire. But thanks to that I could catch some easy preys"

"oh? let me see" Said Saba

Sandro took out meat slowly and gave it to Saba, Saba also started evaluating animals that Sandro has cought, They were similar but little different than the things he had brough. They had similar build but difference in color. But after 3 or 4 normal spoils Saba noticed that there were some that had missing head, some were half blown. One even looked like freshly used toilet paper.

"$What the hell is that....$"

"Brother, be honest. What is this?"

"What? don't you see? it's a rabbit?"

"#Rabbit? if that thing is a rabbit then I am a Medusa#"

"Wait now that you mention that... maybeee"

"#Listen, I know what you wish to say but no. I do not think I can turn living beings into stone... As far as I know#"

"Anyway be honest, what happened?"

"Well, I couldn't control my strength well :D" Smiled Sandro

"Listen bro, Stop with this bullshit, tell me the truth"

"Okay fine... I was just little pissed off, So I used a bit more strength" - Said Sandro

"What? was it rabbit?" - smiled Saba at Sandro

"No brother, you know I would not fall that low"

". . .Was it a horned Rabbit?"


"#Yep, checks out#"

"Common bro, Those things laughed at me, As if I were a low intelligence Barbarian who is mentally retarded. Their laugh still rings in my had, it sounds like an old movie witches who just kidnapped children and I'm not talking about the hot ones"

"I get it man, calm down. Let's eat and go to sleep because I struggle too much with this body, maybe good rest will help me somehow" 

"alright let's go"

After eating brothers went into house and tried to sleep. But Sandro could not. His brother was too hot... and too shiny. Heat didn't seem an issue, but light definitely was. Saba's power went too out of control while he was sleeping, little longer and the house that he carved out would burn.

"Hey!!! Wake up. Do not burn the house, Go out and sleep there for freak sake" -Said sandro and kicked his brother out. It finally was dark and cozy in tree house. So comfortable that he fell asleep fast.


Saba sat near the rock outside. He was feeling much better for some reason. Orochimaru and Snaky were asleep and since he was feeling fine, he decided to train himself

'Hmm maybe little nap did help me, I should try controlling magic while I am in good condition'

To much of a surprise for Saba, he was less shiny and could control his power smoother. It was very interesting as he could easily make himself shine bright or concentrate heat on his hands. Saba was having fun. He could finally pick up sticks without burning them or cremating everything with simple touch.

"$hey man I just went to sleep. Slow down with information gain please. Ughh... Huh? oh??? That is interesting so you can freely control it now?$"

"Hell yes!"

But suddenly Saba's magic went out of control and the rock that he was leaning on started getting red hot and slowly melting.

"Dammit" Saba moved away from rock and other flammable objects to avoid destroying everything.

 "$Ah... I do not think we got it$"

"But I was doing fine... I could do everything well until you started watching me. Now that I think about it, it's starting to get harder to control everything."

"$Hoh? So basically we are gifted with 3 brains but cursed with it at the same time$"

"So we must coordinate to not mess everything up"

"$This seems interesting we should try different things, Let's see how it goes. Maybe now we are making ourself sluggish but we can also help each other this will increase our efficiency if we find out how to coordinate and control this piece of machine$"

So Saba and Orochimaru started training until next day.