

This takes Place after the end of Super! Gohan, Uub, and The Saiya-Sisters(Pan and Bulla) Have taken up their mantle as the protectors of Earth! Vegeta succeeded Lord Beerus! Goku Along with Chichi got to live under the quarters of The Grandpriest! Trunks-Mai The CEO and ASSISTANT of CAPSULE CORP. with Pilaf as the head of Science division! Piccolo settled down on the lookout! And that leaves our protagonist Goten! he's become a lone wolf since Marron broke up with him since they both wanted different things in life. so Goten went to the Lookout to train with Piccolo and use the time chamber ! once in a while to vent out his frustration! occasionally visits his father and Vegeta who taught him both of their techniques and transformations. and seeing his predicament who's offered him a solution to be a Time Patroller! worked there for a few years along with Future Trunks till his last mission! and now he has returned and traversing the universes to perfect his forms and add more techniques to his arsonal! after learning from Jiren to Hit to Many more from the tournament and even from the gods and Angels he's reached the pinnacle of his Mortal, Godly, Angel, and Destroyer powers. and he's 30. His best friend Got Married and got a kid along the way. He visits for the occasion to find out that Marron has moved on. And his brother now has a son Coming along! Earth is Safe he has completed several thesis and obtained Doctorates in multiple fields. He feels like he doesn't belong anywhere.. He's even expected to have another little Brother/Sister since the last time he saw his parents which made him cringe a bit! as he was thinking all these Goku, and Vegeta approached him asking him what's wrong? to which he explained and Goku's only solution to that was to fight! and Fight he did! they both Vegeta, Goku and Even Piccolo joined him to have a spar with Goten to see how much he needs to improve he finally gave in to sparring just then a frying pan hit Goku and Goten courtesy of Chi-Chi saying that they're ruining the party! and They decided to go to The Modified Time Chamber Courtesy of Shenron where The Gravity can be altered to several times over ! and can now support more than 10 saiyans in there! and the sparring started slowly till they reached their maximum limit and while all seemed lost Goten powered up even beyond their current powers He combined His Ultra Forms with his Mystic Super Ikari Mode giving him the necessary power that surpassed Goku, Vegeta and pretty much everyone else. His powerUp was noticed by the Grandpriest before he could act, in all their excitement Goten broke threw the Time Chamber Door while sending The rest threw it. while he remained inside lost in his power. This was reaching his perfection and the Dimension was reaching its limitations, due to such a massive powerUp he accidentally opened a rip in the Space-Time Continumm which he resisted for so long before he was pulled in by a power far more greater than his own as the long battle fatigue caught up to him, as he lost his consciousness.. let's see where he ended up. and find out what happens to our Hero as he explores the new world and his presence alone will change everything

Pheonix_Ridone · Tranh châm biếm
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Displaced and De-Aged?

last time on Dragon Ball Super Beyond, After feeling left out and had nothing to do, Goten agreed to Spar with his Dad and Vegeta in the Time Chamber in their final bout, Goten Powered up Even further to his newest form which ended up destabilize the Space-Time Continumm which was already affected by the Gravity and Time Dilation ended up creating a portal which sucked Goten in, and spit him out to an uncharted territory of Yaggadrasil! Teh Golden City of an old God!

Goten was unconscious at the time, and the bright light, plus the fluctuations in Power got the attention of a wise one eyed king of gods.

Odin POV:

while i was resting in my chambers after, my banishment of Hela, it's been a few years and i still reminecense about my daughter, how i have failed her as a father and all of it was my fault! and now with Frigga and after Thor Was born, i also brought Loki, whom both myself and Frigga raised to be our son. we gave them everything they want. Thor was a Brash and Prideful Child and Loki he is Manipulative, cunningly smart, for his age not mention Mischief which is his Domain! I just hope that these two one day grow up when the time comes and take my place.. Stop her and a possible Ragnarok! while i was foreseeing the possibilities, My senses were overwhelmed by a powerful being, and it was weakened, i felt the tear in the space, just then Heimdall informed me of the possible intruder, and this intruder since he/she entered our domain, The Ragnarok's possibility has become Malleable! as everytime I try to peer into a glimpse of the possible future it's been changed and as this happened i saw a bright Golden light, of a Man with spikey Golden Hair stood up against Hela, with my sons Thor and Loki! bearing the symbol of Asgardian Royalty! along with some other symbol. And just then, i commanded my soldiers to round up the intruder, and I'll be on my way myself, as i said this Frigga looked worried and she wanted to Tag along, even after my refusal, seeing my not so subtle poker face.

so in the middle of the city there was a Huge Crater, in which seemed to be a Young Adolescent Boy with tattered clothes, with spikey hair, a black tail, cuts and bruises all over his body. I stood shocked as this individual seemed to be the same person alas a bit younger, but still carrier the aura of an seasoned warrior! he was unconscious at the moment, and seeing his condition while i was contemplating, i heard one of my men shouting "My Queen, don't!" which brought me back to the situation at hand as i saw her, healing the little boy! from the crater as her motherly instincts kicked in. I was so, radical at the moment and caught off gaurd! while the intruder might've been a child he's still dangerous and seeing my queen caring for him made furious and still Curious as to why would the queen of Asgard herself would want to come and to personally heal this child of light!

Frigga's POV

As Odin was in his own thoughts, i came to, and saw what was in the crater, i saw a child, alot younger than, Thor and Loki, and seeing him hurt like that made my body move on its own and held him to heal him. All the while i paid no attention to Worries the of Odin. As i was healing him, i heard him mumble, "MOM, THANK YOU..." at that revelation my heart skipped a beat, and think Odin heard that as well, so he was in his brooding phase! and came to an understanding.


As the crowd gathered to see why The King and Queen of Asgard themselves came to investigate the crater, people started to speculate themselves.

As this was going on Odin ordered the soldiers to bring forth the medics and escort the child to their personal chamber understanding Frigga. ti which she smiled and nodded, this confused the soldiers as it did the others, yet they obliged nonetheless.

As this was going on, unaware of everything that was going on on Asgard, Thor, Loki along with the warriors 3 and Sif were on midgard, pulled in by one of Thor's stupidity! with a grumbling Loki. Fighting The Frost Gaints that have invaded Midgard!

---LOKI POV---

Thor Shouting, come on you Icey monstrosity! is that all you got? all the while calling for his friends and me to assist him! and see his greatness at work. with one swing of his hammer he summoned the lightning ⚡ and crushed several Frost Gaints.

as the others still followed him everywhere, as the brutes they're! and i safely hid behind using my illusions and struck only when needed.

Thought of Not entertaining my Idiot Brother's Stupidity! and once the contest of idiotic brutes were over i came out! and Finally they shouted for Heimdall to open the Bifrost! and as I sighed and yet relieved that it's finally over, expected to go home any minute now, The Bifrost was not opening or Heimdall didn't hear him. Even though Thor was so loud that even All The 9 realms might've heard him. Like myself the others were contemplating this with a confused expression, As such the humans, that we saved started to flock themselves towards us which annoyed me, as a human touched me, as i was about punish that lowly mortal, Thor shouted Heimdall's name one more time, which made me ignore the mortal, and the Bifrost opened as we departed i could hear what the human said "Thank You God, for Saving us" which brought a smile to my face, atleast they know to appreciate And Acknowledge beings above them. And then we arrived at Asgard, while the idiots they were, they still asked the question why didn't Hiemdall report to their call immediately? to which he said i believe you have to ask that to the King my prince!. But this caught me off-guard, usually Thor is not a bright one when it comes to logic, and as fascinating as that was to rethink my brother's brain cell usage, what Heimdall said did intrigue me. So we all nodded and went to the palace, and we found Odin waiting for us...?! and he was not there but an empty throne!? just then an messenger informed us to go the Medical Quaters of The King and Queen. this made me panick for a moment and both Thor and I rushed to the Medic, with several thoughts running through our minds. And i swore who ever hurt my mother would die a thousand deaths! all the while thor felt the same, and these were the moments that i think that made us brothers! but i wouldn't say that to him.

--------------ODIN & FRIGGA POV--------------

its been a few hours since my queen and the other medics healed the boy!

and i he hasn't woken up yet! which worries me for some reason! which i find ridiculous! as I barely know this child yet i couldn't ignore for his wellbeing like Frigga, I chuckled to myself, and felt a similar worry I feel my other two knuckle headed sons, when they were little. And then I decided on something, which I'm sure Frigga also has come to here own conclusion as she saw me smile and we nodded our heads. just then a loud bang opened opened the door to the Quarters, and heard two Distinct voices echoing MOTHER!!!!! FATHER!!!!! whomsoever touched the hair on you head shall reap death!?! and seeing them I sighed and then they stopped in their tracks as they too were confused to see us unharmed.. which settled their worries. and they both calmed down, which was replaced with confusion!?

------------THOR & LOKI POV--------------

we both were very worried about our parents, but confused to find that they were fine, and the we saw in the bed a Child?!

---------++++GOTEN'S POV --------+++++

A loud sound Woke me up and i found myself in a different room than the time chamber, maybe i overexerted myself and im being treated by Mr.Popo?!

just as i was recollecting my thoughts, i checked my body and then looked around to see i was surrounded by unfamiliar people, yet i could sense that they were strong, especially the old man with a golden Spear?! Then i saw them looking at me.. which made me .. think were the hell i was? this clearly wasn't The lookout! as i closed my eyes and tried to sense for the energies of my friends, i couldn't find them anywhere! and i was tired! and i was shooken up by a woman with golden hair, she seemed to look at me with worrisome face, and asked me "Are you alright Child?" which stopped me from my stupor! and i asked her? what did he call me? to Which the other 3 men replied, "She Asked you are you alright Child?" and this clearly made me, rethink and recheck my body as i jumped out of the bed and i found out that they were right I've been turned into an child yet again! somehow! and my powers?! well they were there! but something wasn't right! as they saw me confused an panicky, a warm hands touched my shoulders and i turned to see the woman with a worrisome face, and as i saw her, i told her, that I'm fine! and then the 3 men moved towards me.

---+++--ODIN, THOR, & LOKI POV--------------


As the boy came to his senses, he was startled by the sentence when he was called a Child!? which couldn't be a coincidence, as his confused look made me confirm one thing, either he has been cursed by a spell that turned him into a child or he really is and had trauma to the head! or something else. And for a brief moment i could sense his power which was far above mine by several thousands times! and the vision of the future i has about him confirmed my suspicions that this was no ordinary person! be that as may a child or a grown man! he was a seasoned warrior! and he maybe the key in saving this realm and i was right to adopt him. I just have make my knuckle headed sons accept him.

Loki and Thor:

we both saw that the kid, whoever he was worried our parents, and he has some sort of aura around him that's triggering primal fear. As i tried to peek into his mind, i saw a monster it threw me out with a look! and Thor, well he was grinning like a madman! like the brute he is! and our parents look towards him made one thing clear he's not an average mortal!

Frigga and Goten:

So are you okay child? to which he replied yes iam! its just that i think I'm very far from Home! I don't know how to contact them!

Its alright Child, we will help you, and you can stay here in Asgard! as long as you like till you find your way home! and Iam Frigga, Queen of Asgard, That's my husband God-King Odin Borson The All-Father, The one with The Hammer is Thor Odinson The God of Thunder and First Prince of Asgard! and The other is Loki Odinson The God of Mischief, The second prince of Asgard, and our sons. so what's your name ?

wow you're a queen and he's a god King and they're your son's? and I'm in your kingdom? not just any but from Norse Mythology?! no wonder i could sense off the charts powerlevels from you all!

oh and My name is Goten Son! Time Patroller, Protector of Peace and Justice! and i think I'm in the Wrong Universe! and I'm not usually not this Young! "I'm DISPLACED & DE-AGED!" can you help me?

to these revelation all were shocked, intrigued, worried, and Battle ready!