
Sun-kissed [Hinata Shoyo x Female reader] [Haikyuu lemon]

"Let's not leave any of your fantasies unfulfilled." If you've got hots for Hinata Shoyo, welcome. You find yourself head over heels for the most amazing guy and you are wondering whether your feelings may be mutual. Is there a chance you can be his girlfriend?.. I promise lots of fluff, heart-fluttering and cheek-blushing moments. I'm aiming for the "I feel like I'm in some shoujo manga!" atmosphere. Many thanks for opening my story and I hope you enjoy! Remarks: - (F/N) and (L/N) stand for your first and last names respectively. - I made the characters 20 years old, since the content is mature. I had to sacrifice the original Karasuno high school setting, sorry! - I'm only learning Japanese, so if some phrases I use don't make sense, please let me know :) No worries, I added all the translations. - This is my first story, so I'm open to any other kind of feedback too! - All artwork is mine. - I do not own neither Haikyuu nor its characters.

Good_Little_Girl · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Chapter 27, in which I hit my hip, my laptop and the right spot (NSFW)

A couple of weeks into the summer break and I'm on another video chat date with Hinata.

Talking online is not the same as IRL and I needed some time to get used to it, to feel as comfortable sharing thoughts openly as we had face-to-face. It's like getting to know each other and building trust again. Now I can goof around, whine, laugh with my mouth open, have a snack and show up without my hair and makeup done or my back perfectly straight.

Hinata kept his promise and we've been talking almost every other day, the texting didn't stop... My day cannot be over until I get a 「おやすみ!」 "Good night!" from him.

「今,(F/N)は一人?」 "Are you alone right now?"

I mumble unhappily:

「一人,一人だよ.」 "Alone, I'm alone."

And add under my breath:

「翔陽なしで」 "Without you"

「あの,オンラインセックスをやってみない?」 "Um, would you like to try online sex?"

I fall silent for a while. Whoa, that's straight-forward, I can't think of a good answer, what should I...

「もちろん,ゆっくりやるよ.」 "Of course we'll take it slow."

Of course he's nice about it. But it has never crossed my mind before and I need time to process.

「えっと...あまり上手じゃないと思うよ.」 "Um... I'm probably not great."

「試してみた?」 "Have you tried?"

「えっ,いや!」 "Wha-, no!"

「じゃ,なぜわかるの?」 "Then how do you know?"

He follows up gently:

「あの,(F/N)は答えなかったね.僕と一緒にやってみたい?」 "But you didn't answer. Do you want to try together with me?"

I'm slow to respond, so he backs off:

「(F/N),ごめんね.答えは全然必要がない.大丈夫.」 "(F/N), sorry. You don't have to answer at all. It's fine."

「待って.やってみたいよ.でも,何も知らない.」 "Wait. I want to try. But I don't know anything."

「それはいいよ.僕もあまり知らないよ.」 "That's okay. I don't know much either."

He chuckles. It puts me at ease too, a little bit.

「でも,(F/N)と一緒にやりたい.よかった.」 "But I want to do it with you. I'm glad."

「すま,翔陽,ビデオを消してくれないか...」 "Sorry, Shoyo, do you mind turning off the video..."

「はい,わかった.」 "Okay."

He disappears and I switch my camera off too.

「ありがとう」 "Thank you"

「チャットのほうがいいか?」 "Would you rather chat?"

「ううん,翔陽の声を聞きたい.」 "No, I want to hear your voice."

「もちろん.」 "Sure."

Now I can only imagine his smile.

「さて,どうするの?..」 "Well, what do we do?.."

「質問してみよう」 "Let's ask questions"

I actually have one.

"Where are you?"

"That's a good one!"

I'm always happy to receive praise from Hinata, it's like a mental pat on the head, my heart twinkles.

"I'm sitting on my bed. And you?"

Ah, so that's what the background is.

"Well... I am at my desk. But I'll move to my bed too. Wait a sec"

I hurry and knock down a bedside table on the way, of course. This one's going to leave a colourful bruise.

"Ah, done."

I exhale slowly to regain my composure.

"(F/N)... What are you wearing?"

"A blue top, you saw it."

I think and add:

"And a knee-length chestnut skirt"

"Cute. Is that all?"

There's a hint of a smirk in the question. What is this, it really sounds like a sex talk line! I dodge:

"That's all you can see."

"Fair enough."

I'm curious too about what's below his black T-shirt, but I don't have the courage yet. The pause is hanging and I just blurt out:

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, (F/N)! You're the one with the spot-on questions!"


"I was thinking I want to be close to you now."


Hearing him say this makes me feel warm.

"Really. I want to sit by your side and hug you behind your back. May I?"


I look at the empty part of the bed near me. I would be lying if I said I hadn't imagined him here before. Please do join.

Hinata asks quieter:

"Tell me what I feel. What is your top like?"

"Well, it's soft and stretchy. It's fitted under my skirt."

"Uh-huh. I'm hugging it and secretly pulling you a bit closer by the waist."

I give out a giggle and play along:

"Are you comfy? I freed the best spot on the bed for you, you know!"

"Ha-ha, yes, it's soft. And you're soft."

"Can I rest my head on your shoulder?"

"Of course. (F/N), are you wearing any perfume?"

"Ah, no... But there's the shampoo."

"What kind?"

"It's a new one, you don't know it. A cherry blossom scented one."

"I see."

"And you? What can I smell?"

"Well, I'm sorry, it's been a long day and I've only been to the shower in the morning, so... No shampoo smell anymore, I'm afraid."

"So I can smell you."


"I love laying on your shoulder, you know."

"I love it too. Would you like it if I stroke your hair?"


I sigh. I want this to be real, and yet, it's much better than nothing.

"Shoyo, now tell me what you're wearing."

"Beige shorts with the T-shirt. And-"

I interrupt:

"I will put my hand on your shorts. And slide it down, slowly, maybe not to the knee, but just before..."

"Your small hands on me are so adorable."

"Hug me."

"I will make you turn towards me and hug you all around."

"And I'll bury my face into your neck. You're warm."

He adds softly:

"But, (F/N), it would be much easier if you sit on my lap."


"Okay. I'll climb on your lap and sit facing left. Happy?"

"Ah, (F/N), I love it when I can feel your weight on me. And this time I'll squeeze you mercilessly."

His tone is light and flirty now. I scoff playfully:

"You're entering dangerous territory with the weight commentary..."

"I said I love it! And you're not going anywhere, I'm keeping you here."

"Let me go a bit to look at you!"

"Okay. Okay, now you're looking down at me with those eyes half the size of your face, aren't you?"

It's a flattering compliment, which makes my heart squeeze. I don't know how to return it, so I take the easy tone again:

"I'll ruffle your hair, that mess can't get any worse."

"(F/N), your neck is in my face. I want to kiss it."

"You may."

"I'll pull the strands of hair away and slowly kiss you on the side of your neck, lips only."

"Your breath tickles."

"If it tickles, you're not in the mood, (F/N). I'll stroke the back of your neck with my fingers and give you another kiss, softer."

When I make a bit of effort to imagine it and not just listen to the words, it confuses me. I get a vivid picture and I definitely can feel something. What is real and what is my rich imagination?

"You're really good at this."

"M, which part?"

"I mean, I can feel it... Don't stop."

"I will kiss you more, going lower, tracing your shoulder up until the top strap."

"I will stroke your neck up and leave my hand on the back of your head, my fingers playing with your hair."

"I'll pull the strap..."

"Wait-wait. I want to lean in and kiss your ear."


I can hear a smile.

"Now look at me, please. Kiss me, Shoyo."

"I will hold your head and face you. Come closer, (F/N)."

I whisper:


"I will kiss you on the lips... Then I will use my tongue to part your lips... I will pull you closer with my hands around your waist."

"I will return the kiss and wrap my arms around your neck. You're so close."

"I will pull your head towards me for a deeper kiss."


"(F/N)... How about you turn around and sit properly facing me?"

What a sweet probing tone.

I mean, I've been doing that from the start of our relationship, but the shyness and the thrill is here again. By the way, the skirt length would have been inconvenient... Luckily we can ignore any flaws of reality.

"Okay, Shoyo. I will straddle you."

Tips of my ears are certainly radiating heat now.

"Good girl."

"You're too arrogant, you know."

"I promise to make it up to you. For starters, with another kiss on the neck."

As long as I'm in one of my favourite positions...

"I want to run my hand down your shoulder and your chest. May I?"


"You're so fit it turns me on."

"Ah, really?"

I get bashful:

"Well, yeah. But just because it's you."

But I like this game:

"Can I sneak under your T-shirt?"

He teases me:

"You've never asked before, (F/N). You can if you tell me what you're going to do."

"I'll lift the lower hem of your T-shirt and trace your abs up to your chest. Then I lay my hand flat to feel your heartbeat. Are you warm?"


"Sorry if my hand is too cold. Now kiss me"

"I will pull you closer and can feel your arm pressed between us."

"I want to touch your collarbone..."

"You know what, to make it easier for you, I'll just take my T-shirt off."

I hear a swooshing sound.

"Wait, you really did that?"


I feel my blood rushing faster. It's not all imaginary, is it.

"I will run both of my hands up and down your abs."

I confess:

"I really want to do it. You turn me on, you know."

"I'm glad. (F/N), will you let me lower your top strap now? I will place my finger under your ear and trace it down your neck and shoulder..."

"Alright, just one."

"... and pull it down. You have to help me here, (F/N)."


I let the top strap and the bra strap underneath fall down my shoulder. It feels sexy.

"Your naked shoulder is pretty, (F/N). I will kiss you there."

"This game feels good... Do you really like it too?"

"Yeah. Hearing you talk like that to me is awesome."

I start to remember how touching bare-chested Hinata feels like. The short's waistband is in the way.

"You know what, I want to run my hand lower..."

「ただいま~」 "I'm home!"

I hear the front door opening... I swing my laptop shut — shit, that was too hard! — and sprint out of my room skidding around the corner to greet my mom:

「おかえり」 "Welcome back"

After taking off her shoes, she looks up at me:

「(F/N),何かあったんだ?」 "(F/N), something happened?"

I take a glance at myself in the hall mirror and acknowledge my appearance is indeed unsettled and slightly suspicious.

「あ,いや,別に.」"Ah, no, nothing special."

A minute after I go back to my room and message Hinata to explain myself for quitting our chat so abruptly:

「母は帰ったんだ...ごめんね,私はパニックになった.」 "My mom came home... Sorry, I panicked."

I type a follow up:

「次回は,それを続けよう (~_^)」 "We'll pick it up next time (~_^)"

And hit "Send" before having a chance to overthink this.


I giggle:

"It tickles, it tickles, your hair tickles, Shoyo!"

"I was just kissing your stomach, what are you talking about?"

"Ahaha, you're tricking me, you're doing it on purpose!"

I'm lying on my back in my bed, Hinata asked me to pull my T-shirt up. (And him I got bare chested five minutes ago, I know, I know, I'm great.) I got into my role and I am laughing sincerely.

"You're making me get up on my fours over you, (F/N), to look you in the eyes. Your attitude is seriously off. Listen to me."

"Mmm? I will slide my hand from your shoulder to the back of your neck and look up at you innocently."

"Take your T-shirt off, (F/N). And I know you're going to get cold, so get under the blanket now."

The last part was said really kindly... unlike the former.


"You can always say no if you don't want to."

I want to.

"I want to."

It's a bit strange getting in my bed in the middle of the day, in broad daylight, but the bed is warm and cosy.

"I'm ready."

"Tell me, what do I see?"

"Well, I'm wearing a peach-coloured bra... The one from your Birthday."

Yes, I kind of prepared.


"Maybe you don't remember."

"I remember."

Pleasant warmth runs through me. He continues.

"I'll join you under the blanket and hug you from above. Don't worry, I won't crush you."

"You're very warm, Shoyo. And I love when our skin touches, your stomach..."

I stumble, it gets embarrassing.

"I want to touch you more too. I will caress your waist, it fits so perfectly under my palm."

"What are you going to do..."

"I'll kiss your earlobe and move lower under the blanket."

I have to admit:

"Your breath doesn't tickle..."

"I'll kiss your neck and go down your chest until I reach your bra."

My stomach gets attacked by butterflies. Hinata doesn't make it any easier:

"I'll pull the fabric to the side and kiss your nipple. Do you like that?"


"I want to use my tongue... Would you mind helping me a little, (F/N)."


"Lick your index finger generously and circle your left nipple."


"Right now."

To be honest, I did something like this myself and I know that feels good. And now together...


"I will kiss and lick your nipple around..."

I exhale with my mouth open. Him saying this is another dimension of sexy compared to him doing it.

"And now I'll squeeze it gently. Do it with your fingers."

"Mmm, it's hard..."

"Good. Now twist it, just a bit."


"And at this point, I would touch your other nipple. Do this with your second hand, would you."

It feels hot and I'm close to overcoming the embarrassment phase.

"I'm touching it through the bra."

"You have to lick your little fingers for me and do it the right way."


I want to get plenty of saliva and my mouth makes a slurp sound as I take my fingers out. I wonder if he can hear. I stretch the bra fabric away and arch my back lifting my chest higher.

I whisper:

"This feels good, you know."

I start improvising without relying on Hinata's instructions, pleasant feelings hint to me about what will be even better.

"You know what, I want to take my bra off."

I do so impatiently.

"You're so sexy when you strip by your own initiative, (F/N)."

"I love it more when you undress me. If I have to do it myself, it means you're slow on the uptake."

"Ah? Noted. While kissing your nipples I will slide my hand down your side to unzip and pull off your skirt. You like that?"

"Yeah. We don't need it."

"What are your knickers like, (F/N)?"

You were waiting to ask this question, weren't you.

"They match the bra. You didn't get to touch them, did you. Good luck next time."

Hinata makes a disgruntled scoff.

"Please, touch my legs more, Shoyo."

"I'll drive my hand down your spine, squeeze your sweet butt, slide it down your hips, your knee, up until your toes, which I'll tickle."


He laughs lightly:

"Cute. I don't even mind getting kicked for that, it's worth it."

"Now that you're over me, I will criss-cross my legs behind your back. How do you like that?"

"When you do that, it's really hard to concentrate, (F/N). When you're spreading your legs so wide so close... You're teasing me. I'll suck on your nipple harder"

"No need to concentrate... Ah... I will hold onto you tighter and rub myself against you."

I get embarrassed by how that sounded. But I opened my legs for real and my hips want to move too.

"That's hot."

"Why don't you take your shorts off."


He sounded content!

"You like me ordering you to strip, don't you? So... What are you like now? What can I see?"

See, or rather, feel. I can't manage to be more straight-forward.

"I'm wearing black boxers."

Black, black always makes him handsome.

"That's cool. But most importantly... I mean..."


"Do you like this... what we're doing?"

"Yes, I'm getting hard if that's what you're asking. If you're willing to help me with that, let's continue. Shall we?"

"Kiss me on the lips, Shoyo. I want to see your face."

"Sure. I will kiss and then bite your soft lips."

"Bite me again... I want to feel your hard-on against me."

"If I can feel your vulva is hot and juicy through the fabric of your knickers, that won't be a problem."

"That's a bit... You're just making me do something about this. While we're making out, I'll stroke your back, your side and slip into your boxers between us. Giving you a handjob won't hurt, would it."

"Ah, when your gentle little hands do such frivolous things, I can't think straight."

"Good. Then I'll kiss your neck under your ear. You better lean in closer to help me."

He exhales:

"As you say."

"You're so sweet. I'll bite and lick your earlobe."

I let loose:

"I'll let my hand go, and sink my nails into your broad back, thrusting against you harder with my hips, you feel so good my mouth waters. Kiss me more, I beg you..."


I order:

"I really want to taste you, you know. Lie down on your back, now."

Hinata, bewildered:


"I'll lick your ear, trace your neck and chest with kisses, bury my face in your abs and smell you, until coming low enough to pull down your boxers. If your cock doesn't spring out, I can't leave it this way. I'll stroke it with my right hand while blowing out hot breath on your tip."


"Don't interrupt, dummy. I'm on my knees between your legs. I'll start kissing your cock, briefly, but often, until I can feel it's all very hot under my palm and my lips, then I'll lick you. I'll keep licking until your cock is all wet and my licks and kisses turn into sucking, I love doing that with you tip-"

"Now you listen to me, (F/N)."

"Mm? Is that fine with you?.."

I got carried away, I get nervous immediately, what if he is unhappy.

"You're forgetting I'm here to do things to you too. You'll have to help me though. Lower your hand for me."

We both knew it'll happen and here we are.

"How far..."

"Stroke your breasts, your stomach and get into your knickers, (F/N)."


"Now tell me what you feel."

"It's hot..."

"Do a few circles with your middle and index fingers. Does it feel good?"

I can feel the sweet response underneath right away.


I continue to do more than just a few.

"Damn, I love when you're touching yourself at my permission. Now use your middle finger to part your outer lips. Tell me."

"It's hot, swollen, pulsating and wet. It feels good. I want to continue."

"Do so."

"Ah, if I go a bit further, it's all slimy."

"That's my favourite feeling when I touch you, (F/N)."

"I want to use more fingers."

"You may. I know, it's impossible to stop."

"I'll spread the juices all along my pussy, I want it all gliding. Are you hard, Shoyo?"

"No need to ask."

"I want your cock to slide up and down against my clit."

"Sure. And you, don't forget to use your fingers too."

As if I needed a reminder. The arousing foreplay was long enough for me, so now any touch makes me high. I moan as I circle my clit.

"Shoyo, are you touching yourself?"

"It would be hard not to. Let me hear your voice once more."

Actually, I want to see. His masculine bony hand tight around his dick makes a hot picture in my mind. Sometime he has to show me. Ah, this too becomes my fantasy.

"You have to add your saliva since I'm not around to lick your cock."

"Yes, mam."

My fingers are being sucked in deeper. I insert two and soon add a third one.

"I want you right here, Shoyo..."

"I'm with you as much as I can. But if I were there, I would make you arch your spine as I kiss your neck."

My fingers don't feel as good as his and definitely not as good as...

"I want your cock inside me."

He chuckles:

"The feeling's mutual, believe me. Do you have a vibrator?"

"Eh, what? No!"

He's blunt:

"Get one. Next time have one."

"I take my fingers out to play around with my clit for a bit."

I hear a squelching noise as I remove my fingers. So much lube. I wish he could hear it.

"Hearing you say it makes me so hard."

"Ah, I wish you could touch me, see me, smell me now..."

"And taste you. Don't think you would get away without me making you orgasm with my tongue."

I moan.

"When you make sounds like that, I want to put my cock in your mouth and hear you moan with your mouth full."

I swallow my saliva.

"What else would you want to do?"

"I want to shove my cock into your vagina to make you shrug with the pleasure of the first stroke. But before that I would make you open your legs for me and wait. When I tease you, your eyes fill with lust, I can see you begging me to fill you up. めちゃめちゃかわいい. Insanely cute."

"Be merciful, Shoyo, don't make me wait. I know waiting is hard on you too. I'm so wet right now."

I pout:

"And it's all wasted."

"Wasted? Aren't you having a good time? Squeeze your nipple with your fingers deep wet with your juices and say that again."

As I do so, I get the desire to put my fingers back in. I whine:

"Mmm, I'm so close."

"If I can't see you cum, I want to hear you cum. Ladies first."

"Would you help me?"

"I'll kiss your neck in the secret spot you like most. And when you lie on your back, relax, and spread your legs for me needily, I'll put a middle finger in you and suck on your clit. Every time you moan, I'll beckon your orgasm with my finger."

"One more finger, Shoyo, please..."

"Of course."

I'm shoving my fingers fast, the irresistible spot makes me try to reach it by all means.

"Yeah... Ah, ah.... Aaahhhhhhhh!"

I purr and drool into my pillow. My whole body spasms and relaxes and I let myself just be.


"Sorry, I cried into my pillow..."

"A pillow?? Don't you try to pull this off next time! If I can't feel or see you, I want to hear, you understand?"

My, my, someone's on the edge.

"You know, my knickers are all wet with sweat, lube and cum."


"And I can see strings of lube between my fingers when I separate them."

I do this a few times. Interesting.

"I want to lick off your fingers now."

"You may."

"You're usually cold, but now your fingers are hot, since they've been working hard inside your flaming hot vagina, aren't they."

He's right.

"True. What are you masturbating to? I want to help."

"You're riding on top of me, fast, I move my hips up towards you too, but what you do on your own feels so much better. When you squeeze your vagina, I'm getting high, do that again."

He's fantasising about me. The thought caught me off guard. Ahhh, I can't believe it, is this real?

"Your hands have to stay on me, Shoyo, don't slack off."

"They're on your hips... I mean, I want to squeeze your bum, I want to feel it between my fingers."

"You might also like going higher..."

"I want to squeeze your boobs that are bouncing with your rhythm and feel this under my palm. I would stroke your neck too... I know you like it and when you get aroused by something, your reaction's priceless."

"You can touch me however you want, but, Shoyo, just jumping up and down is boring. I'll spread my legs wider, sitting on top of you and try more moves, like circles, back and forth-"

"-When you drop the innocent mask and do or say dirty things full of intention, I go crazy for you."

"Put your middle and ring fingers in my mouth and I'll show you what I would do to your cock with my tongue if I weren't busy riding it."

I hear nothing for a moment as if he holds his breath, and then Hinata grunts. I beam to myself: rightfully proud to make my boyfriend cum. My contribution was significant and undeniable.

"I came."

The voice from the speaker is now soft, as it usually is after his release. His sinless personality is back and now I feel awkward about all the things I said.

I was worried about expressing my fantasies out loud, but nothing bad seemed to have happened. I thought I might say something that will make Hinata disappointed, turned off or even disgusted, but our mood seems to have matched. Or so I thought at the time. Now, again, I start to suspect that he might have just been politely quiet about it.

「気に入った?何か嫌なことでもあった?正直に言ってください!」 "Did you like it? Anything I did turned you off? You can tell me honestly!"

「(F/N).落ち着いて.」 "(F/N). Relax."

「うん.」 "Okay."

And I relax.

「好きなだけでなく,必要なら別れてから最高のオーガズムだったよ.体が軽いんだ.」 "Not only did I like it, but it was the best orgasm since we had to part, if you need to know. I feel so light."

He sighs and continues:

「(F/N)が恋しい.(F/N)と一緒にいて,(F/N)とセックスするのが恋しい.愛してるよ,(F/N).不安になってるんだから,それを思い出すのにちょうどいい時期なんだね.」 "I miss you. I miss being with you and having sex with you. I love you, (F/N). It's the right time to remind you about that, since you're getting insecure."

「翔陽が愛してる.」 "I love you."

「(F/N)は,気に入った?」 "What about you, did you like it?"

「もちろん!」 "Yes!"

I giggle and hide my face in the pillow. I confess:

「またいつかやりたい.翔陽は自然に言葉が出てくるけど,何を言われても興奮するような気がするんだ.翔陽のことを考えると,つまり,翔陽なんだ!..」 "I want to do it again sometime. You're so naturally good with words, but I feel like anything you would've said would turn me on. When I think about you, I mean, it's you!.."

I squeal.

「はは,共感するよ.(F/N)の言葉に対する僕の反応は,僕の期待を上回るものだったよ.」 "Ha-ha, I can relate. My reaction to your words exceeded my expectations, you know."

「翔陽,質問があるんだ.」 "Shoyo, I have a question."

「うん?」 "Mm?"

「なぜバイブを買えと言ったんだ?」 "Why did you tell me to get a vibrator?"

「えっと,つまり,自分で使えるように,気持ちよく使えるようにということなんだっ」 "Um, I mean, so that you can use it on your own, it's supposed to feel good-"

I cut him off:

「バイブのことは知っているよ.」 "I know what a vibrator is."

I'm not living under a rock. I try to ask again:

「知りたいことは,なぜ自分以外のものが私の中に入ってくることを望むのか,ということだ.」 "I want to know, why would you want anything to be inside of me other than yourself?"

「あ?実はいい質問なんだ.」 "Huh? That's actually a good question."

He pauses.

「考えてみよう.(F/N)が自分で自分を満足させるとき,満たされるとき,それが好きなとき,僕はホットだと思う.でも,はっきりさせたいのは,(F/N)の中に他の人が入ってくるのは嫌だ.」 "Let me see. I find it hot when you satisfy yourself, when you get filled up and you like that. But to be crystal clear, I don't want anyone else inside of you."

My possessiveness triumphs.

「他の女と寝ないでほしい...私たちは排他的だろう?そうだろう?」 "And I don't want you to sleep with another girl... We're exclusive, right? Right?"

A mini panic attack binds me. How did I not make it sure earlier?

「そうだよ.」 "Yes."

「よかった...」 "I'm glad..."

「いやー,(F/N)は時々,本当にびっくりするほど僕のことを低く見ているね.もっとオープンになろうよ.僕は(F/N)と一緒にいたい.でも,もう行かなくちゃ,片付けないと...」 "Wow, you sometimes really surprise me how low of me you think. Let's be more open? I want to be with you, (F/N). But now I gotta go, let me clean up..."

「もちろん!また後でね!そして,バイブの話を持ち出したからには,手伝ってもらわないとね!」 "Sure! Talk to you later! And you will have to help me with the vibrator since you brought that up!"

「好きなやつをプレゼントとして送るよ.どう?」 "I'll even send you the one you like as a present. Deal?"

「いいね!」 "Deal!"

Isn't this modern romance?