

Country Info: U.R.K. or the United Republic of Kahne, its a separate continent in the middle of the pacific ocean. It has a land mass of 7.4 million km², with a population of 212.8 Million. Age: 183 Y/o

Country Flag: https://ibb.co/qJDVBHr

Country Map: https://ibb.co/85Lnjns

Story info: This Story takes place in 2045, three years after the NATO-Coalition War (really just WW3) took place where Russian attacked Estonia when trying to reform the soviet union. When the rest of NATO came to help, Russian, Chinese, and North Korean Troops were waiting on the other side of Russia's border ready to repeal the NATO troops. However, what they were not expecting was the United Republic of Kahne had join forces with NATO as the USA was it's ally.

The Coalition not expecting intervention from the Pacific Ocean until much later, was brutally attacked by URK and USA troops. The USA targeting China, while the URK targeted NK then providing backup to the American troops. Taiwan joined the war reform the Republic of China, providing even more backup to the American and Kahne troops.

The troops did what Nazi Germany and the USSR did to Poland back in WW2, where they enclosed on the countries from both sides. With the Coalition being unprepared for a pacific ocean assault a large portion of all 3 Coalition countries where lost to NATO.

The war started in 2035 and ended in 2042, with almost double the casualties from WW2. But in the end 3 countries, new and old were formed. The Republic of China, Unified Korea, and the Republic of Russia.

Now, lets head to a storm that's brewing under the continent of Kahne...