
Gracier & Madaras

As the two girls gazed at Rhode, he was astounded that he couldn't sense their line of sight at all, which was really rare.

Even though he might not be in the best of health after the battle with the Duke Fiend, his sharp senses didn't disappear because of that. This was enough to prove the capabilities of the two girls.

They were indeed 'Elves of the Wind'.

Rhode gasped in admiration. If he wasn't gazing at their faces, he definitely wouldn't be aware of their existence and react accordingly. They were the most powerful assassins of the Elf race. Rhode had once read about the Elf Assassins on the forums and he had to say, the Elves had the perfect qualities for assassins. They were agile, quick, experts in camouflaging themselves with the terrain, and skillful in bows and arrows, as well as ambushes. Perhaps there would be more Elf Assassins if they weren't proud in nature and hated these insidious practices.