
summoning system:waifu is here!

kuro an ordinary student living an ordinary life. Now drastically changed the struggle for power, wealth and love. will begin

Human_Imagination · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

First Travel Companion

Hearing the laughing voice of the young man's figure Yuri was very upset.

"Hey don't just laugh, please help me!" Yuri said angrily.

"Okay, okay" said Kuro while laughing.

Kuro took the rope in the bag and tied it to the tree then lowered the other end down.

Yuri took the rope that was stretched out by Kuro and tried to climb up.

After climbing with the help of the kuro's pull he managed to climb the tree.

Sitting on a tree..

"Hello, my name is Yuri," said Yuri, holding out his hand.

"hello yuri, my name is Kurozaki Kenzi, can be called kuro" Yuri shook hands gently.

The two of them chatted and told the purpose of their respective trips.

"Oh so you want to go to the sky academy? I also want to go there" said Kuro while leaning against a tree.

"Yes but I don't have a map that leads there" Yuri looks sad.

Seeing this, Kuro stroked Yuri's hair.

Yuri was annoyed and puffed out her cheeks.

"How about you just come with me?" Kuro said smiling and then asked.

hearing this Yuri's eyes were full of stars and planets.

"Really? Yei" Yuri cheered.

Being affected by the smoke from yesterday's book Yuri's character changed somewhat.

He always felt the urge to drink human blood.

"Yeah, after all I'm alone more and more friends on the trip so it won't be boring." Kuro said.

"Have you eaten?" asked Kuro.

touched Yuri's stomach hehe "I haven't been busy looking for a place to rest" Yuri's face turned red and she was very embarrassed.

"Okay here I have cup instant noodles" Kuro took out cup instant noodles and warm water tremos.

"hehe thank you" Yuri said taking the noodles and starting to open the lid put your seasoning and pouring warm water waiting for 5 minutes then eating it with a happy expression.

"Haha you look like you haven't eaten in a year," Kuro laughed lightly.

"Hehe, I'm a fan of instant noodles since I was little, the taste of the spices is good, especially the fried instant noodles," said Yuri enthusiastically.

"If I like rendang and balado-flavoured noodles," said Kuro while drooling.

finished eating Yuri took the cocoon bed and fell asleep soundly.

while Kuro looked around for 1 hour, feeling safe he went to lean back and went to sleep.

At midnight ....

Kuro who was sleeping felt a bite on his neck when he opened his eyes he saw the girl with blonde hair had bitten his neck and sucked his blood.

Before that...

On a quiet night under the soft moonlight.

Yuri's hair color changed to blonde, long fangs emerged from her mouth.

Suddenly Yuri opened his eyes, seeing that his pupils had turned a blood red color that glowed in the dark.

"I need blood thirsty" Yuri said hoarsely.

Seeing Kuro's body he approached him slowly, squatting in front of Kuro he started stroking his neck and Bringing Yuri closer to his mouth that showed sharp and long fangs.

Yuri bit Kuro's neck sucking his blood greedily.

Kuro who was sleeping felt a bite on his neck when he opened his eyes he saw the girl with blonde hair had bitten his neck and sucked his blood.

"Ah enemy" Kuro rushed to lock Yuri's body and asked Yuri.

"Who are you? Why are you sucking my blood? Are you a monster?" Kuro keeps asking questions.

Yuri smiled faintly and said "my name is Elena and I'll be back later!" said Elena slowly turning into Yuri's figure again.

Seeing this Kuro was surprised "Ah Yuri?" He looked confused to see Yuri's body lying in his arms.

"Why did he turn into a monster? What is it?" Kuro was still confused.

he finally put it aside and put it back on his bed.

He plans to ask tomorrow, if he might he knows the words in his heart and he falls asleep

January 3, 900 orders☆

the next day.....

at 5 in the morning Kuro got up and went looking for edible leaves and fruit.

after 1 hour he finally got 2 wild apples and 2 ear mushrooms.

back to rest he still saw yuri still sleeping.

Kuro did not climb up the tree but he sat under the tree with a dun pedestal.

removing the mushrooms and fruit he got he cleaned them using the water he brought.

after cleaning he put the apples into the bag and took 2 cups of instant noodles.

Opening the cup, he cut into small pieces 1 mushroom in one cup of noodles.

After placing the mushrooms in the cup, Kuro poured warm water and closed the cup noodles with the original lid.

while waiting his eyes looked up and shouted "Yuri wake up!!! breakfast is ready"

after 2x shout yuri wake up.

hearing a voice from below yuri woke up rubbing her eyes and yawning.

but he forgot that he was sleeping on a tree.

Buag Yuri fell from the top of the tree headfirst.

"Ouch" Yuri grimaced as he touched his coconut.

He looked at Kuro angrily "This is all because of Garamu," said Yuri while puffing his cheeks.

Seeing this Kuro laughed out loud.

"I just wanted to wake you up for breakfast." said Kuro while handing him fresh mushroom noodles.

Yuri was still angry but he still took the noodles that Kuro gave him.

After giving the noodles to Yuri Kuro opened the bag and took the sambal and lime.

"Squeeze this lime and add a spoonful of this chili sauce on top of the noodles." said Kuro, handing over half of the lime and sambal kota to Yuri.

taking it from Kuro he put 1 spoonful of sambak into the noodles, don't forget to squeeze the lime.

after adding these 2 things the aroma of the noodles is getting better "wow the smell makes me drool" yuri drooled.

after stirring it yuri eat quickly because the taste is very good.

His face looks red from the heat and spiciness.

On the other side, Kuro also put the sambal into the noodles and

Squeeze the other half of the lime over the noodles

Then he eats slowly.

Because it tastes good yuri finished her food within 1 minute.

He looked at the noodles in Kuro's hands with hopeful eyes.

Seeing this Kuro smiled a little "hey if you want?, you can take mine, I still have a lot" Kuro handed over the noodles.

"Really? Thank you!" said Yuri happily his expression looked cute.

taking part of the kuro he continued to eat voraciously.

Meanwhile, Kuro took out the apple that was picked earlier.

This apple tastes sweet, the color of this apple is yellow with a sweet and sour taste.

Seeing Kuro's innocent behavior discouraged him from asking Yuri, what happened yesterday will be kept a secret for now.

when the time is right he will ask the truth.

After finishing their breakfast, the two of them started their long journey.

On the other hand ....

Luak Village is now in a state of chaos due to the wave of c level monster attacks.

the adventurers were still trying to withstand the monster's attack while waiting for help.

but there are still some monsters managed to escape.

the wave of monsters was led by a level B leader.

The surrendered monster was an ogere, an ogere was a bear-like monster with a green body without earlobe.
