
Summoning Shadows: The Demon's Pact

Following Cedric's heartbreaking death, Harry Potter and his friends are driven to the brink, employing dark magic to summon a demon named Etna to defeat Lord Voldemort. However, their plan spirals out of control when Etna emerges as an unpredictable force with a mysterious agenda. As Harry and his allies grapple with the volatile nature of their demonic pact, they uncover the perilous realities of engaging with the supernatural. "Summoning Shadows: A Pact with Darkness" delves into the unforeseen trials and tribulations of their alliance, highlighting the precarious balance between control and chaos in their quest for justice. Dive deeper into the thrilling world of "Summoning Shadows: A Pact with Darkness"! Advanced chapters are available exclusively on my Patreon. Check it out and join the adventure at [patreon.com/HalyxStark] to explore the unfolding complexities of Harry's pact with a demon. Don't miss out!

Halyx_Stark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Whispers of Allegiance

"Professor McGonagall," said Hermione, watching Luna return with Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Granger. Would you care to explain why you have just stunned three sixth years, including the sixth year girl's prefect?"

"They were physically assaulting Luna Lovegood, Professor. I'm afraid I did act a little rashly, but she is a friend of mine, and I thought it better to stun them first before it escalated to violence."

"And there is also the matter of your training," commented McGonagall.

"Yes, Professor. There is also that," replied Hermione.

"I assume, then, that is why you did not escalate this, Miss Lovegood?"

"Oh, yes," replied Luna, quite lucidly. It made Hermione suspect otherwise.

" Rennervate," cast McGonagall, waking all three girls. "Miss Yaxley, Miss Greengrass, and Miss Edgecombe. Please explain why you are unconscious in a school hallway?"

"She assaulted us," said Marietta Edgecombe. "She cast spells at our backs, knocking us out."

"She assaulted you?" asked McGonagall. "Three against one, and then she went and found me? I am not your parents, girls. I cannot be baffled with your bullshit. For assaulting a student you have already maligned for the past four years, you have a week's detention, and you are required to follow school dress code when it comes to wearing things on your hands. Surrender your gloves."

"You can't do this!" said Teresa.

"I can, and I am. We allowed you the courtesy of wearing gloves, and now it is obvious we should not have. Evanesco ."

With that, the girls' gloves disappeared, and on the back of their hands was carved the word "THIEF."

"Then what are you going to do about the person who did this?" asked Samantha. "We're still being verbally assaulted every day."

"As both I, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Dumbledore have determined, there is no spell cast upon you, Miss Greengrass. There has not been any spell cast upon you, except the one that marked your hands, and that has already dissipated."

"We demand justice from this school!" said Marietta Edgecombe.

"And you are receiving it, Miss Edgecombe. You are reaping what you have sown. Now be off with you." McGonagall watched the three sixth years leave, before turning to Hermione and Luna. She considered them for a moment. "Miss Granger, twenty points to Gryffindor for excellent spellwork."


"I am not blind, Miss Granger. Both Professors Snape and Flitwick were highly impressed with your spellwork with the Ravens. Now, if this escalates wands, I do not want you physically harming either of them. I know Miss de Malebolge has been teaching you rather violent spells, if Mister Potter's altercation with Kingsley is any indication."

"Yes, Professor," replied Hermione.

"Thank you, Professor," replied Luna.

The pair of them watched as Professor McGonagall left, headed back to her classroom.

"Voices?" asked Luna.

"They've been calling you loony for the past four years. They deserve to have someone call them names."

Luna gave her an annoyed look.

"That's not nice, Hermione. You've had your revenge, you've beaten them back, now let them lick their wounds and change their minds. Call of whichever ghost you've asked."

"Alright," replied Hermione. "How did you know it was a ghost?"

"How else would have tricked Dumbledore?"

At this, Hermione nodded.

"So who did you ask?" added Luna.

"Myrtle," replied Hermione.

"She would. She's a very lonely ghost. She's very nice, though. What did you give her in exchange?"

"The present password to the prefect's bathroom."

"It's warded against ghosts?"

"Percy complained about it enough last year. Myrtle would, err, look in on him when he was in there, sometimes."

Luna nodded sagely.

"And now she can look in on Ron, I presume?"

"Anthony Goldstein, actually."

Luna cocked her head at that.

"So… about that kiss," said Hermione.

"Don't worry, I have many more just like it."

And with that, Hermione found herself pushed up against the wall.

Etna snorted in amusement at the sight of a very happy Luna, and a very confused Hermione, before turning back to Harry and Ginny. One of the few times they could spend any time together, it seemed, was during meals. Etna had, after a very terse conversation with Ginny, forced Harry to spend meals in the Great Hall, rather than in the kitchens or, more often than not, in training.

It's not like Harry cared about skipping a few meals, after all.

On the plus side, Ginny was making sure Harry was eating enough. Etna supposed that was a good thing. The boy didn't eat enough as it was, and the training was making him fill out.

Etna turned back to Ron, who was both trying to hide, and trying to stuff his face as quickly as possible. Which was when Elizabeth arrived, and tapped him on the shoulder.

Etna wanted to openly laugh at him for quaking with fear, but she thought it was best to not interfere.



"You're going to Hogsmeade with me." There was no question here.


And with that, Elizabeth walked away.

"Was that Millicent's big sister?" asked Dean

Ron nodded, terrified.

"Why's she taking you to Hogsmeade?"

Ron shrugged. It was Neville that chimed in.

"Bulstrodes are an old family," said Neville, "but they aren't lookers. Ron, I think you're doomed."

Ron nodded. He was a pureblood. He understood.

"An old family? What does that have to do with anything?" asked Dean.

"They only marry into other old families, and the Weasleys are another old, pure family. Maybe a little more light-sided than their usual fair, but my grandmother was a Bulstrode."

"Neville, your grandmother is the one who wears that stuffed vulture on her head, right?"

Neville nodded.

"Your gran is scary Neville."

At this, Neville shrugged.

"As long as the family's pure, the Bulstrodes don't care wear the daughters go. Sons are important, and they go to, er… proper families."

At this, Dean nodded, the light clicking in his brain.

"So she's picked Ron?"

"I'd say so," said Neville, looking at Ron.

Ron looked suitably horrified.

"She's… she's interested in me ?"

"I'd say so. And I don't think there's a way to escape, either," added Neville.

"You're doomed, boyo," said Etna, slapping him on the back, smiling.

"This is all your fault, you know."

"Oh, I know. That's why I know you're doomed. I know there's no escape. She's sunk her claws into you, and you will become hers . I'm sure she'll only break a few bones when she claims you."

Ron sat there in quiet horror.

"Etna, stop torturing my brother," commented Ginny.

"Why? It's fun."

"Because he's an easy target, and you can do better."

"I guess."

"What about Hermione?"

"She's stolen Luna from me. I'm not speaking to her right now."

Ginny looked to the Ravenclaw table, to see Luna speaking with a bewildered Hermione.

"Wow," replied Ginny. "I didn't know Hermione could be confused."

"Luna's good at that. It's kind of annoying, seeing as how it took real effort and planning to kill the very concept of Hermione and Ron being together. And then she just swoops in and steals her away."


"So, anyways, how are you and Harry?"

"We're a bit annoyed with you, for keeping us apart so much," said Ginny. Etna's eyes flicked to Harry's, whose face had gone stoney with lack of emotion. She smirked.

"Really? The pair of you are?" asked Etna.

"Yes, the pair of us. We'd like more time to be together as a couple! I mean, you didn't even let him go to Hogsmeade last weekend. And neither of you have explained what happened during that time."

Etna nodded in understanding, putting her hand on Ginny's shoulder.

"Some things, Ginny, are best not known."

"I think I should know."

"And I think if Harry wanted you to know, he'd tell you."

"Harry wouldn't tell anybody if he'd been stabbed by Malfoy, except to complain Snape let him do it."

At this, Etna shrugged.

"Which is why you'll tell me," said Ginny, smug.

Etna leaned forward, her smile spreading wide, fangs lengthening.

"Little girl, I survive based on the secrets I keep," she whispered. "You'll get nothing from me."

At this, Ginny fell silent.

"Hey, Ron?"

"Yeah?" asked Ron, surprised that Ginny was in his room. She took a seat on his bed, and watched him fold clothing.

"Do you think Harry trusts me?"

"Of course. He trusts me, dun't he?"

At this, Ginny nodded.


"Your welcome," said Ron, turning back to his truck, hoping it would have an answer on how to escape Elizabeth.


"Yes, Ginny?"

"Does Harry trust me?"

"No," replied Hermione. Ginny thought it was a little too immediate for a response from Hermione.

"Why not?"

"Ginny… Harry barely trusts me."

And that answer had Ginny stunned.

"You? But, you've been friends for years ."

"Yes, and so what?"

"But, but…"

"Ginny… I know Harry the best of anybody there is. What little trust I've been given by him, I will never betray, because I know he will never betray me. All I will say is this. What I know about Harry, the Real Harry, isn't much."

Ginny was utterly silent.

"You really think he doesn't trust me?"

"I don't think, Ginerva. I know."

"Is there… is there anything I can do?"

Hermione stared at her for a long moment.

"There are three things. Don't ever lie to him. Don't ever betray him. Don't ever treat him like the Boy-Who-Lived."

"But Ron-"

"But nothing. Ron's an insensitive prat. He thinks Harry is the rich kid who gets everything, and leaves nothing behind for Ron."

"Then why hang around him?"

"Because Ron makes Harry feel normal. And that might be the reason he stays with you, is it makes him feel normal."


"Like everyone else."

"Why would Harry want to be like everyone else? He's the Boy-Who-Lived."

Hermione looked to be about to say something, but then frowned and shook her head.

Harry walked into the Room of Requirements, to find a quiet, cozy room with weapons lining the walls.

"You're early," commented Etna, her fountain pen moving across the pages of a small, leather-bound book. She was dressed in her usual costume of leather tube-top and mini-skirt.

"I guess," said Harry. He knew for a fact he wasn't early. He arrived at the same time every day, especially with the mandated dinners. His quick once-over of the room didn't reveal any traps, so he looked back at Etna, and then walked up and looked over her shoulder.

"You have a diary?"

"Yes, alright? I am female, you know."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that."

"Good. There's hope for you yet," said Etna, snapping the diary shut before Harry could really read anything out of it.

"Why do you have a diary?"

"Because, it helps me organize my thoughts, that's why. Now come on. So how's everything with Ginny?" asked Etna, standing up, and giving Harry a strange smile.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I want you to win. And part of winning, is having a balanced life."

"You don't seem to care to much about that balance."

"Oh, I assure you, I've paid very careful attention to that balance," said Etna, stepping closer to Harry.

"Oh, really?" said Harry, backing up into the wall.

"Oh, yes," said Etna. She was standing very close to Harry, now. "And I'm going to explain something very important. I know Ginny's type. She still hasn't gotten over this whole Boy-Who-Lived thing. She'll claim otherwise, she'll try to treat you like a regular human being, but in her mind, you're her knight in shining armor. You've saved her, and there's no escape from that. She will never see you otherwise. She'll do whatever it takes to tie the knot with you, even if it means getting pregnant with your child. Do you understand me?"

Harry was silent.

"Of course you do. You're bright, intelligent. You hide it, but you know. You understand." Etna smiled, her ears lengthening, her eyes glowing with an inner light. She licked her lips, and her fangs became more prevalent, and Harry watched as her wings and tail freed themselves from her back. And he realized that the tube top and miniskirt covered very, very little. He suddenly found himself rather uncomfortable.

"You're going to be honest about what I'm doing, right now," said Etna. "You're going to tell Ginny, and beg her forgiveness, because in your head it's clearly your fault, because in your head everything's your fault. And she'll forgive you, because I'm a demon. Obviously, trying to steal people's boyfriends is what I do."

Harry felt Etna's tail wrapping around his thigh, tightening and loosening, gripping and rubbing. He was more uncomfortable, but in a very different way.

"And suddenly, she'll be clingy. She'll be wanting to stand next to you all the time, hovering over and around you all the time. And you'll hate it . You'll despise it . You can't stand someone who hovers, someone needy and clingy, someone who demands your attention all the time. You weren't raised like she was raised, and you don't understand why anyone would do it. And she won't understand that, she won't get it. If she doesn't get it, she gets angry, and then to appease her, you have to be around her. And then, finally, you'll get sick of it. You'll get sick of someone saying they love you, even though they don't really love you . And you'll find someone who isn't needy. Who isn't whiney and clingy. Who doesn't know you as the Boy-Who-Lived, and just wants you for who you are, not who everybody else wants you to be."

"And who would that be?" asked Harry, already knowing the answer.

"Don't be an idiot," replied Etna. She promptly grabbed his head, and dragged him down for a kiss that was far, far better than anything else he'd ever experienced.

Dive deeper into the thrilling world of "Summoning Shadows: A Pact with Darkness"! Advanced chapters are available exclusively on my Patreon. Check it out and join the adventure at [patreon.com/HalyxStark] to explore the unfolding complexities of Harry's pact with a demon. Don't miss out!

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