
Chapter 1

**Chapter 1: Awakening in the White Void**

In the endless expanse of white, where the horizon merged seamlessly with the sky, Ethan opened his eyes. He was sixteen, with a head full of dreams and a heart eager for adventure, but this... this was beyond anything he had ever imagined.

The white space was disorienting, endless, and unnaturally still. He sat up, looking around, half-expecting to see the familiar posters of video games and anime characters plastered on his bedroom walls. But there was nothing. Just white.

"Where am I?" Ethan's voice echoed, amplifying his solitude.

Then, it appeared. A small, floating screen in front of him, shimmering with an ethereal light. It read: **Welcome to the Summoner's Void, Ethan. You have been chosen.**

Chosen? Ethan's heart raced. He stood up, approaching the screen cautiously. "Chosen for what?"

**You have been granted the System: 'Blade Summoner'. With it, you can summon any swordsman from fictional stories across video games, anime, and manga.**

Ethan's eyes widened. Was this a dream? He had spent countless hours immersed in stories, idolizing characters who wielded swords with skill and bravery. And now...

**Your journey begins now. To return to your world, you must first master the System. Summon your first swordsman to learn more.**

How was he supposed to do that? Ethan focused on the screen, thinking of his favorite swordsman. In a flash of light, a figure materialized before him. It was Guts, the Black Swordsman from 'Berserk', his massive sword resting on his shoulder.

Ethan's jaw dropped. "Guts?"

Guts looked around, his gaze finally resting on Ethan. "Where am I? And who are you?"

Ethan's mind raced. How was he supposed to explain this? "I... I think I summoned you here. I have this system... it allows me to summon swordsmen from different worlds."

Guts narrowed his eyes, assessing Ethan. "A summoner, huh? And what do you want from me?"

"I need to learn," Ethan said, his voice firm despite his racing heart. "I need to understand this power, how to use it, and how to get back to my world."

Guts grunted, sheathing his sword. "Fine. I'll help you. But know this, boy: the path of the sword is no game. It's life and death."

Ethan nodded, determination setting in. He was in a realm beyond his wildest dreams, with powers that defied reality. It was terrifying, exhilarating, and he was ready to embrace it.

Together, with the Black Swordsman by his side, Ethan took his first step into the vast unknown of the Summoner's Void, towards a destiny that was his to forge.

As Ethan stood beside Guts, the enormity of his situation began to sink in. The white void around him seemed to stretch into infinity, a blank canvas upon which his new journey would be painted.

Ethan turned to Guts, his mind buzzing with questions. "How does this work? How do I use the System?"

Guts looked at the endless white around them, his expression unreadable. "I'm not sure. In my world, strength comes from within, not from systems or magic."

Ethan nodded, understanding the Black Swordsman's perspective. Yet, the reality he faced now was governed by different rules. He focused on the floating screen, and as if responding to his thoughts, it displayed a new message: To master the Blade Summoner System, you must train with your summoned swordsman and complete challenges within the Void.

"Challenges?" Ethan echoed, his curiosity piqued.

Guts shifted, his hand resting on the hilt of his massive sword. "Challenges mean combat, boy. Are you ready for that?"

Ethan felt a surge of adrenaline. He had always been fascinated by swordplay, albeit only through the screen of his games and shows. "I have to be ready. I want to understand this power and use it to go back home."

The screen flickered, and a new message appeared: First Challenge: Basic Swordsmanship. Train with your swordsman and master the basic skills.

Guts nodded. "Let's begin then. Swordsmanship is not just about wielding a blade. It's about balance, focus, and understanding your enemy."

Ethan listened intently as Guts began to instruct him. The Black Swordsman's teachings were harsh but fair, pushing Ethan to his limits. He learned to hold a sword, to strike, and to move with purpose. Each swing and parry took him a step further in his understanding of the System.

As they trained, the white void around them seemed to pulse with life, reacting to Ethan's growing confidence and skill. Days passed, or at least, what felt like days in this timeless space.

Finally, after what seemed like endless repetition and practice, the screen glowed brightly. Challenge Complete. Basic Swordsmanship Mastery Achieved.

Ethan dropped his sword, panting. He had never felt so exhausted, yet so alive. "I did it," he breathed out.

Guts, who had been a relentless teacher, gave a rare nod of approval. "You have potential, boy. But this is just the beginning. The path of the sword is long and unforgiving."

Ethan looked at the screen, wondering what was next. The void around them started to shift, colors swirling into existence, forming a new landscape. It seemed the System was preparing him for the next challenge.

As the scenery solidified into a dense forest, Ethan knew his journey in the Summoner's Void was just beginning. With each challenge, he would grow stronger, summon more swordsmen, and perhaps, uncover the secrets of this mysterious realm.

Guts stood beside him, a steadfast ally in this unpredictable world. Together, they stepped forward into the forest, ready to face whatever the System had in store for them. The adventure was unfolding, and Ethan was at its heart, a Summoner navigating a path filled with danger, discovery, and destiny.

As Ethan and Guts ventured into the newly formed forest, the environment around them seemed to pulsate with a life of its own, reacting to Ethan's presence and his growing connection with the Blade Summoner System. The trees towered above them, their leaves whispering secrets of this mysterious realm.

Ethan felt the weight of the sword in his hand, a tangible reminder of the reality he now faced. "Guts, what do you think this forest is? Is it part of the challenge?"

Guts scanned the surroundings, his eyes sharp. "Could be. In my world, every forest has its dangers. Be on your guard."

They moved cautiously, Ethan's senses heightened to an unprecedented level. The lessons with Guts had not only sharpened his swordsmanship but also his awareness. Every sound, every movement in the forest seemed amplified.

Suddenly, the screen appeared again, floating in front of Ethan. Next Challenge: Survival Skills. Adapt to your environment and survive against natural and unnatural threats.

"Survival skills?" Ethan murmured, reading the message. The challenge seemed straightforward, but he knew better than to underestimate the System.

Guts grunted in agreement. "Surviving isn't just about fighting. You need to be aware of your surroundings, find food, water, shelter. And always be prepared for unexpected threats."

As if on cue, a low growl echoed through the trees. Ethan tensed, gripping his sword tighter. From the shadows, a pack of creatures emerged, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. They were unlike any animals Ethan had seen, a twisted mix of wolf and something far more sinister.

"Ethan, stay focused," Guts warned, drawing his massive sword. "Remember your training. Balance and focus."

The creatures attacked, and the forest erupted into chaos. Ethan moved instinctively, his training with Guts guiding him. He struck with precision, his movements fluid and purposeful. Beside him, Guts was a whirlwind of deadly efficiency, his sword cutting through the creatures with ease.

The battle raged, and Ethan found himself adapting to the rhythm of combat. He was no longer just a boy who loved sword-fighting games; he was a warrior, fighting for survival in a realm beyond his understanding.

After what seemed like hours, the last of the creatures fell, and the forest fell silent once more. Ethan stood, panting, his sword dripping with the strange, dark blood of the creatures.

The screen flickered. Challenge Progress: Survival Skills 20%. Continue to adapt and survive.

Ethan wiped his brow. "Twenty percent? That means…"

Guts sheathed his sword, his expression grim. "That means we've only just begun. This forest, these challenges… they're testing us, pushing us. You need to be ready for anything."

Ethan nodded, determination steeling his resolve. He looked around the forest, now seeing it not just as a threat, but as a place of learning and growth. He would master the Blade Summoner System, he would survive, and he would find his way back home.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Ethan felt a change within him. He was no longer just reacting to the challenges; he was anticipating them, growing stronger with each step. The Summoner's Void was his crucible, and he was being forged into something new, something powerful.

The chapter of Ethan's journey in the Summoner's Void was just beginning, a tale of swordsmanship, survival, and the search for a way home. In this realm of endless possibilities, he would face trials, forge alliances, and discover the depths of his own strength and courage.