

It was now or never. If fletcher didn't make this kill, he would go hungry tonight. Dusk was fast approaching and he was already running late. He needs to make his way back to the village soon or the gates will close. If that happened he would either have to bribe the guards with money he didn't have or take his chances in the woods overnight.

T the young elk had just finished rubbing it antlers against a tall pine. scraping the soft velvet that coat in them to leave the sharp tines beneath. from its small size and stature Fletcher could tell it was a juvenile, sporting its first set of antlers. it was a fine specimen with glossy fur and bright, intelligent eyes.

Fletcher felt almost ashamed to hunt such a majestic creature yet he was already adding up its value in his head. the thick coat would do well when the fur Traders came by especially as it was now winter, it would probably make at least five shillings. the antlers were in good condition, if a little small, they may fetch for shillings if he was lucky. it was the meat he craved the most gamy red venison that would drip sizzling fat into his cooking fire.

a thick mist hung heavy in the Air, Coating Fletcher in a thin layer of dew. the forest was unusually still normally the wind rattles the branches, allowing him to step through the undergrowth unheard. now he barely allowed himself to breathe.

he on slung his bow and nooked and arrow in to it. it was his best arrow the shaft straight and true, the fletching from good goose feathers rather than the cheap Turkey feathers he bought in the market. he took a shallow breath and drew back on the bowstring, it was slippery on his fingers, he had coated it in goose fat protected from moisture in the air.

the point swam in and out of focus as he centered it on the elk. Fletcher was crouched a good 100-ft away, hidden in the tall grass a difficult shot, but the lack of wind brought its own rewards no gust jar that arrow and it's flight.