
The Stage Play and Iron Golems

"What's wrong, mage kid? Stand up. Put up your defences once more."

"Yes, ma'am!" With that, Jiuru casted another magic barrier to protect himself from Zelentriya's barrage of powerful magics.

After we recruited him yesterday, Jiuru told us that his firepower is not that great, but he's proud of his barriers. According to him, he specializes in different types of barriers and some buff skills. Jiuru graduated from the Royal Magic Academy located in the Light Kingdom's—this kingdom where we're currently living—royal capital. He started attending when he was eight, three months after he registered as an adventurer. He lived there alone for twelve years. Since Jiuru is an adventurer, he does not need to take another part-time job, unless he wants to. Even Bronze-I rank adventurers gain profits pretty well in gathering quests. After twelve years in the academy, he graduated as a valedictorian due to his academic achievements in the field of magic.

Now, that valedictorian is taking a beating from Zelentriya. For some reason, she has taken a liking to Jiuru and decided to train him in the backyard of our house. I guess it's fine since it's pretty wide. I think she's trying to increase the durability and duration of his magic barrier.

I thought Jenna and Diul would rather have their son live with them, but they gave an okay pretty easily. "Zelentriya. Don't push him too hard, alright?" I told Zelentriya.

"I know, I know," she replied.

I left out a sigh and went back inside the house to eat my breakfast. It's our day-off today so we're free to do whatever we want.

When I arrived in the kitchen, Aelee was already placing my and her breakfast at the table.

"My bad, you had to make another set. But you should've eaten with them earlier, Aelee." Since I was too tired yesterday, I slept like a log.

"It's alright. Besides, I want to eat with you every chance I get. So don't worry about it, okay?" she smiled.

Ugh! That smile is too bright for a person who just woke up! "I see… Well, let's eat." We both sat down and started our breakfast together.

"Do you have plans for today, Greo?" Aelee asked.

"Not really. You?"

"Is that so…?" Aelee thought for a bit and asked, "Can you accompany me after this?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied. "Where are you going?"

"There's this staff that I saw the day before yesterday when I was out to get groceries. I think I've saved enough oires for it, so I want to get it today."

That reminds me, she's been using magic without any mediums. Not even a staff, rod or wand. There sure are talented people out there.

Hmm…? Zelentriya isn't using one either, and yet, she's that strong. Even the fire wolf that could annihilate a town didn't even think of fighting her. I thought. "Alright. Let's go after we're done eating."




After finishing our breakfast and telling Jiuru and Zelentriya to take a break, we headed outside. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the market.

"Oh yeah. While we're here, should we buy things for your room, Aelee?"

"Oh, that's right!" Aelee clapped her hands once. "I also wanted to get some new curtains. Alright! Let's buy thing for my room first, Greo," Aelee urged as she quickly took one of my hands and led the way.

She sounds pretty excited. Oh, it's that time of the month. I guess I'll take her to the central plaza once we're done shopping.

We quickly got done shopping for her room. After that, we went to the store where Aelee saw the staff she wanted to get. It's a three-story building located near the north gate of the town.

Once we entered the door, we were greeted by one of the employees with a warm smile, "Welcome to Blanche Trading. How may I be of assistance?"

"Aelee. I'll check out their other products while you're looking for the staff. Take your time."

"Alright." Aelee nodded.

This store doesn't only sell weapons; there are also armor, potions, and other daily necessities for adventurers and common people alike. I guess I'll check out their daggers. It's not like I need to replace my current one, but it would be better if I had a spare.

Oh...! This one is nice. It's both light and sharp. How much is this? Uwah! 300,000 oires. What about this one? This one…. you can infuse it with magic, but it only has one edge. Isn't this a knife? 500,000 oires!?

I checked each and every dagger that I could before Aelee went back. I decided to buy the first one that I saw earlier and place it on the belt around my waist. The left side has my original dagger, and the right one has the spare. Now, even if I throw one of them, I'll still have another one.

"Greo! I bought it."

Aelee came back with a white staff in her hand. It's 120 cm tall, and the head has a small white cross inside the blue circle frame. It shines brightly when mana is passed onto it. It looks like it amplifies the user's healing spells. It's a perfect fit for her. Aelee's so beautiful with that staff. Along with the sunlight shining on her back, she looked exactly like one of those goddess glass murals in church. Aelee is already attractive in the first place and adding that staff accentuates her beauty.

"Uh… Greo?"

Ah, I'm staring too much. "My bad. It just fits you perfectly, so I couldn't help but admire you for a little bit."

"I-Is that so?" Aelee looks a little embarrassed. "Anyway. Did you see anything you liked?"

"Oh right. I bought this dagger." I showed her by tapping the new dagger on my waist.

"That's a silver dagger, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's pretty light and easy to handle. I bought this as a spare."

"I see. That's a good idea. You have a habit of throwing your dagger after all."

"Right… Is that all you need to buy?"


"Then, let's go to the central plaza."




We arrived at the central plaza.

Different stalls were lined up on the three streets leading to the plaza itself, and a big stage was erected in the middle. This is where everyone watches different kinds of performances, like dancing, singing, or stand-up comedy, but the most famous of them all is a play. The townsfolk are always looking forward to it.

The number of people here is no joke. Light Kingdom is also famous for its plays even outside of the kingdom, and some people from foreign lands come here just for the sake of watching the play. There are three plays that happen in the morning, noon, and night. That's also the reason why merchants from other towns and kingdoms also use this chance to make a profit. I heard that getting a permit to set up a stall is toilsome work. You'd need some kind of connection to secure a spot smoothly.

This happens every fifteenth day of the week of every month, with the exception of the fourteenth month. It's as if there's a small-scale festival. They said that its purpose is to relieve every resident's stress, even a little.

"Wow! This "corn-cow" skewer tastes good, Greo. It's sweet and beefy."

Corn-cow is what it exactly sounds like. It's a wild beast that looks like a cow, except that their bodies have corn sprouting from them. They may look docile but, once you get closer to them, they'll instantly charge at you like a bull. You can't milk them, by the way.

I'm glad she's enjoying herself. Now that I think about it, it kinda looks like we're out on a date huh. "Aelee, there will be a play in an hour. Let's look around the stalls first before we head there."


And so, we enjoyed the foods from the stalls that we could visit. It's not like we went to each and every one of them, but we at least almost cleared one street. We also enjoyed their games and other services that they have. Before we know it, it's almost time for the play.




"You damn fiend! Take this!" A man raised his staff with both hands and casted, "Holy Magic! Purging Light!" aimed at the dark and ominous figure of a man in front of him. The dark figure got hit with the magic and was enveloped in a white light.

"I-Impossible… Julius! Just how deep have you fallen under the Dark God's influence!? You are no longer a human!"

Faced with the man's rage, "it" spoke in a low voice, devoid of any emotions. "With this… everything will be…" and "it" extended its hand in front. All of a sudden, the man in front of him let out a shriek as the blood spilled out of every hole out in his body.

"It" looked up at the dark sky and said, "Natasha… Viena… I'll be there soon… Wait for me…" The once lush and peaceful kingdom is now tainted with the blood of its citizens, and the kingdom is set ablaze.

With that, the play has come to an end.

T-This is just a play right? This looks pretty real…

The play was about a certain kingdom's ArchMage. A kind but powerful individual that could take out a whole army of one thousand soldiers by himself. His healing spells are so potent that he could reattach a severed head three seconds after it was cut. His spells are so destructive; it could erase a huge mountain.

It's because of him that this certain kingdom has prospered. When the war was over, he was granted land and a house of his own. Prestige and wealth that everyone wished for. On this land, he lived happily with his wife, Natasha, and daughter, Viena.

But unbeknownst to him, the king and his vassals feared him. They needed him to disappear. Whatever it takes.

Without the ArchMage's knowledge, the king's magic tool engineers successfully crafted a necklace that cannot be removed unless the wearer dies. Not only that, but it also permanently removes the mana of the wearer, making them unable to use any magic.

The ArchMage was tricked into wearing the necklace at a party in his own home with the pretense that it was a present from the king. Once he wore the necklace, the ArchMage passed out.

He woke up under a cliff. The first thing that he saw were the dead bodies of his wife and daughter; their limbs were severed, and their heads were no longer attached to their shoulders. He couldn't believe his eyes. He keeps repeating the words, "This is not real! This is not real! This is not real!"

The ArchMage tried to move, but to no avail. He looked down and saw that his body was floating from the ground; his legs were cut off, and his body was tied to a wood stake. He was purposely left to slowly die with his family's dead body in front of him.

He cursed and cursed and cursed and cursed and cursed the king and his people.

Selling his soul to the Dark God.

The rest was history.




"That was… something…" Aelee said, remembering the play.

We're now on our way back home. We bought some food for Zelentriya and Jiuru too. Knowing Zelentriya, she'll definitely complain about why I didn't invite them.

"Yeah, it felt so real. It really makes you think it was based on a true story."

"Yes… Now I see why even people from other kingdoms are here. The food is good, the street is lively, and the plays are amazing—Oh!" Aelee stopped mid-sentence as something caught her attention.

"Hm? What is it?"

"The corn-cow skewer. We should bring some for Zel and Jiuru."

"I guess we should. Mister, can I—!"


A loud explosion occurred.

"Wha—!? Aelee! Are you hurt!?" The explosion came from the central plaza.

Since we're still near the plaza, some of the debris flew in our direction. It destroyed some stalls but, fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Ah! Greo! Look!" Aelee pointed at the central plaza.

"Iron golems!" They're not purple… That would've been the worst.

"There might be some people hurt near the plaza…"

"Aelee! We're gonna help them! Let's go!"