
Chapter 1 Verzors, Driza and Me

Author note: I am deeply sorry if some sentences are weird or if there are some grammatical errors. English is not my main language, but i am doing my best. if something is not right leave it in comments.


I am Darina Hicaguchi, I was just an ordinary high school student. Back then I was completely a so called "shut-in" guess you could also say that i was complete failure as person.

Besides school i was rarely out of the house. I had no friends then, my classmates were fake friends or just jerks.

My elder brother was usually angry, but I didn't know why, so I avoided him as much as I could. Both of my parents were extremely busy and when they got home they were too tired for anything.

Whenever I started to open up to others, I eventually learned that they were just pretending and laughing behind my back. Because of that, I felt more and more despair and sadness. Then I decided to give up on other people and start to care only for myself, no matter how selfish it is.

Then after a long time I felt happiness when I discovered a game called Verzors. It was like I am alive again.

Til that day i totally forgot how happiness felt.

I spent all my free time playing Verzors.

Verzors is a most played MMORPG with extremely huge amount of freedom.

Number of races, skills, waepons, armor, and choices of story. You were even able to choose rather do you want to be hero, antihero or a villain of game.

Of course I choosed to be a villain.

So I could let my rage out on other players.

I decided that because playing as a villain, who doing what he want and kill anyone who stands in his way or just piss him off, always seems to be more fun than playing as a stupid hero, who helping anyone and try to save everyone.

Antihero is like a cool hero that kill opponents without mercy, but still a hero so I choosed villain.

My character's name is Driza, a vampire with dark purple hair with light blue strands. It also has cat ears and tail. Cat ears and tail is from my race demi humam vampire.

It is a race available only for people who bought it with real currency. Its also very expensive. I even got a part time job only to earn enough money to buy it, since my parents didn't give me enough money.

Vampire is a race with great starter stats but with demi humam part my character gets a special bonus in agility and evasion as well as endurance. It is a so called mutant race.

I also used accessories such as

Dragon tooth necklace, it is a necklace that boost all physical ability and offensive ability.

Three-eyed monster visor is item that search for an enemy's opening and it covers upper half of my face, and combatant mask, It has a effect of boosting every kind of resistance, that cover lower half, so almost no one knows how Driza's really looks like.

My main weapon was scythe and second was katana and pair of kunai.

I played that game for so long, that I became best player of Verzors and get rare golden scythe weapon skin. Golden weapon skins are special weapon sknis that only top 10 players were able to acquire it. That skin have a very huge boost, that make possible to almost kill anyone with just one hit, but it is forbidden to use it in tournament.

there were various of golden skins.

My golden weapon skin was known as Eldaria.

Even so I rarely used that skin though, because I try to avoid attention as much as possible and it is more challenging without that skin.

if other players see me with golden weapon skin than they would bother me to join their party and some of them would even had a nerve to try to became a friend with me so they could use my skills in their own advantage. How shameless and disgusting.

So since I've been playing that game for a while, I don't think it's a surprise that I have the best equipment.

My skillset with a scythe was based on a sealed demon in my weapon named Arin, that is Demon Master class. Because that class is very hard to play, it is rarely seen in a game.

According to flavor text of Demon Master class, it is a class that summon demon and then seal it in a weapon, make him your servant.

My second class was Ninja of Nature. It is a class that use animal as a spirit guide and its specialty is searching and destroying from shadow. I choosed wolf as my spirit guide. Although I rarely use that class.

Most of time i fight with Demon Master class. That class also have a "unleashed demon" skill and that skill have 3 stage.

First stage allow you to summon a demon to attack along with you.

Second stage allow yo to transform your weapon into body and let demon to control it, but it is hard to control demon.

Third stage use you, if you allow, your demon take control over your body. That is lika a super buff and with it is almost impossible to die if you know how to use it, but if you use that skill you will not be able to tell who is friend and who is foe.

I don't care about that because I always play solo.

There is also demon's loyalty gauge. When it is max out you can disable skill anytime you want, but when it isn't max out you can't disable skill before some time passes. It increases whenever you use first, second or third stage. First stage give you smallest amount of demon's loyalty points while third stage give you most demon's loyalty points.

I maxed out my Demon's loyalty and even unlock secret "Talking to servant" mechanic. It is mechanic that let you to talk to servant, its considered as joke of game developers though.

I know that Arin is just an NPC'S but still i wanted someone that I could talk to, to open myself to them but since in IRL it never happened I tryed to talk to Arin. I was quite surprised when I discovered that Arin isn't like any other NPC of Verzors. She can respond to my words almost like she is alive.

She can even laugh at jokes, cry over something sad and get angry when you mocking her.

I've thought it was weird, since no other NPC was like that, but ecause I couldn't find out why I've let it go.

I told Arin everything about my school life, my classmates and my family, and she responded to me like a real person.

After some time, I started to look at Arin more like a best friend than just a NPC.

Through four school years I gained quite a reputation in Verzors, but not in a good way. Because i killed any player that i encounter out of safe zone.

I became known as psycho, monster or even a demon in game.

It wasn't long before other player sart to run away whenever they saw me, but I didn't let them.

Then other people start to make group with only one reason:

to kill me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Tadomekacreators' thoughts