
Chapter 790: The Blockade Unfolds in the Starry Sky

Fortunately, the Earth is still here!

Peter Brown was relieved too. If he had arrived a little later, the situation on Earth might have been hard to predict. Fortunately, he made it in time. As long as he was there, the Golden Horn People wouldn't stand a chance against Earth.

At this time, the Golden Horn People also realized that Peter was not so easy to kill. Their warships, which were moving slowly at first, now sped up to full force.

Thousands of warships advanced towards Peter like a massive wall, moving at a high speed that even the onlookers could feel the pressure.

Could Peter handle it?

Everyone was asking themselves.

But now, regardless of whether he could handle it or not, Peter was the only one who could stand in their way in outer space.

This was a one-man interception battle!

This was a one-man fight!

Now, everyone on Earth was praying for Peter's victory.