
Summer Days *12* [Baseball Game]

Ok so this is obviously the BASEBALL GAME. If you wanted to go to the football game it will be in the next part. Each game has individual results.

This one features: VEN, ROXAS, CID, SORA, RIKU, DEMYX, AXEL, and RENO



"[Name]!" Roxas yelled from down the stairs. You had been getting ready for the last hour or so in your room after an hour and a half nap. It was then that you finally decided which game you'd go to. You left your room and hopped down the stairs to see Roxas waiting for you at the bottom.

"You're going to the baseball game too right?" You asked him just to double check. Roxas nodded his head.

"Tifa already left I was waiting to umm walk you there. Is that ok?" Roxas asked sheepishly.

You nodded and chuckled, "Of course silly. Let's go!"

Roxas grinned and led you out of the house. After locking the front door he began to lead the way to the baseball fields.

When you got there the teams were getting ready. HBA was in the field throwing the ball around, while the other team was in the dugout getting ready to bat. Ven saw you and waved from the field, which caught the attention of all the other players. You waved back awkwardly with a slight blush on your cheeks. You heard Tifa giggle and you turned around. She was sitting on the bleachers with Roxas beside her.

"Excited [Name]?" Tifa asked brightly.

You nodded, "Yeah!"

"Hey Tifa, [Name], Roxas!" Yuna yelled as she walked over with KK and Paine behind her. You, Tifa, and Roxas all greeted them with a smile and wave.

"Congrats by the way!" Tifa chirped. Yuna, KK and Paine thanked her while you stood confused. Roxas noticed and leaned over to whisper, "Yuna, Paine and KK got accepted into this summer exchange program, they're gonna go to another world and that world is gonna send three new students here."

Yuna and the others gave you a look that meant your face revealed you to be as surprised as you were.

"Really!?" you asked them and they nodded.

"We're leaving as soon as a school ends." Paine said.

KK agreed, "I wonder who's gonna get sent here."

You all talked for the next few minutes until you heard your name being called. Over by the fence was Sora, Riku, Olette, Hayner and Pence.

"Ooh [Name]'s boyfriends are calling her." KK sung.

You blushed, "They're not my boyfriends."

Paine shook her head boredly in disagreement, "They wish they were."

Roxas blushed slightly and hid his face. Tifa sighed and agreed with her, "Unfortunately."

Before the conversation could go any further you and Roxas left them and headed towards the fence by the dugout where Sora and them stood talking. "[Name]! Roxas! Hey!" Sora cheered.

The others greeted both of you.

"Hi guys." you said.

Olette gave you a hug, "Bye [Name]!"

You returnee her hug in confusion then let go, "Why are you leaving so early?"

Olette chuckled, "I have a few school projects to finish up on", she smiled, "and I'm dragging Hayner and Pence with me."

Everyone began to laugh as Hayner and Pence groaned. She dragged them away leaving you with Roxas, Sora, and Riku.

"Batter up!" the ump yelled.

"Hey is that..." you began, recognizing the ump's voice. He lifted his face mask to reveal Demyx. He turned and noticed you. Demyx gave you a large smile. You returned it but was interuppted.

"Sup babe?"

Through the fence standing beside you was a boy from Destiny Islands. He had dull brown eyes and a blue batting helmet over his blonde hair. "How 'bout after I win this game me and you go out somewhere eh?"

You opened your mouth to say 'no thank you' when Demyx interrupted you.

"I said, Batter Up!" Demyx was giving the boy the nastiest look he could muster, but coming from Demyx it wasn't very intimidating. The boy flirting with you rolled his eyes and walked away giving you a wink. You thought you heard Roxas scoff. Riku sneered at the batter silently. When the boy stepped up to the plate Sora booed loudly shaking the fence, Riku chuckled at his best friend's behavior.

Axel stood on the pitcher's mound and rolled the baseball in his right hand. Reno, behind the catchers plate, gave Axel a sign and Axel shook his head. You missed what sign Reno did the second time, but whatever it was Axel must have liked it. Axel nodded with a smirk present on his face. He began his wind up and threw the pitch. Rather than landing in Reno's open glove it found it's home in the batter's side. He fell to the ground and your mouth fell open.

"Time." Demyx yelled with no enthusiasm.

Cid walked over to the pitcher's mound and waves for Reno to join him. They talked for a minute. You expected him to chew Axel and Reno out but he didn't. The batter, after talking to his coach, walked over to first base rubbing his side. Riku and Sora chuckled. The second batter walked up to the plate. On the first pitch Axel threw, the boy on first stole to second base. Reno jumped up after catching it and threw the ball to the second. It soared over Axel's head and into the second baseman's mitt. He tagged the batter right as he slid into the base.

"Out!" Demyx yelled for everyone to hear. The crowd on your side roared with enthusiasm while the opponent's side argued with the call. Sora cheered loudly and began to wildly shake the fence. You giggled and smiled at Sora. Sora blushed and smiled back at you sheepishly.

The batter who flirted with you got up and glared at the second baseman. He began to walk off the field when he tripped as he passed Ven.

"You tripped me!" the batter yelled angrily.

"Boo freaking hoo." Ven replied.

The batter got up and reached for Ven but backed away when his coach called for him. Ven looked at you and winked. You blushed some and nodded your thanks.

After many exciting innings the tied game turned in favor for Destiny Islands after they hit a triple bringing two runners in to score. The score was now 16-18. The boy on third, who had hit the triple, took a small lead towards home base as he prepared to steal. Axel took a casual glance at him before throwing it to the third baseman swiftly. In response the boy took off for home. The third baseman threw a line drive towards Reno at home plate, but it was a little too high. Reno jumped up and barely caught it in his outstretched glove. Then he brought it down to quickly to tag the runner as he slid into home plate. The crowd, including you, waited for the call.

After a few seconds of excruciating silence Demyx yelled, "Out!"

The home crowd erupted in cheers as the HBA team ran to the dugout for their last at bat. Unfortunately the opposing team was playing a tough defense and their crowd was pushing them to work harder and keep the lead. After a few hits Axel was now on third and Reno on first. There were two outs and Ven was up to bat.