
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Girls Day Out

{Day: Saturday}

{Time: 10:00 AM}

{Location: Home}

Georgia stared at Kasumi as she cooked breakfast. Kasumi sat at the table, thinking. Kasumi could feel Georgia's gaze piercing through her soul.

Kasumi looked at Georgia. "What? What problem could you possibly have with me?"

"Oh I can name a few. My question is how long do you think you can sit there before I inevitably kick you out." Georgia said.

"This isn't your place for one. Number two, Kaden gave me the rights to be here. Number three, don't act like you aren't a core suspect for all of this. Didn't you cheat on Kaden with Lance which is why this entire shit started?" Kasumi asked.

"I did not fucking cheat on Kaden, I was manipulated..!" Georgia growled as she pointed the knife at Kasumi.

"Ahh yes, manipulated into setting his mother up...manipulated into setting his brother up. His younger sister. Yeah I know how you gangs operate." Kasumi said.

"Yakuza, Crimson Crows. Same shit, bitch. And if you must know, I was HEAVILY manipulated by Lance and my own brother! So get some facts straight before jumping the fucking gun again." Georgia said.

"Will both of you, shut up?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. I looked at them and crossed my arms. "It doesn't matter anymore. We're all in this together now and we will bond together."

"Bond? Babe, I can barely even tolerate Isabella, Lexi, and Elizabeth. Now you want me to tolerate this woman too?!" Georgia asked and pointed at Kasumi.

"Ahh like you're such a prestige being to be around as well. We both know Kaden pitied you." Kasumi said.

Georgia scoffed then laughed a bit. "Right because he didn't pity you enough to carry you miles back here? Okay, Kasumi. Anyways, baby you told me it was gonna be me and a few others."

"Yeah. Few others meaning everyone else minus Janet because of her schedule." I said.

{Or because she can't be seen with a bunch of horny college girls who're trying to get into their kinda boyfriend's pants.}

"Y'know, we can here your little Alexa shit right?" Kasumi said.

{It's Ardent and that's kinda the point moron.}

Kasumi was about to go off, but Georgia stopped her. Kasumi growled and crossed her arms.

"Anyways, you're saying everyone is going? What are we all doing?" Georgia asked.

"What else?~ Whatever you all want, I'm gonna be paying for it all anyway. Today is about you all. Why not do something special." I said.

"It's gonna be pretty chaotic, but I'll hold the line down~" Rhea chuckled and walked to the front.

Georgia and Kasumi looked at Rhea then Kasumi let out a sigh. Rhea smirked and walked off.

{Time: 12:30 PM}

{Location: Dawn Light Square}

Rhea stopped the van and put it in park. I looked outside and smiled then got out of the van. The women got out of the van and noticed we were at the biggest mall in West Arkington.

"Welcome to West Equinox Mall, the biggest mall this state has to offer~" Rhea smiled and walked forward.

"This is the exact mall I wanted to find. The mall doesn't show up anywhere on the maps. This is the legendary West Equinox Mall." Chloe said and looked at the mall in awe.

"This mall is owned by my mother. I get 50% off of every item in this store whether it be clothes, jewelry, video games, zaza, everything you can imagine in this mall is 50% off for me. Don't be afraid to shop until you all drop." I smiled.

{Yeah, just know those Likability numbers are increasing and the Credit payout is gonna be huge. Eight girls at once? Never done before.}

"What are you all waiting for? Go in." I said.

The women excitedly hurried to the entrance. Rhea and I followed behind and entered the mall as well. Isabella began to lead the group to a clothes store. They all walked in and began to look for new clothes for them to wear.

Georgia stood alone and looked around then noticed Royal approaching. She did her best to ignore her and noticed Royal also ignore Georgia. Georgia was taken aback by this and walked over to Royal.

"Hey." Georgia said.

Royal looked at Georgia. She rose an eyebrow and stared at Georgia. "What is it? If you're here to give tips, I don't need them."

"You completely ignored me back there. You're kinda the first." Georgia said.

"It's because I have better things to do other than argue with a red head who is basically the start of all our issues." Royal said as she looked at a shirt.

"I'm sorry for all of that, I swear I am. I'm working extremely hard with Kaden to fix everything.." Georgia said.

"It's gonna take more than a sorry to fix everything, but at least you made an effort." Royal said and walked off.

{Respect for Georgia: 2% -> 18%}

I looked at Ardent and smiled. I walked around the store myself and pretty much helped each woman with what they wanted to pick out. After each woman was done, all I had to do was walk up to the counter and pay as the cameras in the store automatically scans what is put in the carts.

"I actually can't believe these stores work like that. So when there's a big group like us, the workers won't even have to do anything extra." Isabella said and smiled.

"Plus we get to keep the carts? Yeah this is the best mall!~" Chloe giggled.

The group decided to split off with half going one way and the other half going the other. The first group was Isabella, Chloe, Brianna, and Elizabeth. The other group was Lexi, Georgia, Royal, and Kasumi.

"I'll go with Bella and the others." I said.

Rhea nodded and duplicated my card then hurried over to Lexi and her group.

"Hold on, ladies!" I said as I caught up to them. "Alright, what's the next store?"

"I need some new lingerie~" Chloe said.

"Ooo~ Some new lingerie sounds amazing, plus we have Kaden here to judge~" Brianna giggled mischievously.

Isabella smiled and looked back at me. "I bet he would love to see us half naked anyway..~"

Elizabeth giggled and nodded. "I mean he's damn there seen all of us naked at this point, there's no point in acting shy around him."

"I have a question though." Isabella said.

I looked at Isabella and walked beside her. "What's up?"

"If you were a millionaire this entire time and whatnot, why did you kinda hide this fact? I'm sure being rich shouldn't be enough to go crazy about." Isabella wondered.

"You'd be surprised with how much people will do to obtain something as little as $10 in the slums of Summer City. I was one of those kids in the slums in Summer City. That was before Lexi helped me out the hole." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, I kinda had to live poor. West Equinox is more than a Car Dealership and a mall. It's more of an organization that literally fuels West Arkington. To prevent anyone from connecting me to my parents, I had to live on the bottom to save my own identity." I said.

"As we got older, the connections finally sank in." Elizabeth said.


Rhea followed Georgia and the others. The interaction between them was extremely awkward other than Lexi and Royal sticking together. Rhea didn't know what to say. She blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I would sometimes sneak into Kaden's bed and like dry fuck him at 3 AM." Rhea said.

Lexi and Royal looked at Rhea. Rhea had the most serious expression she could pull off.

"Demons, I will never understand them." Georgia said.

"Funny, taken you are one." Kasumi said.

"At least I'm not the fake bender pretending to roleplay as a Nation Leader." Georgia said.

"It's called Mituski Style Martial Arts. You wouldn't understand since you've never taken a class from Papa Gregory." Kasumi said.

Georgia stopped walking and looked at Kasumi. "Mituski Style Martial Arts..? Just learn some real martial arts. No disrespect to Papa Gregory, but those scrolls will only take you so far."

"Papa Gregory took us way farther than some old head from the hood could teach you, Georgia." Royal said and looked at Georgia.

Georgia snickered then laughed. She placed her hand on her hip and stared at Royal. "Darling, I wasn't trained by some old head. I was trained by a Yakuza. Lance's father, Ketsuko."

"Ahh, Papa Gregory's rival. The man who wanted Papa Gregory dead to begin with." Lexi said and glared at Georgia.

"I'm no longer in contact with Lance or Master Ketsuko. I am trying to better myself so why won't you all let me? I try to be nice, but you all literally bring that monster out of me." Georgia said.

"You literally know why we can't forgive you as easily as the others have. You had so many chances to change and stop what you were doing, but you didn't. You didn't stop. You caused so much pain. Now you want forgiveness?" Lexi said and glared at Georgia.

Georgia looked down a bit and sighed. "I know. I had all the power to stop everything, but I didn't stop anything. I let Lance cloud my head, I let myself be swayed by Greed. I regret everything. Kaden truly loved me and did everything for me. That's why I want to change everything and fix it all."

Royal sighed and placed a hand on her hip. "Listen, we can't continue to hate you especially since you are making a change. If Kaden sees you and Kasumi deserving enough for a second chance, who am I to disagree."

"Honestly, but let it be known that we have a close eye on you." Lexi said.

Kasumi scoffed and closed her eyes. "I can forgive, but I never forget."

Rhea smiled and clapped her hands together. "Alright, since we are all done, how about we get more shopping done?"

They all looked at Rhea then looked at each other then smiled and agreed to do more shopping together.

{Time: 1:50 PM}

We all walked back to the van and everyone seemed to be happier today than ever. We got in the van and Rhea drove off back to Summer City.

"Only one last stop. I hope you all are ready for the big surprise~" Rhea giggled.

"Surprise? Oh what do you two have planned?" Georgia asked.

I smiled and looked out the window. "I can definitely tell you we were going to West Equinox. It's still pretty close to the University and it's well guarded. Even if I gave those idiots the passcode, they would need to pass the entrance test."

"Entrance test?" Georgia asked and leaned forward.

"You see anyone who isn't me, my family, or closely related friends like Lexi or Royal, have to pass the entrance exam, but since you're with me you all will be fine." I explained.

"What is this entrance test?" Isabella asked.

"You have to defeat the two guards who guard the entrance. The guards shift every 12 hours so you might get an easy opponent who's around our age, or a skilled veteran who's either an actual retired military soldier, or a retired fighter." I answered.

Isabella, Chloe, and Brianna were excited to see my true home. Everyone else other than Lexi and Royal were more curious than anything else.

{Time: 2:30 PM}

{New Location Registered!}

{Location: West Equinox}

Rhea stopped the van in front of the entrance and noticed me get out. I walked toward the guards and they watched me.

{Potential Route Possible!}

The woman had a pear shaped body with medium breasts. She has brown skin, and one gold-green eye and one ice green eye. Her eyebrows have been shaved in the middle and her hair is dyed silver with some red and white striped extensions. Her makeup consists of white eyeshadow and lipstick. She wore a fitted top with an orange graphic art on the front, black cargo pants with orange belts on her pants, and a black varsity jacket. She wore black blade shoes with her outfit.

"Ahh, the troublesome kid has come back to his home." The woman said and smirked.

"You're the only one guarding huh?" I asked and smirked at the woman. "It's been quite some time Nova."

Nova looked at me and smiled. "I should let you in because you do partially own West Equinox, but I feel like you've slacked off a bit."

I looked back at Rhea and the others. They watched closely as Nova and I interacted. I looked back at Nova with a smile.

"Alright, but we need a bigger area than this. I don't want my women getting caught in the fight somehow." I smiled.

Nova stared at me then smiled. "Alright..Allow me to lead you to our usual battle area."

I watched Nova unlock the gates and walk off then I walked over to the van and got in. "Nova said follow her."

{Notice: To Be Continued!}