
Summer's Just Begun

Everett_Mia · Thanh xuân
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Chapter five

At the point in time, it was as if all the forces of badluck were with her.

"Wake up pumpkin. Please wake up." Aunt Catherine pleaded desperately. But the little girl laid still.

She ran to the royal Chambers where her brother and wife laid in each other's arms.

"How is she doing?" The King asked curiously.

"She isn't waking up. I've tried every possible way I could."

"What?" The Queen exclaimed and stood up to go see her daughter but Catherine stepped in her way." What do you think you are doing?"

"And where do you think you are going to? You have to calm down. Presently, there is nothing you or anybody can do about it..."

"Will you shut up?" Came the rude interruption from the Queen ." My daughter is in there and all you tell me to do is calm down? She is the only thing I've got. Do you how it feels to be a mother? No, oh no, you don't. All you know how to do is yo make people subject to your will. Spoilt brat."

"Will you cut it?" Catherine asked in fury. She couldn't believe that those words were coming from her sister in law. "I'm so surprised at the turn of things. How cold you say such of me?" Catherine was in tears." She may be your daughter but she's also my niece. You get it? My blood runs through her....."Catherine ran out of the room crying;her voice echoing in the hallway.

"Happy now?" Was the only comment the King passed. The Queen was shocked." My sister was just trying to help in her own way. For crying out you hit Leia with a Spell when you wanted to stop. Didn't you think that that could be responsible for her not waking up?" The King turned to look at her." We all know you did your best to stop leia from hurting herself and the kingdom but it isn't Catherine's fault that she isn't waking up and so , Catherine deserves an apology...."

"Dad! Mum!" Both turned immediately. It was Leia.

"Leia!!!" The couples exclaimed and ran to her. Aunt Catherine came up shortly to return the bracelets and earrings and then vanished.


It was well after two weeks that the horrible incident happened. Leia was taking classes in the Royal Academy when she suddenly thought of Julian. It had been a while since she heard from the only friend she had in the outer world and she decided that she was going to sneak out to see him when she was done with the classes when a voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

"Don't even think about it. " It was aunt Catherine.

"Hunh?" Leia was startled and surprised. Did aunt Catherine just read her thoughts?

"Yes pumpkin. Don't you think of going anywhere because the last time you did, you caused a great havoc to not only yourself but your mum and the kingdom at large..."

"But it wasn't my fault. That filthy thing insulted my parents."

Aunt Catherine turned her chair so Leia could face her.

"Honestly sweetheart,I never said it was your fault but the fact remains thar you ain't leaving the palace whether you like it or not..."

"And who gave you authority over me? I'm the princess of this kingdom and I decide what to do and what not..."

"Young lady, you are grounded!!" The words came out as a bomb.

Leia laughed as one would in the face of danger." And who authorised that?"

"I did." Leia turned immediately to see her mum.


"Yes, I authorised that. Its disturbing how insolent and stubborn you have become. So you are grounded till you show a positive change. You are a princess; act like one." The Queen said and walked away for few minutes before she turned and added," And for the record you would be learning how to contain that magic of yours before you cause more harm."

Leia just sat down lost. All hope of seeing Julian was lost. What was she going to do?


A voice called. It was her guards. " Your presence is summoned in the Blue Garden."

Leia stood up and wiped the tears away frm her face as she was led to the Blue Garden where her parents and the Grand duchess were seated.

"Ahem, now that we all are gathered here, I will go straight to why I summoned you. The main reason we are here is because of you Leia. Your magic is too dangerous to be tampered with carelessly. As members of the royal family, pure magic flows through our veins and the flow of magic increases according to your feelings or emotion. Back to what happened a fortnight ago, it was obvious you were angry and that was what triggered such outburst of magic. And on this note," the king paused to look at his wife and sister.

"We decided on two things; one you would be grounded and your movements would be more strictly monitored. Anyway you are to visit within the palace grounds must be with at least minimum of ten guards which are already at your disposal. And two , you would start taking lessons on how to contain your magic and also on a personal note , learn to bridle your tongue."

As the King was saying this, Leia felt as if her family hated her but unknown to her, she had had too much exposure to magic the last time that it altered alot òf things in her.

The King stood up with his wife. Catherine followed suit and they walked out but midway the King bent over and said," As the princess, You have more enemies more than you can ever imagine. Alot of people are after your life and powers. So whatever we are trying to do , it's because we have your best interests at heart. We'll leave you to give it a thought." And with those words, they walked away.

Happy New month guys

Everett_Miacreators' thoughts