

All good things come to those who wait. With a crazy controlling mother breathing down his neck Alex Maxfield might have to marry her mother's best friend's daughter who he remembers as a slightly obsessed, a little on the heavier side, a tall shy introvert teenage girl. What he doesn't know is that maybe just maybe that chubby teenage girl who he doesn't consider more than a friend, could possibly turn his world upside down. For as long as Kara can remember Alex has always been there to help her, whether it be her homework, to fend off her bullies, or as a partner to her prom. Alex was a constant in her life, her prince charming. Until he had to leave for college and they lost all contact. Now he's back and probably with a marriage proposal. The only problem is his crazy ex and an unknown Em. A chubby female and a cocky man who probably stepped right off the front cover of a magazine, joined together to plan a wedding. Join Alex and Kara in a contemporary romance thrown together to create an imperfect, perfect whirlwind of romance and all things spicy.

tanzeel_zafar · Thành thị
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171 Chs

Up to no good

Alex's POV...

Don't look up, just focus on the contract you are reviewing. This clause 2b looks important, concentrate will you !!

"Yo Kara, come here, this looks pretty,"

And I instantly looked up at hearing her name. Not directly at her, but at the fool who has been distracting me ever since I came to know of his existence.

Matt, a pain in the arse.

Don't know why but he just irks me like no other.

"Yeah, one minute," holding up her forefinger she turned towards the designs she was busy overlooking with mom and Chloé, the designer.

I can't help but focus on her once more.

Leaning against the wall I've been standing near I folded my arms to have a better look at her profile.

At the woman, I'm going to marry.

Marriage, the word sounds alien on my tongue but I'll do it for Em.

I'll do anything for her even if it meant marrying Kara.

I never considered settling down this soon and that too with her.

No offense to her but I never thought of her as anything more than a friend, the girl who used to follow me everywhere, someone slightly obsessed with sweets and crazy after Harry Potter.

Not even as a friend, more like an annoying little sibling I need to look after because she used to have a tendency to fall victim to every possible inconvenience.

I'm sure nothing about her has changed, except for the fact that now she looks like a woman.

A woman, with long hair, hair I want to touch. Just to check are they really silk, I have no other intention, it's just my thirst for knowledge.

As knowledge is power and with power comes great wealth, so technically I'm seeking money.

She turned slightly, causing her hair to fall in front of her face and all my focus instantly went to her face which due to some reason is quite red.

I checked around to make sure the air conditioning was on, is she feeling hot? Although it's not hot today only 16 degrees celsius.

"Kara, come quickly," rolling my eyes I tried to refrain from lashing out at her friend. What does he need? Can't he see she's currently busy with the designer?

Her finger was still up but she wasn't paying any attention to him so I decided to go and see what his problem was.

"Yes? What exactly do you want to show her?" Keeping my eyes trained on the dresses displayed on the racks I tried my level best to sound as unaffected as I could.

"It doesn't concern you," raising his eyebrows he met my stare head-on.

Impressive, I would like to give him the credit that he knows how to stand his ground but too bad so do I.

"It does concern me, we're talking about my finacé here," but before he could say anything I made another jab at him.

"How's your hand? Still bruised?"

I could see him struggling to maintain his composure, the way his eyebrows were twitching, and the hard set of his jaw.

"For now," pushing past me he went.

What exactly does he mean? For now?

Annoyed at myself to even bother considering him seriously. I went to sit on the couch overlooking the entire boutique and went back to the contract I was reviewing.

It was useless, a complete waste of my time, time I could spend doing important work that in turn would earn me some money. But here I am on a Monday afternoon sitting idly in a women's fashion store to spend money.

If only my mom thinks the same way as I do, this could be avoided, I would not give her any reason to make matters worse for Em.

I have to make sure Em is safe and in order for this to happen I need to marry Kara sooner than later. A swift wedding is what I'm looking for, most probably by next month.

I'll talk to Kara about this, if she were to insist, mom would definitely consider it.

At her thought, my eyes started scanning around the room, she wasn't with mom or Matt nor was she with Chloé or Maya. Where could she possibly be?

I don't know why but my mind just won't rest until I find her and it is strange for me to behave like this, but I try to tell myself it is because I'm so used to looking after her that now it's like second nature to ensure she's safe.

This statement doesn't even make sense and it's alright because my mind was calm once again. There she was exiting the changing room in a blood-red silk halter dress nervous as hell but all the more beautiful in this moment.

Beautiful? I never used this word in reference to any woman ever. Hot, pretty, sexy yes but never beautiful.

To me, this was a bland word people use randomly. It doesn't hold meaning to me before but now I think I might need to reconsider it.

Because right this moment she was beautiful. Beautiful in every essence of the word.

Watching her like this triggered a memory from long ago from Winnie the Pooh, where Pooh said that sometimes, the smallest things take up the most space in our heart and I get it now.

They do take up the most space because if it were to me I would paint her in this dress and keep it safe inside my heart forever.

"Oh my Lord, you look beautiful," Matt went and took hold of her hand and twirled her around causing her to laugh.

And just like that, that arsewipe has been successful in ruining my mood.

"The dress does suit you,"

"Ugh, I'm so going to borrow this dress from you after you're done,"

"This is one of my sought after designs,"

Everyone was busy complimenting her and she kept giving them the shy smile she was known for.

"I don't like this dress at all," silence, there was pin-drop silence in the room after my comment and six pair of eyes were trained on me.

"You better change out of it," looking straight into Kara's eyes I announce.

The torn look she was supporting didn't sit well with me but I really can't have him ogle at her.

"What's wrong with this one?" the annoying little mantis spoke and I vowed to myself that I'm going to smash him someday under my boots just like the bug that he is.

"That's the best you could offer?" instead I directed my question at the designer who was supporting a baffled expression.

"We should look somewhere else then,"

"Non non monsieur, nous avons plus," Chloé spoke in her fake french accent.

"Alors pourquoi restez-vous ici? Apportez votre plus belle pièce," at my question she rushed about gathering her minions and went in search of her best design.

Dejected, shoulders slumped Kara went back to the changing room. Mom and Matt were looking at me as if they might eat me alive.

I don't blame them I might eat myself too, what the hell did I do? The dress did look really good on her not to mention she was glowing then why?

"What did you just say to Chloé?" Maya sneaked up on me from behind, expressions that of a curious gossipmonger who is just going to reveal the secrets of the world.

"Nothing, I just told her to go get her finest dress,"

"You speak french?" she still wasn't over the shock, smirking I ruffled her hair.

"I speak 5 languages your point?"

"Woah, sick,"

"Excuse me?" what does she mean by sick?

"Sick as in cool, but you won't get it, grandpa,"

I gave Matt the coldest stare I could muster.

"Come Matty we should look for dresses over there," Coughing loudly Maya strategically dragged the bug away from me, which was a good thing because I'm quite tempted to teach him some lessons.

In a matter of 5 minutes, Chloé came back with elegant dresses and started handing them over to Kara.

"What do you think?" Kara came out wearing an icy blue full-sleeved dress with a slit running all the way up till her mid-thigh.

"Gorgeous," Matt was practically salivating at her sight.

"No, try something else,"

"Try this," mom gave her a burnt orange dress to try.

"No," there was no way she was wearing that, she was practically naked in it. It was shear not to mention too tight around her bust.

"How about this one?" Maya was holding a baby pink wrap dress and I could picture Kara in it.

"No way," It would be like a second skin and I can't ward off every male on our engagement.

"What's wrong with this one?" Maya inquired hotly.

"I don't like the color, it won't suit her," I shrugged and motioned for Chloé to get to work.

"Kara, here this dress is calling your name," the bug was holding a pretty decent dress in navy blue but because it was him suggesting there was no way I'll let her wear that.

"You should stick to bookkeeping this isn't your area of expertise," snatching the hanger from his hands I passed it to the salesgirl standing beside us.

"What is the matter with you? You're making her nervous not to mention question herself," mom quietly told me with eyes as stern as an army general and with a voice, only a mother could muster.

I quickly looked her way and was muddled to find her a bit torn. My intention wasn't to make her feel self-conscious but I think that is what I've been doing.

My phone choose that moment to ring and I took the chance and excused myself to attend the call, her expressions were stirring something within me and I have no words to explain the feeling.

Maybe I'm sick, literally and figuratively.

Leaning against the wall on the sidewalk I pick up the call still lost in my thoughts.


"Afternoon Mr. Alexander," I heard my P.A's voice on the other side.

"Adrian?" I know what I was doing, I was delaying the phone call on purpose. I was never this chicken but why now?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear what he said and I don't think I care at the moment because I just saw Veronica exit a taxi and she's making her way straight to the boutique we're in.

There is nothing wrong with her visiting but with my mom present inside it won't be a wise decision.

"Sir, should I accept the invite then?" Adrian's voice bought me back to reality.

"Yeah, just email me the details," I'll check what he was talking about later, right now I need to make my way inside again.

"Alright sir," pocketing my phone I quickly went inside.

I don't know what I was expecting but this was not it, Veronica was currently draped in that blood-red silk number and mom was nowhere to be seen, as for Kara, well she looked more torn and miserable.

"I think we should go, it's 1:30, we're 30 minutes late for work, Rachel won't have it," Kara murmured to Matt and went inside the changing room.

It seems that when it comes to her, my body parts have a mind of their own because I find myself going straight after her. Without knocking I stepped inside her changing room.

I should've been extra careful or at least knocked because she shrieked loudly.

Clamping my hand over her mouth I pushed her against the door to block anyone from coming inside.

She was staring at me with a dumbfounded expression, eyes as big as the saucer and cheeks puffed, I was resisting the urge to just bite her on the cheek.

Irrelevant thought, I was here to make sure she was okay.

"You won't shout again if I remove my hand?"

"No," I heard her muffled reply or at least that's what she said.

I shouldn't have done that because now she was exposed to me, and my mind that feeds on scared little damsels in distress went straight to reside in the gutter, its permanent home.

Seeing as she was in a vulnerable state I moved and turned my back to her, so she could button up her shirt again. But was it any good? No, because I could still practically see her clearly in the mirrors surrounding the room.

Why do they need so many mirrors in a single coffin-like room?

I tried to avoid looking at her but at the end of the day I am still a man and I couldn't help but peak a little.

Oh god, please forgive me!

"You can turn around I'm decent," she said in a low voice.

I know woman! Taking a deep breath I turned around but I wasn't ready for the emotions swimming inside her eyes, they were so much going inside her that I felt a strong pull towards her.

She took her lower lip between her teeth and released it immediately, the moment couldn't be longer than mere seconds but I just couldn't stop thinking about her lips now or her for the matter.

The kisses that I stole and the aftertaste they left. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before and the way her skin feels against mine, so soft and delicate.

"You won't have to worry about a dress I'll make sure you get the best," with that I kiss her on the cheek and make an exit as soon as possible, if I stay any longer I don't know what else I might do and I don't want to scare her away just now.

I hastily made my way to Chloé's office and took a chair, I really need to sort out this dress issue.

"Monsieur, comment puis-je vous aider?"

"Drop the accent Chloé, come take a seat we need a dress for my fiancé,"

15 solid minutes and a hefty cheque later, I exited her office.

Kara or others were nowhere to be seen, they might've left already. But I do see Veronica and she might've seen me too because she made her way towards me.

"Alex, sweetheart so nice to see you," She then proceeded to kiss both my cheeks.

"I heard you're getting engaged this Friday," this was not a question she knew.


"And I won't get an invite?" she pouted. I was contemplating how to best refuse her when she said.

"Not even for old times sake?" and she sounded genuinely sad.

Oh for god's sake, my mind can only handle one depressed female at the moment, not another one.

Besides what could she possibly do? No harm in inviting her, I'll keep Kara close to me, won't let them cross paths.

"Sure, see you Friday. Adrian will forward you the invite, see you," With one last hug we both went our separate ways.

Here is an Alex Pov just to make up for my prolonged absence. From now on I'll try to be more punctual regarding my updates.

Do let me know how do you like this.

You could follow me on my Instagram @syedatanzeelzafar to stay updated about the new updates and news.

Until then take care and stay safe.

tanzeel_zafarcreators' thoughts