
successor of the cosmos

This story follows Kai (last name is a spoiler) as he embarks on a risky journey to become the successor of the Great Being. Kai faces tough challenges and moral dilemmas as he fights his way through. Along the way, he wrestles with the weight of his destiny and the sacrifices needed to become the sole inheritor.

PepsiShark_Gaming · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Prologue (1) The dying man and his plans

Somewhere unbeknownst to many, a figure, whose size, width, or shape no one can ascertain, is pondering over something. He knows he is going to die in 1 billion years. No, he isn't sure why he knows he is dying or how he is dying. To most, even a millennium is long enough for everyone alive to be forgotten, but to him, 1 billion years would pass in the blink of an eye, considering he has lived for a googolplex of years.

After a while, he decides to have a successor, but he isn't sure how to choose one. For the first million years, he ponders it while reading many books. Eventually, he comes up with an idea. He would create a thing known as a system. Written in these mortal books on how it works, he spends 10 million years creating, designing, and mass-producing it. He decides to send out these systems to find potential candidates to become his successor. How many systems were made? Not even the being knew.

Just know I'm leaving it as vague as possible because I have no idea where I want to take this series, as this is my first actual work.

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