
Successfully connected to my dream life

what would be your reaction to wake up one day and find yourself in a completely different place or maybe different world, will you be scared or try to enjoy the moment. _______ Reya Amani a 24 years old girl who was literally worth zero in her father's eyes one day she was only joking with her siblings saying " imagine dad will throw me away from home saying I'm a free loader.. hahahaha.." this was only a joke between them yet the next day her father did the unexpected or rather what she never wanted to believe. one day she was with a home to shelter under the next day she became a homeless wanderer with only 5 dollars in her pocket. " I don't deserve this sob .. I'm not gonna accept this too sob..hic.. just wait you stingy old man I'm gonna show you my worth .. hic .." tears falling nonstop like a waterfall from her eyes Reya glimpsed a flying poster [ Are you a girl? a girl in a desperate situation?? a girl in need of money??? good we are in need of someone like you ! don't worry we are not hiring for prostitution nor we are kidnappers , just come to this address you'll be the luckiest girl in the world after . still not believing in us ? then sorry you not suitable for the job just rot in the streets ] " WTF , what's with this are they making a prank? the more I read the more suspicious it became, nevermind I'm gonna go there before it's getting dark " Reya was only desperate at that moment so before she sneak back at home she was curious about the poster. not knowing that her life will change completely by taking that quick decision. " I successfully connected to my dream life!!!!" _______

I_Am_Na · Khoa huyễn
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17 Chs

into the light 1

it's been six days since her father's visit, in the span of these days Reya was like a baby except eating or sleeping she does nothing else.

[ young lady master sent a message saying he will take more days to take care of some unexpected matters related to work ] Rosa's sudden words didn't do any changes to Reya's state as she just nodded her head in response before turning to sleep.

two hours later Reya woke up in an impulse as her eyes shined from energy

" wait a minute me waking up here means the experiment succeed! right ?" Reya muttered to herself at same time her eyes light dimmed

" .. what was i saying?!... experiment?!? i'm sure that something is missing here.. something I know about yet i forgot about it ... ay.. " a slight pain spreads all over her head as it slowly turned to feel like needles stabs inside her head.

" .... hurts .. what's going on!?.. AGHHH .." the more she tried to figure things out the stronger the pain was till she couldn't take it anymore as she fainted on the bed.

[... Beep,beep binding with the host is halfway through]

[ Beep.. beep... beep, binding with the host is complete ]

[ initiate memory merging now...]

Reya who was sweating profusely couldn't move nor open her eyes, yet in her subconsciousness she was able to hear a someone's voice.

[ memory merging finished... DING ... it's time to wake up Princess ] the voice that has no owner sounded so close to her ears at same time it didn't feel like it's outside her mind, so Reya tried opening her eyes to check if there's someone near her but no matter how much she tried it seems like no energy was left for her to use, that's why she just gave up trying opening her eyes sighing deeply Reya choose to ask inside her consciousness

" .. who are you ? "

" ... "

' guess i'm dreaming.. but how can i be sure it's a dream instead of reality .. God if things keep being like this i might really turn into a fool '

" why do i feel like a tree with no branches nor an origin ... why do i feel like something important has been forgotten by me .. if sleeping could let me stop thinking about everything that happened from the moment I woke up at the hospital .. I don't mind sleeping forever.. better than an empty life sob.." Reya's quavering voice softened gradually as she slowly drifted into her sleep.

[ Princess it's time to wake up.. there's many things Princess needs to do ] that unknown person's voice sounded like a child, pulling her from her sleep just at the right time

[ Princess if you sleep now you'll be stuck in darkness forever.. i can't let that happen...]

Reya was kind of certain that she never met a kid with this sweet voice so why does she feel like he not just knows her but also worrying about her!.

" then who are you? .. why can't i wake up? .. i don't want to stay here forever"

[ that's why am here, to help you escape this dream. just follow the light fragments it'll guide you out of here... Princess let's meet again ] by saying this a DING sound ranged in that dark space as small light fragments rised up to take a shining butterfly shape, the butterfly flied around her as if telling her follow me.

Reya was kind of mesmerized by the beautiful movements of the butterfly as it left some light fragments glittering behind her. walking for quite some time Reya didn't feel tired except that deep inside she knows it took longer before a white door appeared in her vision

" is that the exit !! " the time that seemed long felt like an instant the moment she noticed the door. the butterfly stopped flying in her front making way for Reya to advance

" that.. thank you butterfly i'll always remember you" by pushing the door open a sudden warm force shoved her inside. looking behind her the light fragments had been already dispersed which gave her a sense of hopelessness.

Simultaneously many informations or rather the missing memories flowed through her mind, the process didn't hurt like the time she forced herself to remember rather it comes naturally. with every memory her head felt lighter than the moment before.


two weeks ago, inside doctor Jo's office;

" ... I accept but on one condition.." Reya's firm expression made him curious about what that condition might be

" alright, what's your condition then ?" doctor Jo smirked

" first I need one week to discuss with my family, second.. can you send a portion of the money to my mother, remember only mother could receive it ahem ... better be an envelope i'll leave a written message in case she would worry... however if something bad happened to me you should go there personally to give her the money ..." Reya's solemn expression eased a bit

" ... hmm well, I can't give you a week of time.. but I'll give you one day to sort your family things but don't disclose anything unimportant.. you know it might be harmful to your dear family " doctor Jo showed Reya his dazzling smile that even a wolf would shiver seeing it.

" as for other things it's easy peasy ... OKAY, let's have a good time working together" as he extended his hand Reya had no other choice except to shake his hand in return ' till I find a way out i'll cooperate happily '

" .. Sir, could you lend me a room tonight... d..do.. don't misunderstand, it just happened i can't go home now.. you see my house is far from here... so if you don't mind you could also lend me money to use the hotel ... and you can deduct it from my future pay ... " Reya never was this ashamed of herself before today, she's not just got thrown out from the house she's even penniless, nor does she has the face to ask her siblings for money so the last resort was to toss her pride aside and ask this freaky stranger for help.

" hahaha look at you! aren't you scared i'll do something unheard of to you ?! or you are this open to everyone heh .."

for Reya doctor Jo's mocking words wouldn't be a problem nor an insult to her as long as he help her, the problem is will he really help her.

" don't you think this is the best way for you to keep an eye on me .. as you can see even me not sure when i'll make my move and escape from your eyes doctor, tsk. " beside her straight confident look Reya's heart was about to come out from beating so fast.