
Subtle Seduction

Mr Gray Blackstone is required to get married in a month to assume his place as CEO of Blackstone corps, what happens when he falls in love with the plain Jane Doe, Althea Evans will leave you bewildered. Her mother reunites with her and in her greed and quest for fame, signs a deal with Blackstone, a deal that takes a twist to unravel a chain of events. Althea meets up with an old friend, who is obsessed with her and willing to go the extra mile to exterminate Mr Gray Blackstone and have her all to himself. Will their love stand the test of time when dark secrets bubble to the surface? What action would she take when she finds out the person orchestrating her lover's demise?

Dexter_Eke · Thành thị
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5 Chs


A man in his mid forties stood at the door in a formal suit, gawking at me with male admiration, he seemed to snap out of it when I sent a greeting his way.

"Miss Althea Evans?" 

"Yeah, That's me"

"Mr Gray Blackstone sent me", 

The name sounded somewhat familiar; I'll worry about that later.

And of course! He sent his driver, he didn't think me important to come himself like he said. The man seemed pleasant,I better not keep him waiting. 

"Yes, I'm ready"

We walked towards a silver Mercedes Maybach ESQ 680. 

I inwardly rolled my eyes. Ofcourse, I expected nothing less. He opened the door and helped me in, a true gentleman. The cold air from the air condition hit me. Fancy car, Brown leather seats, amazing interior. The driver got in.

"Mr Gray apologizes for not showing up himself"

"You don't need to apologize on his behalf Sir...", I said. 

"You can call me Savich ma'am"

"Thea is fine, ma'am makes me feel old", I replied. 

"Far from it Miss Althea"

I glanced at him through the rear view mirror, he blushed slightly. I just smiled back at him.

"Thank you Mr Savich"

"I'm just doing my job Miss".

He reminded me of my father. I miss him; making a mental note to call him tomorrow. We drove silently to our destination while my mind wandered to random events.

"Miss Althea, we're here". 

I snapped out of my train of thought. That was fast, I just didn't realise how much time has passed. He stopped in front of a huge mansion more like a castle, vibrant with activities, cars lined up, few guests chatting and exchanging pleasantries by the sidewalk. He came around to my side and opened the door. There was a plush red carpet leading to the front door, fairy lights wrapped in a garden of trimmed shrub and petunia side by side the marble walk. 

As I made my way to the door I could see a fountain at the far end of the garden, it looked magical, something straight from a movie. Calling the attention of a waiter nearby I plucked a glass of champagne from his tray. I dislike functions especially this type, the fake smiles and mingling that comes with it, a circle of influential men and women of the society, the men with their wives who clung to them like their lives depended on it, with the huge stones of emerald and diamond on their ring finger, while some men ogled other men's wives and the younger ladies.


I sat on a round table with my mother who flew in for the event, my dad mingled in the corner with his peers, laughter bellowing from their circle. My cousin Liam and his wife and my best friend Evan and his fiancee Natalie sat on the table. Some ladies at the table 10 feets away from ours  ogled me while whispering and smiling among themselves. I sent a wink their way which made them blush and sent them into a fit of giggles.


One of them took it as a signal of interest and made her way towards me, taking a seat for herself beside me. She was somewhere around my age or older, I can't really tell with the heavy makeup she has on and excessive jewelry that made her look silly.

"Hi" she batted her lashes at me. I chuckled at her lame attempt at flirting. She looks easy in the eyes, with all that cleavage looking like it was about to spill from her black dress and her heavy cologne that smelt like she fell into a bush of flowers. She doesn't smell like her, Vanilla and a hint of Jasmine. Why am I thinking of her, besides what's taking her so long I said looking at my wrist watch, why do I even care.

"You're expecting someone honey" the strange lady asked, beaming at me.

"As a matter of fact I am" I said smiling back

"Can I steal you away for a few minutes before she gets here perhaps", she said.

"I don't think she'd approve", I answered. 

The microphone buzzed to life, Liam was on the  platform about to give a welcoming speech when I heard it, a silent click clack, distant but I caught onto it.

"Welcome to our annual museum fundraiser, I'm glad you all could make it tonight", he said smiling and glancing around the large room.

"I'm here not just as a west sider who loves this institution but as a trustee of the mu..."

He paused like he was under a spell, a star struck expression on his face, I followed his gaze, everyone did. My eyes landed on the most beautiful girl I've ever set my eyes on, the wind got knocked out right under me as it dawned on me who it was, I felt everything slow down for a few seconds, could that be… No it couldn't be! 

Blood pounded into his ear, as she strode elegantly towards him, he was mesmerized, he couldn't conceal the surprise on his face, he was hypnotized. She wore her hair down in loose wavy curls, slits on both sides of her dress that just stopped mid thighs peered open following her movement, exposing her creamy calves and thighs, straight legs that he never noticed, the dress clung to her body exposing her bare shoulders and cleavage that glowed under the warm lights of the chandelier, her slender waist and wide hips sashaying towards him. He felt his blood filling up the tissues creating a bulge in his pants as she got closer, her scent hit his nostrils, he gulped.

"Hello ma'am, I believe you're in my seat", she said to the strange lady who scurried off with annoyance. She sat gracefully. 

"Good day to you too Mr Gray" she said in her cool, serenading voice.

Liam cleared his throat on his mic snapping everyone's focus back to the stage as he continued his speech. I lost track of what he was saying, not like I was interested in the first place, I just wanted to make donations and leave this place. Liam is good with speeches, he throws in a little joke here and there lightening the mood. 

His voice droned on and on, a waiter walked towards her with a tray, She plucked a glass of champagne offering a kind smile that made the kid blush, I got irritated, felt like scolding him. She raised the glass to her lips coated in cherry red lipstick and sipped, it only made my bulge grow, I groaned silently whilst imagining what those lips could do, I imagined how it'd taste, or feel wrapped around my cock. I have to stop this. I clenched my fists till my knuckles turned white, she ignored me totally, concentrating on her champagne and whatever Liam was saying. She knew what she was doing walking in here like that, I underestimated her, wanted to humiliate her a little bit but she came prepared, i can't believe it's the same girl from the cafe, She looked so pale and plain, how did she turn into this classy, gorgeous sexiness with a graceful stride, the way she made the strange woman scram in a polite and yet bold manner was all shades of sexy. He watched her dab a serviette on her lips, it left no lip stain, a blush stained her cheeks, adding warmth to her creamy skin. She knew I was watching her, knew the effect she was having on me, She lifted the champagne to her lips, took a sip and locked eyes with me. Her eyes! God! her eyes, it was like she was seeing through him, through his bullshit.


This is the 2nd time he's been feeling uncomfortable in the past 10 mins since her arrival. Liam was done with his speech, they raised their glasses and made a toast. Then a soft tune came on. He dragged his eyes away from her, pretending to stare at other occupant of the room, he could see some men old and young alike, those with their wives shamelessly gawking at her, lusting after her, he felt like gorging out their eyes and feeding it to them one after the other. She's mine! He thought to himself. His jaw clenched.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked, tilting her head a little bit to the left, her earring twinkling in the light, as I stole a glance at her.

"Why wouldn't I be"

"I don't know, you seem like you're about to pop a vein on your temple, and crush your champagne flute, you're sure you're alright", she said innocently slightly widening her doe eyes in mock concern. 

I looked away. This is a game to her, She thinks she has a strong effect on me and she's taunting me. 

I said, gritting my teeth, "I'm fine". 

He stood up and went to mingle with some associates and business partners. He had to leave, else he'd lose his composure. As much as he had to leave; he couldn't wait to go back to her.