
substitute wife is sweet

Jace Wealth Kim is the only heir of Kgroups, having no say about the decision of his life after his father gave him enough time to find a wife for himself, he was mandated to get married to lynn, the only daughter of Me Harvard , one of the monster richest and wealthiest conglomerate. But lynn got a dream, so she ran away after their wedding day and left a note. frustrated, Jace was on his way to his favorite spot at a quiet local area when a met *Ella*, an epitome of lynn, seeing it as an opportunity, he proposed marriage to ella in stead of lynn and so the story started. Ella is a secretive girl but she gives people the impression that she's an extrovert which is totally not her. Having a scary dark interesting secret, she decided to keep it all to herself. Jace on the other hand also hid his terminal illness from everyone and pretends to be the strongest of all find out how ella made an impact to make Jace live at all cost, putting her life on the line. #enjoy

Hennie · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

chapter two (the letter)

"big bro, the designer is asking for you preference, should you wedding outfit match with Lynn's?" kiki asked, stretching forth the tablet phone

"since my opinion doesn't really matter, you should ask lynn what SHE wants" Jace said with an different shrug

"big bro, since you font like lynn, why don't we forget all these and cancel the wedding? its not a business alliance anyway" kiki said

"seems like you song understand a thing here, this is not a decision for me to make, dad wants this, you should know what i mean now" Jace said grimly

"the worst he could do is yell at at you....." kiki said

"you don't know dad too well kiki, he's going to disown me and denounce me as the CEO of Kgroups, if this alliance would secure my reputation, i don't mind going ahead with it, besides i cant back out now, all our business partners from across the country has been invited and then what? i should call off the wedding?" Jace scoffed

"oh, that's huge, lets visit lynn then and ask about her preference" kiki said

"cant you go there alone?" Jace frowned

"and why should i go alone leaving the main character behind?" kiki huffed

''you should really stop reading those literary novels, main character? Humph!" Jace eyes her

"i can't help it, get ready and lets go bro" kiki said and lunged towards the garage


kiki's p.o.v

we got to the havard's mansion and pressed the doorbell.

"Good afternoon max" Jace greeted mr havard's right hand man who came out to attend to us

"mr Jace? i was preparing to come visit you in stead of mr Harvard, uh-uh, miss lynn dropped a letter and....." before mr max could finish his statement, Jace snatched the letter from him curiously and disclosed it.

💌"Dad, i already apologized in advance before taking this step, but I'm apologizing again because i know how hurt and disappointed you and the kim family would be.

i can't get married to Jace, at least not now.

i have a dream to chase and fulfill, i want to become a star dad, maybe I'd come back after making a name for myself, if you can wait and maybe if Jace can wait too.....

I'm sorry for letting you down dad.

your dearie❤ lynn. 💌

i read aloud and Jace squeezed the letter in his hand furiously

"Actually, this is a good thing" jace said with a Fake smile and wanted to the garage leaving me behind

merely glancing at him, i could tell how steamed up he is. Anybody would be angry

hone is gonna be hell, i better go to school from here

"thanks for the good bad news mr max, lynn is so aspiring huh?" i said angrily and dashed off.


"i thought you're taking the day off, why did you even bother coming to work when it's twilight already" mummy kulkul sneered at ella angrily

"i told you I'm going to come late today" ella said nonchalantly and flight her bag on the nearest couch "i noticed I'm getting lean so i went to do some shopping" ella said and sat down at the counter

"whatever! my kulkul is angry, get her some ice cream. be sure not to stay out late or i'd fire you" mummy kulkul pointed out

"its a pity because no one would work overtime for you anymore once you fire me remember you are too lazy to even run errands for yourself" ella said teasingly

"you dummy, just go get the ice cream and stop jabbering, I'd hire a new attendant" mummy kulkul snapped

"don't fool yourself, no one else would work overtime for you with a bonus like i do, just give me the money and stop bluffing" ella said angrily

"tshh, i feel like whacking you" mummy kulkul glared at her, ella snatched the money and stormed away.

Jace Wealth drove recklessly into the quiet local area, he parked his car near a local restaurant and altogether from the car

frustrated, he breathed out and ruffled his well permed,combed dark hair, walking to nowhere in particular, he mistakenly bumped into crazy ella in front of the local restaurant.

he first mistook her for lynn, but then lynn wouldn't wear such old clothes, but why the he*k does she resemble Lynn so unbelievably?' he wondered in his own world

"hey mister, since you ain't blind, you should apologize after bumping into someone by mistake, money doesn't stop you from apologizing you know" Ella hurled at him angrily.

"oh so sorry, that wasn't intentional" Jace stuttered 'lynn isn't this wild' he thought glaring at ella.

"Humph! whatever!" ella rolled her eyes and turned to go but Jace stopped her.

he'd be a fool not to do that right? isn't this what the call fate if the heaven favors you among others?

"sorry miss. can i have a moment talk with you? its quite important" Jace said as gentle as possible

"so you're going to get me another job" Ella eyed him

"huh? how do you mean?'' jace frowned

"my boss sent me on an errands and she's gonna fire me if i stay out late, you already wasted a lot of my time so i should get going hun?" ella said grumpy and turned to leave again.

"oh, so what do you think about the post if a managing director?" jace said bluntly and ella halted "i mean if your boss fire you, I'd hire you in my company" he said in addition

"wait, you are not pranking me are you? you are really going to appoint me as the M.D of your company?" ella asked in disbelief

"yes but I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications" Jace teased

"what do you mean, i graduated from the university you know, I'm working here because nobody is willing to offer a nobody like me a decent work" ella said with a slight of anger in her tone

"alright then, sit lets talk" Jace said and ella obliged

"your name?" he asked

"Isabella, ella for short" ella replied honestly

'should i ask for her surname? she look so much like lynn, this is so confusing' Jace thought grimly

"hey mister, are you here?" ella snapped her fingers before him

"huh? yeah, i am.....by the way, I'm Jace wealth...."

"what! as in the same Jace wealth? the stone headed youngest billionaire?" ella asked in disbelief

"yeah, i own..."

"i know, i know, you are the CEO of K-group and wealth cooperation, you do not need to start bragging, just hit the nail on its head already" ella cut him short abruptly.

^she has heard about how this jerk turn down all the ladies that aspires for him ^

'wow, she's rude but what can i do? i only have to tolerate her since I'm the one in need of her favor, i just hope she cooperates with me, she can't know the whole truth' Jace thought with himself whole glaring at ella

"what is the matter with you mr jace? one moment you are here, another moment, you are in your own world. wait! OMG! are you planning to do something bad to me!? oh my goodness!..."

"no no, it's not like that, calm down please, don't interpret me wrong, i was just thinking about an important contract we are about loosing and it'd be a big loss" jace said and sighed helplessly

"oh sorry about that, or do you need me to seduce him for you? i heard such clients falls for beautiful ladies, you saw me as a perfect match and need my help for it right?" ella asked casually

"uh, ahem not seduce, we have to get married" Jace blurted


"don't worry, we'd divorce after few months, we'd consider it a fake marriage, only a married personal is allowed to take part in the contract" Jace explained

"so i'd be a fake mrs jace wealth for some couples of months and live the life of a boss lady, cool! doesn't sound bad at all" ella beamed

"yes but you have to change your name to Lynn Havard" Jace said

since lynn name has been printed on the invites, its only right for a change of name

"but.. why the change of name? does isabella soumds too local? you are not insulting my identity, are you?" ella frowned

"no, no its nothing like that, i just prefer lynn, you can do that least right?" Jace asked and ella shrugged indifferently

"alright no problem" ella obliged and jace beamed in satisfaction "but why me? many noble ladies would be willing to be your fake wife, why me?" ella asked warily

"well you see, those lady are too clingy, i don't want to go through the stress of them breaching the contract and risking my chance" Jace replied simply

"and me? why do you trust that i wont breach the contract?'' ella asked

"you are powerless and would be easy to discard" jace replied sincerely

"oh wow, you are smart mr jace but here is an advice from a stranger, don't look down on anyone, especially someone who grew up on the streets, we might be unpredictable and not easy to discard" ella said with a hidden smirk

"oh, alright thanks for the advice" jace said and chuckled.

"seriously, who would have thought that the lowly ella clinton would meet the great jace wealth in a local area and he'd propose marriage to her?" ella thought aloud and chuckled

"excuse me mr Jace, there's someone i must teach some lesson before i step into you world temporarily" ella said and sauntered off.

"hmm, her steps ain't that bad" Jace mumbled and folded his arms in akimbo.