

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · Thành thị
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40 Chs

Don't Leave Your Husband!

"Hey, beautiful lady, why are you frowning?" asked David, who was surprised to see his best friend's beautiful face suddenly become wrinkled.

"I'm so annoyed with the attached grandmother, Dav!" Almira argued in her spoiled voice.

"Grandma attached? You mean?" asked David confused who Almira was referring to.

Almira immediately pointed at the woman who was holding Daffa who had just come off the stage. "Anjani, Daffa's ex-lover," said Almira wearily.

"That woman? Come on, Miraku, Almiraku, honey. Daffa is really blind when tempted by that woman. From any point of view, you are everything from his." said David shaking his head because he didn't expect Almira to feel jealous of Daffa too.

"Huft, you say that because you're my best friend from the past, Dav! You're not sincerely praising me," Almira snapped, pursing her lips even more.

"No such thing! I'm not lying or just praising you because you're my best friend. But it's really like that. Just ask the other people here. They must say that you are beautiful," said David with sincerity. His gaze was locked on his best friend's beautiful face.

"Who is beautiful?" Daffa said suddenly interrupting their conversation.

"Of course my lover," said David, putting his arm around Almira.

Daffa who saw that, immediately removed David's hand from his wife, then pulled the woman to his side.

"Keep that hand of yours, Dav! I don't want to break my wife's best friend's hand," Daffa said threateningly.

"Oh? Do I also have to break your ex-girlfriend's hand that was presumptuous to caress your face?" David asked back with such a sharp look.

"Just break it, I don't care!" Daffa said casually.

"Okay, I'll do it later," David replied with a chuckle.

"Di your brain is always violent. Really annoying!" Almira grumbled annoyed because her two favorite men always put muscle over brain.

"It's a law of nature, Al. After all …."

"Drinks please, sir, miss," interrupted a waiter, thrusting a drink at the three of them.

"You want?" Daffa asked his wife.

"No, I don't want to drink or eat anything here," said Almira, still annoyed with Anjani's behavior.

"Why is that?" Daffa asked after drinking her drink completely because her throat was dry after talking a lot on stage.

"That ex-girlfriend of yours said that I was…"

"Wait a minute, honey. I'm dying. Dav, leave my wife! But don't poke!" Daffa said, running straight away before David said anything.

"Gosh, Al. Your husband just drank but was about to be kicked out again. Is it true that his body does not have a filter? Was the food and drink that entered his body not processed first and went straight to the disposal?" said David shaking him head as he saw Daffa slowly disappearing from view.

"Ish, you're just weird!" Almira grumbled annoyed.

While David immediately laughed at his friend's annoyance. It has become entertainment for the man when he sees his friend's annoyed face.

"You really should get a girlfriend fast, Daf."

"Why?" asked David in surprise.

"So that you don't always become the culprit!" said Almira making David immediately sour face.

"It sucks like this, I'm your most handsome friend, Al!" David snapped.

"Yes, yes, because you are my only male friend," said Almira, laughing even more.

The two friends continued to tease each other jokingly. They forgot someone who didn't come back. Until a call came in on her cellphone, making Almira immediately turn her attention to the flat object.

"Who?" asked David in surprise.

"Daffa. Why is she calling me? Is she in trouble in the bathroom!" asked Almira in surprise.

"Maybe, Al. Maybe he's stuck in the bathroom again. You just picked it up!" David commanded and Almira nodded her head immediately.

The woman immediately shifted the green icon on her cellphone and then put the flat object to her ear.

"Hello, Daf, there is..."

"Al …. Help me …. I can't take it anymore, Al! Please hurry!" Daffa shouted like someone who was holding something back.

"What are you doing, Daf? Where are you!" asked Almira frantically.

"I was in the toilet…. STAY AWAY Bitch! GO! " shouted Daffa again to no one.

For a moment Almira froze hearing her husband's screams. It seems, Daffa is not alone at this time.

"Why, Al?" asked David surprised to see Almira's face turned tense.

"Dav, please accompany me to the toilet! Looks like Daffa is in trouble right now!" asked Almira immediately grabbed David's hand.

"What's the problem, Al? Why are you in such a hurry? Is Daffa stuck in the toilet?" David asked surprised.

However, the man continued to follow Almira who continued to pull him quickly.

"It seems like more than that, Dav. I don't know what's wrong. But for sure, at this time Daffa is not alone," said Almira really panicked.

"You mean? If Daffa is not alone, it means she is not in trouble, Al," said David surprised.

"That's precisely the problem, Dav! I don't know what happened but Daffa kept shouting to get rid of that person," Almira explained, getting filled with strange thoughts.

"Okay, you calm down first. That's the toilet. We can find out what happened," said David trying to calm his friend.

Almira nodded and accelerated her footsteps. Once near the toilet, there was no sound whatsoever.

"Why no sound, Dav?" asked Almira in surprise.

"Let's take a look inside. Maybe you didn't hear it until your voice came out," answered David, rushing into the toilet.

Likewise with Almira who followed from behind. Women are really anxious especially when….



David immediately broke into one of the toilet cubicles. Until a scene appeared that no one really wanted to see, especially Almira.

"Daff ..." Almira whispered with clear beads that had dripped down her cheeks.

"Help me, Al. I can't take it anymore," Daffa whispered, truly pitiful.

Almira, who was about to leave, was immediately blocked by David. The man shook his head, as a sign that Almira should stay.

"Save your husband, Al! He's not in good shape. Take your husband to my room! This is the key. Let those who are here be my responsibility," said David, handing Almira the hotel room key.

"But Dave..."

"Trust me, you will regret leaving your husband alone now. Go, I never told you to do anything that would harm yourself!" said David with a look that was difficult to decipher.

Almira nodded and took the room key from her best friend's hand. I don't know why David booked a hotel room, while he could go home anytime.

But now is not the time to think about that. This is the time, Almira took Daffa away from the attached grandmother who was already half naked and only lowered her face.

"Help me, Al. I can't stand it anymore," Daffa whispered, really like a tortured person.

"Yes, I will help you. Let's get out of here," said Almira immediately carrying her husband out of the toilet.

I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, Daffa wasn't doing well at the moment.