
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

The Funeral And The Lost Boy (38)

I have to make the funeral arrangements with Brett and Kara. I don't know what Rhett wanted so I decide to take a back seat. Kara is the oldest so she makes all the arrangements and then ask me if I'm ok with it. It's very traditional and I don't know if Rhett would like it or not. I look to Brett who is just pacing the room.

"Kara, Rhett and I never talked about death. I don't know what he would want but this is so formal. Our boys are just pups. They won't understand why we are burning their daddy. Can't we do something more family friendly?"

Brett looks up at me then and says, "Yes of course we can love, I never thought about the boys not understanding. Kara, we will use the mausoleum.", she shakes her head at him but gives in when Sean comes in the room.

"Mommy?", he is so little to see death like this. "Yes, love.", I look into his eyes. "Daddy Rhett said to tell you that you need to go back to the doctor.", I am thankful that this is mind link on his part. "Ok honey, I will. Let me take you up to the nursery first. I will get Isobel to let you boys play outside for a while. "

I give my instructions to Isobel and I go to Doctor Brown. I let him know that I need a check up on the girls. He laughs but agrees to test. He finds a problem that left untreated could cause death of the pups. After fixing the problem he ask me, "Ok first you come to me thinking you are pregnant way before you should, now you know that these pups are in danger without symptoms. How? Not that I'm upset but how did you know?"

I look at him with questioning eyes, "My boys can communicate with me via mind link and they can talk to their dead father. I honestly don't know how it works. They are the first hybrid birth with wolf, snake and warlock." I see that he understands as much as I do. He gives me vitamins, instructions for bed rest, as much as possible, and says he will see me again soon.

I go back home and get in bed. Brett mind links me asking where I am. He makes it to my room fast. He joins me in bed. Holding me safe in his arms. I turn over to face him. He asks me if I'm ok. I reassure him I am ok. Then he kisses me very passionately. I keep him at arms length so he quickly questions me.

"Baby I will never lie to you about anything. I really want to save this information until after the funeral. If you need to know now I'll tell you. I have 3 things to tell you. I just want everything about Rhett right now. Please."

"I trust you completely Ana and if you want to keep this until after tomorrow then I am ok with that baby. I get first dibs tomorrow night to find out your 3 secrets.", He tickles me before kissing me.

He offers to shower together but I ask, "Could I have a couple of days of widow hood before we are together?", He agrees. Do you want to sleep alone tonight.", he questions. "Not really, I just don't want to have sex yet. If you are ok with that.", I wait for an answer.

"Yeah babe, I'm okay with it . I respect your decision. You are thinking about everything, the big picture. Rhett was your lover as well and you want to respect his memory. I love you baby girl."

"Brett honey, you and Rhett have always been so good to me. I am a fighter, a warrior. However, you both treated me like an angel. You always make sure that I am ok first. Brett, how are you? You know that I am in pain just from the mate bond alone. Add the fact that I love....loved him and its not pretty. I just need to be able to help my other mate."

"Ana I don't know how I am. I've never been separated from him. I have been with him from the womb. I feel like part of me is missing and like I need to find it.", I pull him to me. We kiss until I just fall asleep in his arms.

"Ana?", Brett is very surprised at how tired I am. He just lets me sleep. He holds me all night, rubbing my back and hips like he did before I gave birth to the boys. I wake up in the night with him rubbing my hip. "Are you ok baby?", I ask him. "Yeah I'm ok Ana. I just enjoy watching you sleep.", I turn over in his arms to look into his eyes.

"In the dark? Babe, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.", I push him easy. I don't want him stressed anymore than need be. Today is the Funeral. I hope he can open up to me.

"Well, I'm scared honey. What if it happens again baby? What if I can't protect you and our pups? That could be me in that box.", Brett tells me everything in his heart.

"Brett, if it happens again we will fight again. We will stand together just like we did this time. What happened to Rhett shouldn't have. He was supposed to stay close. I could blame myself for not looking harder for him but that would just be wrong. It's not any of our fault. They took him, it could have been any of us. As the parents of these special pups we were all in danger. We still have danger but we can't live in fear."

"I know, you are right Ana. I just can't get past these thoughts of my brother suffering alone. I wasn't there to help him. I couldn't save him.", he is crying uncontrollably. I try to comfort him but I don't know what to say.

We all get ready for the funeral. Levi flies in from Japan, my parents come in from the states, my twin brothers are with them. My grandparents come as well. Even Grandpa Leo from Africa is with us. I feel very loved. The coven are all in attendance. The elders even come. The Roo pack comes. The wolves, snakes, other covens. It's a very large funeral.

The boys get to see daddy Rhett one last time. They are so small that I don't know if they will even remember him. Everyone joins us as we place his casket into the mausoleum. It is sealed with the magic of the elders. We go back home to entertain family for a meal. The cooks and maids are ready. Isobel helps with everything. I sneak off to be alone. My Little pup comes in.

"Mommy, Daddy Rhett said that he was very happy with the arrangements. He wants you to be happy too. He wants you to know it wasn't your fault and he releases you to be happy with daddy Brett. He said that he will watch over all of us, Especially the girls. He said that they are his legacy. He said that Alpha Sophia and Beta Irina are going to be unique. He said to tell you that he loves you with all of his heart.", Sean tells me.

"Thank you honey, you are so super smart to remember all of that sweet boy. I love you Sean.", I tell him. "Mommy, I didn't remember it. Daddy Rhett was telling me and I was telling you.", he laughs. "Sweet boy, does he tell you like we talk, the mind link or in person like other people?", I need to know how Rhett communicates with the pups.

"Mommy, Daddy Rhett tells me in person. He is right there.", Sean points to the chair across from us. "He isn't solid now. He is all smokey." I tell him to go find Daddy Brett. I sit him down and as he walks away I stare at the chair.

"Rhett, if you can hear me. I love you very much and I miss you like crazy. I will never stop loving you. Thank you for sending me messages. I wish you could talk to me. It's hard here without you. I know you want me to be happy but I just don't know how, yet. I'll try for you baby.", I feel weird talking to an empty room.

Brett finds me alone and asks me about my secrets. "You are just a wee bit impatient huh?", I giggle. "Yeah because I love you, I want nothing between us.", he tells me. "Okay, one is that I'm pregnant with twins again.", I look into his eyes to see a reaction.

Brett picks me up bridal style and twirls around. He sits me back down in the chair I was in. Kneeling beside me he says, "That might just be the best news I've had since the day you said you would be our mate. I pray they belong to my brother.", he says.

"Well, he has named them (Sophia and Irina) and talks to them. So I'd say they are his.", I tell him. "That's great babe.", he touches my belly.

"Two, I have to take medication because I developed an infection. The doctor says that because Rhett told me, we caught it in time before it effected the pregnancy.", I say. "Ok, I can deal with that , you best get rest and listen to the doctor.", he tells me.

"Yes sir, will do.", his demands are realistic. "Now what about the third one, little mama.", this makes me giggle again. "Yes Daddy.", I say seductively. He pulls me in for a kiss. Then I explain about Doctor Brown. "We should go find Daddy so that we can find out about Doctor Brown.", I say.

We find my dad and doctor Brown already talking. We both sit down with them. "Doctor Brown it's nice to see you again. Have you filled my Dad in yet?", I can't wait to see what Dad thinks.

"Actually we were just getting started with that. As I was saying I was an orphan, a lost boy if you will, I lived in the orphanage until age 7. I was adopted by a great family. My dad was a doctor. At age 16 I changed and they asked me to leave. I never have thought of being a Royal. I just followed you because we share a birthday."

"I had to see doctor Brown and I started asking questions. You know me Dad, always need to question things. So I asked Doctor Brown to run at DNA test on me. I think he might be family. The nuns said he came to the orphanage with a note that said he was William Brown.", I share my side.

"So, I ran the test and we are family. I just came to meet you and request that we do a DNA test. To see if we are close family or not. That is all I want. I've dreamed so often about finding my real family.", he shows my dad the test results.

"I was told my twin died at birth. William Brown died in Africa. How could you be him?", my dad is pale. "You can run the DNA test. Thank you for being so strong all these years. We will make it right if you are my brother. You will stand with me proud to be a Royal, at least I hope you will. "

"This is exciting. You could be my Uncle.", I get up and hug him. My mate, my Dad and my maybe uncle stay to talk. I excuse myself and go to check on the boys before bed. I am exhausted and really just need to sleep. "Brett could....could we be together?", I had never really asked for sex. I had demanded sex when I was pregnant or in heat...never because I need to make love. I truly needed him.

"Ana, honey, you never have to worry again I am never leaving your bed. The other rooms will be filled with pups.", he smiles and kisses me. "Thank you babe, I thought I wanted to wait, Rhett knew I shouldn't I guess.", I hug him to me. I stand on my tiptoes to reach his lips. I kiss him lightly at first. Soft like a butterfly landing on your lips. This pushes him over the edge.

He passionately kisses me, nibbling my lips, then down my neck. He licks my nipples one at a time before sucking them into his mouth. After my nipples were hard he licked my mark sending shivers down my spine. He kisses my bellybutton and then bites my thigh. The bumps on my skin are everywhere now. I'm not cold at all. He lifts my leg and kisses my foot. Then licks behind my knee. This leaves my leg on his shoulder.

My pussy is exposed and very wet. He rubs down my slit with his finger. Then he taste my juices on his finger, making a sucking noise. Then he rubs my clit, then back to my slit before he slips it into me and finds my Gspot. He pulls out his finger and brings it up to my mouth. I suck off my juices and moan. He kisses my pussy. Plunging his tongue into me over and over. Licking my slit and sucking my clit. My back arches as I moan louder than last time. He continues until I cum so hard I squirt. Afterwards he kisses me. I smell my juices and taste them.

I am so aroused and ready. I beg, plead and scream for him to please fuck me. He rubs his cock against my slit, entering me so slow I have tears running down my face from pure pleasure. Slowly he begins to push into me. Faster and faster until his hips are slamming into mine as he bottoms out in me. We both have a massive orgasm. My body shaking and sweat pouring down my face, chest, legs.

"Brett I've missed you. I hope you know how much I love you.", I pant. "I love you too baby.", he tells me as he kisses my neck. "Goodnight my love.", I tell him as he is saying goodnight too.