
Chapter 7

John's P.O.V

I tilted my head and fixed my gaze at the beauty beside me. She had her head cupped on her left hand , while the other typing on the computer . Her long and natural eyelashes caught my attention.

Her rosy cheeks flushed a spark of pink , making her looked .. Adriana . All of her , her lips , her round eyes , her cheeks , her delicious body , everything of her is shouting 'Adriana' back at me .

'Mine ! ' My wolf , Louise howled .

'Calm down now . We don't want to scare her away don't we ? " I cooed , damn if he doesn't control himself , I'm afraid he's going to surface any minute now , marking her right on her delicious neck .

He whimpered for a moment before going silent again . God it took everything in me not to go crazy over her addicting scent .