
Chapter 4

"It's not everyday I see someone tossing her heels and throwing her hair over her head in public . Plus , you're in your office blouse . " He smirked , gently shaking his cup of coffee , balancing the contents . "One word . Jobless . " I exhaled . Brushing away the hair that fell onto my face with my fingers .

"What happened ? " He smiled , reaching into his paper bag and pull out a container containing two sandwiches . The thing about him though , is that he doesn't break eye contact with you. Weird , but I kind of like the attention that he's giving to our so-called conversation. "Cause I hadn't make a freaking appointment , that's why . " "Here , have one . " He offered me a piece of his sandwich , "Let me guess , Federico Corp. ? " Man , this dude is awesome .

"Yeah . " I took a bite at the delicious sandwich. God I hadn't eat something this good since Christmas .

He chuckled , "You can always work for me . I've just lost my secretary last week . " Did god just heard my prayers ? Cause if he did , I'll love him forever .

"Really ? Don't people have to wait in line with their resume and all that shit for that ? " I raised my brows . "I don't joke muffin. Plus , you were from Federico Corps , I trust their standards. It's just sad to know that they let you go. " He smiled , eating the last bit of his sandwich . Pasht , if only he knows that I did just last night to gain my earnings. "How much do I get paid ? You know , I don't wake up at 8 everyday for no reasons . " Gosh do you even know how much I hate 8 to 5 ?

"5200 dollars for your initial month. Your pay goes up according to your performance and experiences collected. You'll also recieve monthly allowance so don't worry. " That shut me up for good . "Deal . I'll start today . " I flashed him a smile and pulled my hair back into a bun , placing my heels back onto my feet .


John's P.O.V

I looked at the clock , 7:50 a.m . She's going to be so late . I smirked , this is going to be fun .

I turned my head towards the CCTV's , zooming at the small figure walking through the entrance . I could imagine her groaning for the distance of the reception from the entrance . How cute . I watch as she struggle herself with the receptionist , good god it's already 7:59 a.m .

Right when the clock strikes 8 , she turned around and .... walk towards the main entrance ? I frowned , not knowing what just happened . My heart dropped as soon as her figure disappears down the door . WHAT FLIPPIN FLIP JUST HAPPENED ?

Picking my feet up , I rushed towards the elevator , not even thinking twice .

"C'mon , C'mon ... " I groaned at the speed of it . I'll need upgrades for situation like these . This is just torturous .

"What did you told her ? " was the first thing I asked when I bolted towards the receptionist .

"Mr-Mr.Federico .. I uh .. who ? " She shuttered . That's right , no one wants to see an angry boss early in the morning . NO ONE .

"The girl you just spoke to just now dammit ! " I slammed my fist at the counter , don't test my patience bimbo .

"She -She hadn't made an app-appointment sir .. " Hold fvck . **

I followed her scent , tracking her down in all possible directions .

Her scent became stronger , calming my wolf down . "Mate . Near . "He kept repeating . I turned left and .. WHO THE FUVK IS THAT GUY AND WHY IS HE WALKING SO CLOSE TO MY MATE ?! I growled lowly . NO ONE TOUCHES WHATS MINE . The guy must've heard my growl before turning his head towards my direction . Alexis Reyan . My sworn enemy . "Adriana , what are you doing out here ? Not in there ? " I asked , pointing at my company's building.

Her eyes immediately shot up , before she froze in position . "Apparently , someone forgot to put her on the appointment list . So 8 o'clock stroke , she's fired and now she's hired . " Alexis gave me an evil smirk , the one he's famous for . "She's not even close to being fired Alexis , and laws have it that one can't simply take away a certain company's worker without her being fired . Wait, Are you fighting against the law ? " I smirked widely at him , good thing I've studied law before stepping into business . "Well , she can just resign , right muffin ? " He looked at the stunned angel standing there hesitating . Did he just called her muffin ? Owh hell no .

"I-I uh.. I don't know . " She blurted out . " C'mon Adriana , your office awaits. " I pulled her gently into my arms , with my hand placed at the small of her back . Alexis stood there smirking , "But if you got fired or maybe you've changed your mind , I'm at the building across the road muffin . The offer'll be still up anytime . "

"Owh don't sweat it Alexis , she'll be fine at my company . And I'll treat her better than any other boss will . " Owh In fact , I'll treat her real good .