
Chapter 45

He chuckled , the smirk not leaving his face . "yes cara , we did . And we hadn't use protection so you'll have to marry me . We're having kids cara . " He leaned forward , whispering the last part at my ears . I gulped , WE DID WHAT ?! "BUT I'M CLOTHED !! " I pointed at my PJs . He said nothing but winked at me . OWH GOSH . WHAT DOES THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN ?! "Get washed up cara , we have a very important place to be in 2 hours . " He said , getting out of bed . "Wait ! What about .. this ?! " I gestured at the bed . I really don't want to drop this topic off too fast .I'm a virgin for god's sake ! And I see no blood stains at all .

"What about what ?" he arched his brows , smirking . That arrogant bastard !