
Chapter 32

"Well uhm , I'm going on a business trip . " She ended with a breathtaking smile , her eyes shining with excitement . "Business trip ei ? " He then turned his gaze at me , cocking his brows . "Yes , now if you'll excuse me , we're trying to have breakfast over here ."I replied coldly , stirring at my cup of coffee . "Alright then . I'll see you when you get back ? " He asked Adriana , oBviously trying to get my hair on fire . "Sure do. "She happily answered , waving him good bye . Even a blind fuvk would've seen the imaginary smoke puffing out of my ears . They're FLIRTING . Owh this is way across the line preety boy , you obviously don't know who you're dealing with . Glaring at his leaving figure , I mumbled a huge ton of curse words under my breath , hoping that he'll die of mockery .


Adriana's P.O.V