
Submit to Your New Fire Lord! (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

This is an ongoing commission that I've been writing for four years now. I will be posting a chapter a day until it's caught up to where it's at on both QQ and HF. Synopsis: A very different Prince Zuko has done the impossible. Now he is Fire Lord, and the first thing on Zuko's mind is to celebrate with his beloved mother. As well as discuss the terms of their new relationship with the help of his Water Tribe slave, Kya.

CambrianBeckett · Ti vi
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22 Chs


A/N: WARNING! This commissioned story involves swinging/sharing. Zuko uses his authority in this story to develop a harem featuring both men and women. There is no M/M sex, but Zuko does have some of the male talent he 'discovers' breed with some of the women in order to build his next generation of servants and soldiers.


The young man knelt and a Fire Priest approached from behind with the golden flame. The unorthodox crown was slipped into the back of the boy's top knot as the Fire Priest spoke out in a loud voice for all assembled to hear.

"All hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

There was a stillness to the crowd at first, but then the boy's eyes flashed up and seemed to pierce the soul of every man and woman in assembly. The cheer was quickly taken up by those attending his crowning, as the Fire Nation united under their new Fire Lord.

"All hail Fire Lord Zuko! All hail Fire Lord Zuko! All hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

A slow smile spread across Zuko's face as he rose from his kneeling position and held his head high. The young man was tall for his age but still shorter than both his father and his grandfather at this point. Not that it mattered overly much given he stood above all others, up on a dais that had twenty steps between him and his subjects below him.

The youngest Fire Lord the Nation had ever seen gave one last nod and a wave of his hand, before he turned and walked back into the Palace. The citizenry and the nobility and the army, all gathered swiftly to respond to the abruptly coronation, watched him go as the chant trailed off. There was an undercurrent of fear throughout the Fire Nation at what had just happened, after all, how could there not be?

Fire Lord Sozin had instigated the Hundred Year War and led the Fire Nation into its most prosperous time in all of history. Fire Lord Azulon, his son and heir, had continued that tradition, a firebending prodigy since childhood who'd demanded perfection from both himself and his people. The Fire Nation had endeavored to give him that.

Meanwhile, his two sons Iroh and Ozai… both had their problems, but the Fire Nation had expected one or the other to eventually take the throne and become Fire Lord once their father was gone. That no longer seemed lightly. Out of all those mentioned, only Iroh still lived and the man was broken after the death of his son at Ba Sing Se.

It was Azulon and Ozai's deaths that gave the people of the Fire Nation pause though. An Agni Kai held in secret was not unheard of, but one held between father and son with grandfather presiding? But then, it was not so unusual, since it'd all apparently turned out to be a trap set by Ozai. The Prince had aimed to kill his father during the Agni Kai with Lightning.

His son, Zuko, had not been able to save his grandfather, their dear Fire Lord… but he had avenged him. When a scroll in Azulon's handwriting was discovered next to the throne where his charred corpse sat that proclaimed the winner of Ozai and Zuko's Agni Kai his true heir, the Priesthood had rushed to coronate the new Crown Prince.

Zuko was now Fire Lord and nobody understood how it had happened or why. But they did know he was in charge. Iroh's letter had arrived the day before, congratulating his nephew and formally abdicating his claim to the throne. The rumors said that in response, Zuko had invited his Uncle back home and asked for the older man to become his first and foremost advisor.

The line of Sozin stayed strong and perhaps that was the only reason that the people did not rise up. The Fire Nation would continue on under their new ruler, despite his age. After all, Azulon was a prodigy when he was younger and Ozai had killed him. Zuko in turn had killed Ozai, a man in his prime who had killed one of the strongest, most ruthless Fire Lords the world had ever seen.

The logic was simple. Fire Lord Zuko would go on to do great things. Whether they would be terrible as well, or not… remained to be seen.


The people of the Fire Nation did not know the truth, but that was fine because Zuko never intended to tell them. He would not speak to a single soul about what had really happened between him, his father, and his grandfather. Not even his own mother…

Speaking of which, Zuko came to a stop outside of his mother's rooms and smiled. It was his first stop after his coronation. Well, technically he'd picked up something on the way. His eyes slide back over his shoulder to the dark skinned beauty standing behind him and to his left. She was as gloomy and as sad as ever, despite him treating her well.

"Cheer up Kya. You're now the property of a Fire Lord, rather than the son of a Prince. We both moved up in this world."

"Of course my Master. It is as you say."

Zuko snorted even as he finally opened the door before him and stepped inside. Kya, his water tribe slave, followed him in. The woman had started out as his nanny of sorts, but he'd grown beyond such things a while ago. Now she held no authority over him, not even the ability to tell him when to go to bed. It had been hard for the woman to adjust to her new position, but Zuko already had a mother that he loved dearly. He'd had no need for two, once he'd grown out of childhood and become the young man he was now.

Stepping into Ursa's room, a wide smile spread across Zuko's face as he found her waiting for him. She'd been at his coronation of course, but Zuko had had other things on his mind at the time and his focus could not be on his beautiful, beloved mother. Ursa's pretty face lit up when she saw her son and though there was grief in her eyes at all he had had to do for her sake, she was still happy enough to climb to her feet and move forward to hug him.

The newly crowned Fire Lord hugged his dear mother back, eyes shut and a soft smile on his face. This lasted for only a moment though before he pulled away from her, his features shifting towards serious quite abruptly.

"Mother… we need to talk."

Ursa blinked down at her child. Zuko still wasn't quite fully grown, but he was certainly no longer a baby, nor a boy. This was a young man her son had become, matured in mind if not quite in body.


Zuko licked his lips, wanting nothing more than to be as he'd always been… but he could not afford to do so. He wanted more.

"I am Fire Lord now mother. You must address me as such."

This was important. She had to learn to obey him if their new relationship was going to work after all. Ursa looked taken aback momentarily and for a second she looked amused. Then incredulous when she realized he was serious. Eventually, with her face pale, she bowed her head.

"As you say… Fire Lord."

A low breath leaves Zuko's mouth.

"I am Fire Lord… and you are beautiful. Please mother… disrobe for me?"

Ursa's head snaps up and her eyes widen as she sees something she never expected in her son's eyes. A hunger, a hunger that his father had once had for her, before she'd birthed him two children. Then, Ozai's hunger had turned towards desire for power, rather than desire for flesh. Admittedly, Ursa missed those days… but not enough to lay with her own child.


Zuko let out a sigh.

"I understand this is hard for you mother… but I am Fire Lord and you serve me, do you not? Please… Kya, help my mother disrobe."

Ursa could have resisted. She could have fought back and stopped the water tribe slave as the dusky skinned woman of similar age to her slid past her son and moved to help her from her clothing. Instead though, the former Fire Lady found herself lost in Zuko's eyes as her son stared up at her with a piercing gaze. She put up no resistance at all as Kya slid her garments off of her one by one. Ultimately, she stood before her son completely nude, her womanly form revealed to him.

"You are beautiful mother…"

It was wrong, but she couldn't help but feel a tingle of desire at his words. She knew she was comely, and she knew it was wrong for Zuko to be looking upon her… and yet… and yet, hearing him say it made her feel warm, hot even. Her face grew enflamed as she blushed deeply. Her son's eyes were not on her face though; instead they raked up and down her body as he approached ever so slowly. His hands came up and she let him do as he pleased, closing her eyes in trepidation.

Honestly, it would have been better if Zuko was rough or childish in his subsequent actions. But the new Fire Lord proved to be far too experienced with his touch for Ursa's comfort. She had a sinking suspicion that Zuko's nanny, Kya, was not being used for nanny-duties any longer and had not been for quite a while. His fingers on her breasts felt… uncomfortably good. He touched her like a man who had bedded many a woman and knew just how to make them feel good.

Caressing her, squeezing in all the right places… was it any wonder that Ursa was panting for breathe within minutes? The first time a moan left her throat though, Zuko abruptly stopped and Ursa's eyes widened as her mouth snapped shut. The look in his eye told her he knew exactly what the sound that she'd just made meant. His gaze slid past her to the bed and after a moment, he silently nodded her head in that direction.

Ursa whimpered but ultimately went. He was the Fire Lord, but more than that he was her darling son. She would do anything to make him happy… even this, so it seemed. Sliding back onto the bed, a naked woman lay back and spread her legs wide, stretching her arms out to welcome her baby boy into them. Zuko looked at her with that same hunger as before in his eyes and against Ursa's will, her pussy got all the wetter under his gaze.

Kya once again helped, stripping Zuko of his heavy clothes piece by piece. Once he was naked and his cock (that certainly was NOT the cock of a boy!) revealed, the water tribe slave moved to the side of the bed and knelt with her head bowed low. Zuko ignored her and ultimately Ursa did the same. Not out of malice, but simply because in this moment, she couldn't not focus every iota of her attention on her son, given what he was about to do to her.

Moving onto the bed at a languid pace, the lean, muscular young man prowled towards her like a predator. His eyes made Ursa shiver, both in fear and reluctant need. And then he was between her legs, the tip of his member pressed against her pussy lips. Without hesitation or pause, Zuko slid his cock inside of the hole that had given birth to him and began to fuck his own mother.

Ursa gasped and panted beneath her son. Zuko's movements were purposeful and methodic, each and every thrust reaching deep inside of her before pulling back. He was claiming her in a slow, tender, but ultimately domineering lovemaking session. It was not how his father would have fucked her, but in its own way, it was enjoyable. Ursa's breath grew more and more uneven as Zuko made his mark inside of her.

She was his and he was no longer truly hers. That was the message inherent in this action. He was Fire Lord first now, and her son second. Ursa let this knowledge wash over her and a moment later; her acceptance of this fact led her to an orgasm. She cried out quietly, her back arching and her full breasts lifting tantalizing close to Zuko's mouth. Her Fire Lord took advantage and suckled at one of her teats, even as he continued to thrust into her tightening, clenching pussy.

Eventually she calmed down but Zuko's mouth went with her as she fell back to the bed and he continued to use his tongue and lips and even his teeth to lavish praise upon her beautiful breasts. Happy little mewls left Ursa's throat as he did so, and it was no surprise to the older woman when he brought her to a second climax far faster than the first as a result.

She came again and this time the Fire Lord was not able to so easily shrug it off. He came with her and Ursa's eyes widened as she felt her son fill her womb with his seed. His member, bigger even than his father's, had reached all the way to the entrance of her womb, but due to his slow, languid pace, she'd thought nothing of it. Now though, she could feel his cum inside of her. Zuko hadn't just made love to her… he'd bred her like she was his wife.

As Ursa struggled to process this, Zuko pulled free of her pussy even as it clutched at him and tried to get him to stay. He turned and snapped his fingers. Kya's head lifted and she had a resigned look on her face as she leaned forward. Zuko grabbed the water tribe slave by the hair and directed his messy prick in between her lips. The dark skinned woman dutifully bobbed up and down on his cock, sucking and licking away the combined fluids from the coupling that had just taken place between him and his mother.

When she finished, Zuko did not let her go. Instead, he gripped her hair with his other hand as well and began to drive his cock right down her throat. Kya gagged and choked on his shaft, as she had many times before.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Ursa could only watch this brutality as she lay back on the bed. Her son, while gentle with her, did seem to have the same rough, savage demeanor hiding beneath the surface that his father had had. Ursa couldn't help but feel a bit more fire ignite in between her thighs at the sight of him abusing his slave so thoroughly.

Was it wrong for her to want that same abuse? Was it wrong for her to hope that one day soon, Zuko would tire of treating her so delicately? Ursa was not a flower to be caressed and protected. She watched on as Kya choked on the new Fire Lord's cock and she imagined herself in the slave's place. Her tongue subconsciously traced out to lick her lips, even as Kya's stretched ever further to accommodate all of Zuko's shaft.

Perhaps this new relationship between mother and son would not be so bad after all…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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