
Love , Power and Money


The castle of far- near land was strategically place, being guarded from four sides by deserts , an artificial moat with fresh fishes , dancing fountains, flamboyant hanging gardens filled with dahlia ,hundred verities of roses , golden walls and a glass courtroom with intricate glass items added even more beauty to the flawless creation .The central court room with glass architecture was graced by his majesty and the queen had her place in the queen's chambers .

The queen herself was a beauty which the world has never seen , her blue green eyes , perfect waist line , dusky curvaceous body , skills no one could have imagined , making the perfect decision and strategies during the entire planning process , her intelligence was unmatched

The palace had been built by pieces of hanging gardens and the entire castle has ultimately seventy five gardens with orchids , wild roses , creepers , climbers of all kind were present , every thing moving around were precious for the Royal family , since those species which are found in those gardens were planted by their ancestors who planted it seventy thousand years back , lush green leaves , captivating eyes and those could kill the beauty of a young dame , wherever they look they could see a special balsamic plant and if anyone tries to remove the balsamic plant completely they would be able to get golden coins , those flower species has underground mine and that can never be touched until the entire kingdom gets wiped out by heavy rains

King the athletic smart man was lean in structure , pale green eyes , tall with very pale but healthy white skin , he was the only man in the kingdom to have a decent height rest all wee shorter than him ,the royal family were the ones taller than five feet since marriage takes place between the family members the DNA does not get lost , he loves his only wife so much and appreciates her all the time . They both have fun through sharing knowledge and helping each other in their everyday activities , no one were there to raise a massive army when the King was on throne , His dad died young and many thought his younger brother Reeinir ran away or lives in disguise due to Reva ( King mother's horrific rules ), King was the only one who was there to fulfil all the people's dreams although Reva was his step mother she cared for him like her very own son , there are rumours on Mother trying to get her son married to someone else but his present wife was his childhood love

The tender age of fifteen they both learned their archery and sword training under the same master , she was skilled in tackling all his aims and he knew how to make her blush , from the very young age she fell for him , they used to go out when their master was not present and they would break all the rules let each other win , master knows that but he was happy that the young minds would shape our kingdom with all their might .

Their crazy love story had no boundaries , the queen tried to leave the city and wanted the king to find ,without any hints or clue , that became a big deal to the master he did not like this attitude from the queen's side , he was furious and thought all this would disrupt the harmony that is existing in both the empires , before she could flee the city he asked hos accomplice to catch her and make her stay in their training camp and the king would get her punishment instead , this was declared since the king had his role in this foolish game invented by the queen .the punishment was to cut five hundred chimney oak tree and provide firewood for people , thus play a part in chasing hunger out of their lives

Their marriage was a lavish affair it was planned for ten months and was executed with high enthusiasm , food from all around the world , heavenly dance , sauna , classical music being performed at all the corners of the wedding stage

Queen's outfit speaks multiple words , her hair has been dyed black with shiny pigments , golden and white dress , it was a five day wedding , her long three feet hair was covered with golden and lilac roses which has been decorated with spring leaves , it was summer peak so she had her gown was made out of soft silk fabric , the golden shine gave the wedding a exquisite look and the definite grandeur which it commands , the other marvellous structural architecture was built and erected by the architects of late and modern ideologies

the wedding memories

The bride and groom approach their families and upon their agreement, they perform this ritual. This means both the families confirm the relationship and an informal engagement ceremony takes place. The women of the groom's family carry coins to the bride's home resembling their support for the marriage and in return, the bride's family also goes to the groom's house with gifts. During the ceremony, both the houses are decorated as a gesture of warm welcome.

Achoo Michoo

This is an important religious tradition which is performed with the intent of fending off evil spirits before the beginning of a sacred process. The ritual consists of a unique custom where the bride's mother walks around the groom's mother with an egg and breaks it on the right side of her. Then she circles around the groom's mother with betel leaves, betel nut and a bowl of rice and throws it behind the house. Then again the seven circles are taken with rice and water which is thrown at the left and right side of the entrance of the house.


A silver coin is put into an oil lamp which is lit by the groom's mother. The bride has to walk into a specific spot with her right foot first and then the groom's mother again performs the achoo michoo ritual. After this, she gives her an auspicious and enticing red saree and dazzling bangles. The bride has to wear this saree and the bangles are put on by the mother-in-law. This tradition can be compared with the official engagement ceremony in other empires which include the exchange of rings.


This ritual includes the presence of the bride and groom together. It is performed by the older females in both the families. The couple has to carry a coconut in their hands and wear a garland made of auspicious flowers. The women brush Kumkum or liquid vermilion on the couples shoes. With the same Kumkum a round mark is made on the forehead of the bride and a vertical mark on the groom's forehead. Sugar cubes coated with yoghurt are given to the bride and groom.

Madhav Saro

A tree is planted in a pot and kept outside the houses of the bride and the groom. The pot is painted and decorated with exquisite colours then the families perform the achoo michoo ritual around it. This plant is important in the wedding as it is considered to be propitious and is kept in all the rituals that takes place after this. The families remember their ancestors by offering prayers in a ritual called Varadh Patra


This is another ritual which comprises giving presents and the groom's family bestows the bride with gifts like cash, clothes, jewellery and sweets. A feast is also observed on this day.

Shukranu Murat

This ritual is thought to be adopted from the ceremony of haldi. Only five married women perform this ritual. Turmeric paste is made by the five women and then it is applied to the bride and groom.


This is another similar found in other communities which involve a sacred bath with the intent of removing all contaminants of the body and spirit. After this, the bride and groom is ready for the main wedding ceremony and they are not allowed to touch anyone apart from family members.

Ara Antar

Then, the bride and groom are made to sit facing each other with white curtain between them so that they cannot see each other. Seven married women take circles around them seven times. The bride and groom are given rice grains, which they shower on each other from each side of the parda after the women are done circling. It is also a fun ritual because it is believed that whoever showers the rice first will be the one dominating the household. The priest keeps reciting Persian prayers during the ceremony. The bride and groom and now made to sit beside each other and a holy oil lamp is lit by them signifying their union.

The King and queen lived happily ever after , but that became short lived it was due to queen not giving birth to the heir , meanwhile her sister in law gave birth to a aboy and that was celebrated in a traditional manner

As the night progresses delectable Parsi food like Sali-na-gosht, Patra-ni-machhi, Pulao-dal, Alima-murgh fills in the aroma. The bride and groom are served on one plate and are asked to eat their first meal together as a couple, this is the custom of Dahikoomron. There is a very significant custard called Lagan-nu-custard that is served at every Parsi wedding - it is a custard that is only served at weddings and hence the name.

The night comes to an end when the newlywed couple leaves the venue for the groom's house where his mother awaits them and performs the Achu Michu ceremony once again to welcome them to their home.

The reception of the couple after the ceremonies is a grand event in a Parsi wedding. That is where the real fun is, with music and dancing going all through the night. The couple is invited on the dance floor for their 'first dance', after which all their friends and family join in to make merry. The oil lamps that were lit on either side of the bride and the groom during the wedding ceremonies are put out by placing a rose flower on the flame.

Hath Borvanu is not the end of the Masti with the groom. After the bride's sister, it is her sister-in-law's turn in the custom of Pag Dhovanu where she playfully threatens the groom to spill milk on his shoes and the only way for him to save his shoes is to gift her money.

Rupia Peravanu – This ritual refers to the informal engagement between the bride and groom and the first formal interaction between the two families. After the couple intending to get married informs their parents and if the parents provide no objection to the union, the Rupia Peravanu ceremony is arranged. Women from the groom's side visit the bride's home with a bagful of rupia or coins. As a welcoming gesture, the bride's home is decorated with decorative torans and chalk designs called chuna or rangoli.The groom's party carries with them gifts for the bride. The same ritual is repeated by the bride's side by visiting the groom's house with gifts.

Var Behendoo – After completion of the Achoo Michoo ritual the groom goes up to the wedding stage and sits down on the left chair facing the audiences. He is presented with a water pot or chambooru which is part of his dowry. The groom dips his hand into the water and drops a silver coin into the water-filled pot. This ceremony is knowns as Var Behendoo. The bride is then escorted onto the wedding stage by her female relatives. Her chair is now places facing the groom and she sits on it. Trays of rice are placed on either side of the couple and are to be thrown while they recite their vows. Zoroastrians being Fire Worshippers, candles are also placed on either side of the couple.

The couple sit beside each other; the groom is seated on the right side of the bride. The two priests stand in front of them and the couple is flanked by two witnesses, preferably married males members of the family. The very first thing the couple does is to acknowledge their spiritual union by lighting an oil lamp or candle jointly. The flame of the lap or candle signifies the couple's spiritual union. The flame should continue to burn until the wedding ceremony is over and the guests have departed.

Payvand-e-Zanshooi – in Persian, the word Payvand-e-Zanshooi essentially comes to mean joining or connecting through matrimony. The couple utters the Payman or vows of Payvand-e-Zanshooi during the Payvandnameh or wedding service. The whole wedding service is conducted in Persian and may take up to about an hour. The two priests utter the vows and the bride and groom repeats after them. The couple is showered with rose petals by the gathering of guests. The priests advice the couple to lead a blessed life of honesty, mutual respect and unhindered support. They ask the couple to cherish family and friends as much as they cherish each other. They are asked to forgo negative habits like jealousy, quarrelsome nature, anger and deceit. At the end of the advices, the priests perform a prayer for the couple wishing them good health (Tandrosti) and blessings (Ashirwad). The couple is then asked by the priest in Persian three times, whether they wish to marry this man/woman and the couple has to say "PasandeKardum". The couple exchange wedding rings after completion of the sermon and they are now considered married.

The glass court room referred in the story is a modified version of Curiae

curia, plural Curiae, in European medieval history, a court, or group of persons who attended a ruler at any given time for social, political, or judicial purposes. Its composition and functions varied considerably from time to time and from country to country during a period when executive, legislative, and judicial functions were not as distinct as they were later to become. In general, the curia took care of the ruler's personal needs (chamberlains, stewards, butlers), directed the affairs of government (chancellors, treasurers, secretaries, military leaders), or simply provided the ruler with companionship. The ruler and curia made policy decisions either ordinary or major (as on war, treaties, finances, church relations) and, under a powerful ruler—a king, duke, or count—often became active as a court of law. Indeed, curiae became so loaded down with judicial work that the work gradually came to be delegated to special groups of judges, such as the Court of King's Bench in England or the Parlement in France; such judicial courts in medieval times were at first considered instruments of the curia, however, not independent bodies. The curia similarly turned over the growing burden of financial affairs to such bodies as the English Exchequer and the French Curia in Compotis ("Curia of Accounts"), which too remained instruments of the curia.

The evolution of the medieval curia is well illustrated in England's Curia, also known as the Curia Regis, or Aula Regis ("King's Court"). It was introduced at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066) and lasted to about the end of the 13th century. The Curia Regis was the germ from which the higher courts of law, the Privy Council, and the Cabinet were to spring. It was, at first, the general council of the king, or the commune concilium (i.e., the feudal assembly of the tenants-in-chief); but it assumed a more definite character during the reign of Henry I (1100–35), when its members, fewer in number, were the officials of the royal household and other friends and attendants of the king. It assisted the king in his judicial work, its authority being as undefined as his own.

About the same time, the Curia undertook financial duties and in this way was the parent of the Court of Exchequer (curia regis ad scaccarium). The members were called "justices," and in the king's absence the justiciar presided over the court.

A county was divided into hundreds, each of which had its own court. The hundred court was held every three weeks. 12 freemen from across the hundred were called to make up a jury. The cases they were asked to attend included fights, fraud, disputes over small debts, and theft of household goods and animals. Most cases were dealt with by means of a fine. If you started a fight you could be fined between 6d and a shilling (12d).To put this in context, the daily wage for a skilled labourer was about 4d. If blood had been drawn in the fight the fine was over 2 shillings (24d).

Cases of murder, grievous assault, and rape were heard at the sheriff's tourn, which was a special hundred court. The sheriff's tourn usually took place around Easter and Michaelmas (29th September). This was the time when the sheriff appeared in the hundred court, hearing about cases that needed to go to the royal courts. He had to makes sure that all the accused were in custody. During the tourn the sheriff checked on the tithings and adjudicated minor issues. This was the place where the tithings could be fined for not reporting a crime by one of their number. The fines were huge. A tithing could be fined £10 and more. £10 was 2,400d. Even if there were 15 men in the tithing, £10 was almost an impossible sum to find between them. The villeins in a tithing were not skilled labourers and usually only made money by selling surplus crops that they had grown. Avoiding such a large fine was a great inducement to the tithing to hand over the man they thought was responsible for the crime, whether or not they wanted to protect him

Hanging Gardens description

The hanging gardens were famous for their tremendous beauty , they spun all the heads and were responsible for the arch monarchs luck , that lasted all time and it made him more powerful and made the king look perfect , he was always wondered by the grace of his flowers that he personally grew ,,he was determined and watered all the plants on a daily basis , he religious strolled towards the gardens and he did not have them for aesthetics but for energy and power

The Hanging Gardens were described in detail by a number of Classical authors. Though some sources disagreed on who built them, a number of descriptions concurred that the gardens were located near the royal palace and were set upon vaulted terraces. They were also described as having been watered by an exceptional system of irrigation and roofed with stone balconies on which were layered various materials, such as reeds, bitumen, and lead, so that the irrigation water would not seep through the terraces. Although no certain traces of the Hanging Gardens have been found, a German archaeologist, Robert Koldewey, did uncover an unusual series of foundation chambers and vaults in the northeastern corner of the palace at Babylon. A well in one of the vaults may have been used in conjunction with a chain pump and thus was thought perhaps to be part of the substructure of the once towering Hanging Gardens. Monster gardens were a part of the well maintained royal garden , it was a epitome of beauty

Jewels and more

From robe décolleté to robe montante, women of the imperial family dress in particular ways for appearances at the Imperial Palace, depending on the event or ceremony. Let's take a look at the unique characteristics of their attire.

The Emperor wore a formal black suit with white tie and tails, adorned with the medal of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum. The imperial women were attired in their most formal ceremonial dresses.

The attire of choice for the Empress and princesses at this grand ceremony was the robe décolleté, a long, low-cut dress with short sleeves. According to the Imperial Household Agency, the women wore a white or soft-colored dress to match the emperor's white tie, along with a tiara, medal, and long white gloves that cover up to the elbows.

Royal armor

Types of armour generally fall into one of three main categories: (1) armour made of leather, fabric, or mixed layers of both, sometimes reinforced by quilting or felt, (2) mail, made of interwoven rings of iron or steel, and (3) rigid armour made of metal, horn, wood, plastic, or some other similar tough and resistant material. The third category includes the plate armour that protected the knights of Europe in the Middle Ages. That armour was composed of large steel or iron plates that were linked by loosely closed rivets and by internal leathers to allow the wearer maximum freedom of movement. The advantage of chain mail is that it is quite flexible yet relatively impervious to slashing strokes (though a thrusting weapon can force the rings apart in spite of their riveted closure). In the form of a simple shirt, mail was worn throughout

The majority of the law-enforcement body armor and helmets are designed to defeat handgun threats. Although procuring helmets for police is not as common as body armor, helmet specifications call for stopping identical bullets. Only a limited quantity of body armor with breast plates is procured by law-enforcement to defeat rifle bullets.

Seven solid, square towers are low, but set firm and strong for a great defensive line and are connected by big, heavy walls made of sandstone.

Simple windows are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with holes of various sizes for archers and artillery.

A regular gate with great metal doors and strong defenses guards a tranquil city within this extinguished volcano and it's the only way in, at least without taking down the castle walls.

Carts, boxes, tents and various trade goods are stacked and packed outside the castle, ready to be sold. This castle shows signs of expansion as some parts are clearly build more recently than others, the inhabitants are already working on another part and hope to keep expanding

Slender braziers enclosing each of the fourteen travertine columns light up every part of the throne hall and bathe the hall in a dancing glow of orange. The thousands of gems on the domed ceiling dance in the flickering light while gargoyles look down upon the maple floor of this glorious hall.

An amber rug splits part of the room in half from the throne to midway down the hall while embattled banners with adorned tufts dangle gently from the walls. Between each banner stands a large candlestick, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the tapestries of other leaders of the world below them.

Tall, stained glass windows depicting important royal moments are concealed by veils colored the same amber as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fancy tassels and jewels.

A magnificent throne of jade sits below a grand chandelier and is adjoined by five plain, but comfortable seats for the royal highness' trustees.

The throne is covered in holy patterns and fixed on each of the slim ears is a sparkling face. The modest pillows are a light amber and these too have been adorned with gilded tips.

Those waiting to see their royal highness can do so on the abundance of gilded and otherwise extravagant maple benches, all of which are diagonally facing the throne. Those of higher standing can instead take seat in the humble looking balustrades overlooking the hall.

The gods to whom they pray is light , they prefer light god and the royal family is bound by the traditions of light god

Light god description

Lyemis is a much adored and hugely praised god. Blood, fate and birth are principal elements this divine being is associated with and he's often considered to be incisive and responsive.

Often depicted as a human with the body of a boar Lyemis is usually worshipped through offerings and atonements.

There's no preferred place for those who wish to devote themselves to Lyemis, but natural sanctuaries and natural altars are good ways to find other followers.

Worshippers are numerous and tend to come in the form of commoners and tavernfolk, but none shall be excluded from the aid of this god. Even if the right offerings and atonements cannot be abided by.

Lyemis has countless lovers, but the main one is Bodione. Granted this changes nothing to the power Lyemis may or may not provide, but lovers will often unite when either one is under scrutiny