
Chapter 6 : The family

The king welcomes his mother with a huge smile and he wants to know what has been decided in the hanging gardens meeting ,

Mother : I guess you won't like it , but you ought to accept it

King : I am okay if that benefits the people of our kingdom , I am Afterall People's King

Mother : Glad you are that way , I hope I don't spoil your plans , I am happy for everything you have achieved and this would be a mother to son conversation

King : I am all ears

Mother ; I would like to propose someone else for the position of Advisor and I am certain you wouldn't dislike the idea

King : Well I do dislike it but since you are my mother , you are entitled to say anything you feel like saying

Mother : All right , let me get to the bottom of it , I have decided sorry we have decided that Maannan take the role of advisor instead of his cousin .. , what are your thoughts on that

King : It is certain that I would not encourage that , but if you are persistent , lets take this up to a skill test and decide , you can choose the game and I am sure that my queen is ready for anything

Mother ; I don't agree on keeping a same level playing field for a man and a women , its outright outrageous , instead let us put this up for vote and decide how to take it further …

King ; I don't agree on having such low thoughts on my queen but I am fine with the election concept

Mother asks everyone to assemble and she requests the queen and the other contender to be on the arena as soon as possible .

After several minutes of chaos , the court room is silent , the awkward silence , silence due to Maanan's death ..King does not know how to reciprocate this information to his kingdom and he is worried about the repercussions . the other thing is that he has missed his soul brother ..

Queen becomes the advisor for the time being and the King says lets stay stronger and fix each other during the hard times . King mother goes into the queens chambers and closes all the entries available to enter , she pulls down the ivory silk tapestry and removes the queen's veil completely .

Sheera's checks widen , her eyes melts and she kneels down to pay her respect to the King mother

Mother : How are you my child , is everything alright ?

Sheera : It is marvellous and I am truly smitten by your son

Mother : Who won't be dear , he is the lady's man , but I am sure there is no one chivalrous than him in our kingdom

Sheera : I am blessed

Mother : So are you , I want to know what connection he has had with his wife , he visits her every morning before the initial session

Sheera : I don't have any idea ,

She immediately cuts of the King other and that raises multiple questions to King mother .., she is ware who she sheera is and subsides with her envious thoughts

Mother : Tats all right , take rest , I shall move on

Sheera : let your grace make us shine , thanks for your warm wishes mother , I am delighted

Mother moves out of the room and visits her chamber for taking her routine nap .