
Sua the destruction

This story is about a boy named Sua, a 14 year old boy. He has been living at the Vastia Estate for a month. Because the orphanage in which he lived found out that he was the dukes son. But one day while he was exploring the mansion, became he was lost inside it, something strange happened. This incident will change his life for ever.

Salty_Jack · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


"Damn it! Just where is he!

I've been looking for him for a hour now, but he's nowhere to be seen!

Ugh I never expected something like this to happen.

I just wanted him to have fun... just when did this small child become precious to me."

Well it's totally understandable why he would feel this way, infact at first he actually wanted to kill Sua after he got the information about where he was.

But when he heard Sua's story, he could relate to him.

It reminded him of his past and because of this, without him even knowing he had become attached to Sua.

"I hope he's fine..."


"Ugh...where am I? Wasn't I at the market?

Ouch! My arm! When did I hurt it!"

Just when he was about to stand up and look around he heard a noise


'What was that sound?'

After hearing the sound, Sua quickly hid behind a trash can and tried to be as quite as possible, so the person wouldn't notice him.

Well, I don't think it's the best idea to call a monster a person, infact Sua instantly regretted those words, it was a Yeti.

Without even knowing Sua began trembling. He was hopping that the monster wouldn't notice him.

Fortunately after a while the monster went away

'Ugh, what should I do know? I don't even see El here, I hope he's fine.'

Sua started observing the alley he was in.

He soon noticed that this place was where the poor lived.

He decided to go further in the alley, soon lots of people started coming out of their homes, it seemed like the Yetis still hadn't come here. Amongst the people, there was a group of four men that looked quite dangerous.

Unlike the others, they seemed quite well feed and well built.

Sua started feeling anxious because the men were definitely following him.

If he took a right turn, they did the same.

So he mustered up courage and decided to talk to them

"H-hey you four! W-why are you following me!

Don't you adults have anything b-better to do!"

"Ohh, don't worry kid, we're already doing our job."

After the bald man said that, he started advancing tords Sua, while the other men stood there, with a big grin on their face.

Sua tried to run away but it was only in vain, since behind him was a dead end.

And as everyone probably predicted the man hit Sua on the head causing him to faint.


"I can't go on like this, soon I will run out of magic power, if that happens I won't be able to find Sua... wait I just had a genius idea! With this i can find him!"


"Ugh...my head, where am I, I can't see or move..."

Of course he couldn't move or see, he was tided up with a rope.

And everything was red for him since his eyes were covered in blood.

"Look he's awake."

After saying that the bald man poured a whole bucket of water on Sua.


Sua started coughing loudly.

After that he finally came to his senses, he started looking around the room, It was old, probably a warehouse.

It seemed like they were near the main market, you could here people screaming and the Yetis's roar.

"W-what are you going to do to m-me."

"Mhhh let's see, we could sell you at the black market, with a face like yours, you could be sold for quite a big amount."

After hearing those words Sua felt shivers going down his spine, he felt hopeless, a person who couldn't do anything.

Tears started dripping down from his face just like when he first meet El, he couldn't stop crying.

"What the hell are you crying for! Just shut up!"

The bald man was just about to hit Sua when a Yeti broke the door and entered the warehouse destroying everything.

"Hey boss what should we do?"

Said one of the men

"Let's escape!"

"What about the kid?"

"Leave him here! Our lives are more important!"

The men left, leaving Sua alone, he felt depressed, he knew that he was about to die since the Yeti was closing in one by one.

Sua closed his eyes, waiting for his death.

But suddenly he heard a big scream, he quickly opened his eyes.

The Yeti was on the ground dead and next to it were his father and El.

His father, the duke, came to him and freed him from the rope.

"Go sit in the carriage, I'll talk to you later, first I need to take care of Yetis."

Sua without saying a word listened to his father and sat in the carriage.

After sitting in it El said the first words

"Hey are you fine! Your litterly covered in blood!"

"Yeah I'm fine, the injury isn't that bad. But why were you with my father?"

"Well must remember that a while I casted a magic spell on you, right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well that spell increases your magic.

When I was finding you I knew I couldn't, because my magic was running out...and I couldn't use magic to find you.

But then I saw a man, it wasn't hard to guess he was your father, you guys look exactly the same.

Anyways, then I got the idea to increase your magic, it was possible because, even if you weren't near, I had already done it once.

And just like I predicted your father noticed you were here."

"I see... thank you."

"Hey you shouldn't thank me! Thank your father, he is the one who saved you... hey... you probably won't see me for a few days..."


"I used to much magic finding you... so it will take some time for me to recover it.

Just don't get in any trouble..."


After that El disappeared, he was nowhere to be seen, it made Sua kind of sad.


An hour pasted and the duke finally came and sat down in the carriage.

It was awkward for Sua since it had been a while since they meet, but the silence was broken when the duke finally spoke his first words

"I don't know how you managed to get out of the mansion, but it won't happen again.

I will increase the security."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

And I wanted to say thank you for helping me."

"Atleast you understand..."

That was it, after that they didn't talk for the whole rid back.

Sua was feeling quite sad, they had not meet each other for a while but those were the only words his father said to him.

'Guess we really do look alike.

I have black hair and eyes, and he does too.

If I remember correctly we are the only ones in this empire to have this colour.

It feels nice knowing that we have some similarities.'

Thought Sua

"Come out."

Without even noticing they were already back at the Estate.