

Amy short for Amythest is the number one hater and lover of dating. She loves seeing people inlove but can't imagine the feeling in herself. Weird right?

kathy_katz · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

Armani Couldn't Stop Thinking Amy

As Armani lay in his expansive bed, the echoes of the night's celebration reverberated through his mind. His thoughts drifted inevitably to Amy—her angelic face, her captivating smile, and the graceful way she moved on the dance floor.

Armani had experienced admiration from many girls before, their attention and affection a constant presence in his life. Yet, Amy stood apart in his thoughts. There was something different about her, something that intrigued him beyond the surface allure.

He reminisced about their interactions throughout the evening—the moments they shared on the dance floor, the playful banter exchanged, and the genuine connection he felt in her presence. Amy's sarcastic wit had amused him, her voice lingering in his memory with a hint of charm and intelligence that resonated deeply.

Reflecting on his past relationships, Armani recalled a time when he had a girlfriend who had chosen to move away to Hawaii, causing their separation. While he had enjoyed companionship and affection in the past, his thoughts now centered on Amy, her presence stirring emotions and thoughts he hadn't experienced before.

As Armani drifted into the realm of dreams, Amy's image remained vivid in his mind, her essence leaving an indelible impression on his heart. The night had brought clarity—he was drawn to Amy in a way that went beyond fleeting attraction, a realization that would shape his thoughts and decisions in the days to come.

Later that night, a soft knock on the door interrupted Armani's thoughts. He looked up to see his uncle Arthur entering the room with a knowing smile.

"Hey bud, not sleepy yet?" Arthur asked casually, settling into a chair beside Armani's bed.

Armani sighed lightly, a smile playing on his lips. "Yep, just thinking," he admitted.

Arthur chuckled knowingly. "About that girl, huh? Amy," he teased gently, his tone reflecting both amusement and understanding. "She's nice, but I'm not sure you are her usual type."

Armani considered his uncle's words thoughtfully, knowing Arthur often offered sage advice gleaned from his own life experiences. "From a mentor, I could say that Amy is incredibly goal-oriented and determined," Arthur continued, his expression turning serious. "Breaking through her walls might be a challenge."

Armani nodded in agreement, appreciating Arthur's insight. "Of course, you'll help me win her over, right?" he joked, lightening the mood with a playful grin.

They shared a laugh together, the familial bond and mutual understanding evident in their conversation. After a moment, Arthur rose from his chair, preparing to leave Armani to his thoughts.

"Goodnight, bud," Arthur said warmly as he reached the door.

"Thanks, Uncle," Armani replied sincerely, grateful for Arthur's guidance and support.

As Arthur quietly closed the door behind him, Armani settled back into his bed, his mind now filled not only with thoughts of Amy's captivating presence but also with a newfound determination to understand and connect with her on a deeper level. The night's conversation with his uncle had sparked a renewed sense of purpose, setting the stage for what lay ahead in his pursuit of Amy's heart.

During the week-long break from classes, Armani found himself eagerly anticipating the return to school, where thoughts of Amy occupied his mind more than anything else. The days seemed to stretch out endlessly before him, each moment filled with a restless impatience.

"Oh, five days is still so long," Armani muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. Despite his eagerness to see Amy again and perhaps explore the possibility of something more between them, he understood the importance of patience and timing.

Armani recognized that rushing into pursuing Amy could potentially backfire. He knew from observing her that she was incredibly goal-oriented and determined, qualities that suggested she wouldn't easily succumb to hasty advances. Instead, he realized the importance of waiting for the right moment, allowing their friendship to naturally evolve and deepen.

As he mulled over these thoughts, Armani acknowledged the need for a delicate approach. Pushing too hard or too soon might only push Amy further away. He resolved to take his time, to allow their connection to grow organically, and to demonstrate through his actions that he respected her independence and aspirations.

With each passing day of the break, Armani focused on preparing himself mentally and emotionally for the upcoming school days. He channeled his excitement into positive anticipation, envisioning moments where he and Amy could continue their conversations and perhaps discover new facets of their relationship.

Armani's reflection during the break underscored his growing understanding of Amy's personality and his own intentions. He was determined to approach their dynamic with care and thoughtfulness, aware that the journey to winning Amy's heart would require patience, respect, and a genuine connection built on mutual understanding.

Armani, feeling a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about his feelings for Amy, decided to reach out to Nor during the week-long break. He dialed her number, hoping to arrange a chance to meet up.

"Hey, what's up? Can we go outside today?" Armani asked eagerly, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Nor, perceptive as ever, quickly sensed the underlying reason for Armani's invitation. She chuckled softly before responding, "I'll try, but you know, this friend of mine is a bit of a man-hater."

They shared a laugh together, acknowledging the playful teasing that often accompanied discussions about Amy. Despite their light-hearted banter, Armani couldn't shake off his desire to spend time with Amy, even if indirectly through Nor's company.

After their conversation ended, Armani found himself waiting anxiously for a response from Nor. He understood that Nor would need to convince Amy to join them, knowing well that Amy's independence and cautious nature meant she wouldn't easily agree to outings without good reason.

As the hours passed, Armani contemplated his approach. He recognized that building a connection with Amy would require patience and understanding, respecting her boundaries while also finding opportunities to deepen their friendship. The waiting game became a test of his resolve and determination to pursue something meaningful with Amy, while also respecting the dynamics of their friendship circle.

In the days that followed, Armani kept his optimism alive, hoping for a positive response from Nor that would pave the way for another chance to be around Amy and, perhaps, to explore the possibility of something more between them.