

Amy short for Amythest is the number one hater and lover of dating. She loves seeing people inlove but can't imagine the feeling in herself. Weird right?

kathy_katz · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Amy and Armani Moment Alone

As Armani drove Amy and Nor home in the quiet of the night, a sense of warmth and gratitude filled the car. Armani, seated behind the wheel, took moments to express his heartfelt appreciation to Amy for attending his birthday celebration.

"I'm really glad you came tonight, Amy," Armani spoke sincerely, his voice carrying a blend of sincerity and gratitude. "It meant a lot to me to have you there."

Amy, seated beside him, nodded graciously in response. She appreciated Armani's acknowledgment and kindness, feeling a sense of respect for his genuine gratitude.

Throughout the drive, Armani continued to share moments from the evening, reminiscing about the highlights and expressing how much he valued Amy's presence. His words reflected a deep appreciation for her friendship and support, emphasizing the significance of her attendance on his special day.

Meanwhile, Nor sat in the back seat, quietly taking in the conversation. She observed the genuine bond forming between Armani and Amy, sensing the mutual respect and camaraderie that had developed throughout the evening.

As they approached the dorm, Armani's expression of gratitude resonated warmly in the car. Amy thanked him for the ride, feeling touched by his sincerity. Nor chimed in with her own thanks, expressing her appreciation for the memorable night.

Armani's gesture of driving them home and his heartfelt gratitude further solidified the bond between them, marking the end of a memorable celebration and the beginning of a newfound friendship strengthened by shared experiences and mutual appreciation.

As Amy and Nor arrived back at their dormitory, a slight interruption occurred as Nor suddenly expressed discomfort due to an upset stomach.

"Wait a minute, Aems," Nor grumbled, clutching her stomach. "I really need to use the restroom."

Hurriedly, Nor made her way to the ground floor comfort room, eager to alleviate her discomfort. Amy waited patiently, understanding her friend's urgent need.

As Amy waited for Nor to return from the comfort room, she found herself alone with Armani in the quiet of the car. Armani took the opportunity to initiate a conversation, breaking the silence with a remark about Amy and Nor's friendship.

"You two seem to get along very well," Armani observed warmly. "Nor is quite talkative, while you're more on the silent side as always."

Amy smiled in response, acknowledging the contrast between her and Nor's personalities. "Well, Nor insisted on staying with me , even though she's supposed to be on the third floor where she lives with help or aid," Amy explained. "She's quite independent now, and I'm sure her parents must be very proud of her."

Armani nodded thoughtfully, considering Amy's words. "I guess that's because of you," he remarked earnestly. "You've been teaching her things she's never done or felt before."

Amy, sensing the conversation veering into personal territory, decided to gently steer it back to the present moment. Spotting Nor returning from the comfort room, she seized the opportunity to express her gratitude for the evening.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Armani. We had such a great evening," Amy said sincerely, her tone conveying appreciation for the memorable celebration.

Armani responded with a smile, understanding Amy's subtle cue to bring their conversation to a close. He bid them farewell and watched as Amy hurriedly stepped out of the car, eager to reunite with Nor and leave them both with a positive final impression of the night.

As Amy and Nor ascended the stairs to their dormitory, the echoes of the evening's events lingered in their minds. They paused for a moment, reflecting on the unexpected twists and turns that had made Armani's birthday celebration memorable.

"We had such a great evening, Aems," Nor remarked with a smile. "Did you have fun?"

Amy nodded in agreement, her own smile reflecting genuine enjoyment. "Of course, Nor," she replied warmly. "It was my first time wearing this beautiful gown, but these high heels were just dreadful."

They shared a laugh together, the tension and formality of the evening now giving way to a more relaxed and intimate moment between friends. The humor in Amy's remark lightened the mood, emphasizing the bond they shared and their ability to find joy even in the midst of minor inconveniences.

As they continued up the stairs, their laughter echoed through the quiet halls of the dormitory, a testament to the genuine friendship and camaraderie that had sustained them through the evening's festivities. Grateful for Armani's hospitality and the chance to experience such a special celebration together, Amy and Nor looked forward to sharing more moments like these in the days to come.

Late into the night, Amy and Nor found themselves still awake, their thoughts consumed by the events of Armani's birthday ball. They lay in their beds, their voices carrying through the darkness as they recounted every detail of the evening.

"Aemmmmmsss," Nor whispered into the silence, her voice tinged with restlessness. "I can't sleep. Mr. T just can't get out of my mind. Help me to sleep, please..."

Amy chuckled softly at her friend's predicament, understanding Nor's infatuation. "I did warn you not to come, but you were so persistent," Amy teased gently, her tone laced with amusement.

Nor sighed wistfully, her thoughts drifting back to Mr. T's presence and the profound impact he had made on her during the celebration. "Because I want you to experience a social life too, Aems," Nor admitted earnestly. "You're always buried in your books, and I thought this would be a chance for you to enjoy something different."

Amy listened thoughtfully, recognizing Nor's well-meaning intentions behind dragging her along to the party. Despite her initial reluctance, Amy couldn't deny that the evening had indeed been a refreshing break from her usual routines. She appreciated Nor's efforts to broaden her horizons and create memorable experiences outside of their academic pursuits.

As they continued to chat into the night, Amy and Nor found solace in their friendship and shared experiences, their laughter and conversations bridging the gap between excitement and exhaustion. The echoes of the night's celebrations lingered in their minds, a testament to the bonds of friendship and the simple joys of companionship that carried them through the quiet hours of the night.