
Ch9. A month at Dursleys?

Harry may or may not have persuaded Hagrid that he needed owl treats for Hedwig while handing him money, asking him to get them alongside a book about bonds between animals and wizards. The poor kind soul believed him immediately and didn't even ask where will Harry be while he gets them. He simply up and was on his way to hunt for a book that may or may not even exist.

Harry, instead, walked into Trunksie's Trunks with a skip in his step. There he bought the biggest trunk with lightweight and shrinking charms available. The trunk was a junk, to be honest. It was quite costly but nobody without incredible need for it would bother buying one. Trunks that are readily available in the shop are there for two reasons and two reasons only. People who are in such a dire need for them, they won't even question the quality and people who are too stupid for their own good, or in short, muggles buying supplies for their children. Every wizard, even those not worth their salt, knows that proper trunks are always custom made.

But Harry had no time waiting days for his trunk. He needed one now. And even though he was sure the owner scammed him, he was satisfied. Alas, having Durselys lock his stuff the second he comes back just would not do!

He put everything except Hedwig's cage into the trunk and shrunk it into the size of matchstick box that was promptly discarded into his pocket. Non, non, non. No one is gonna touch his things. No house elves belonging to Hogwarts. No Dumbledore. And certainly no Dursleys.

He then visited the library and bought Hogwarts books for ancient runes and arithmancy for the 3rd years. Harry was smart enough to not ask about occlumency books lest someone actually decides he is the next Dark Lord in making! Instead, he bought a few books on wizarding traditions and important days for wizards. After all, anyone who wants to study rituals has to know those.

Hagrid deposited Harry back at the light-house. Back with the utterly pissed Dursleys and piggy Dudley still sporting a fashionable pigtail. Unfortunately, Hagrid dispelled his transfiguration on Dudley, outright loudly telling them wizards are actually forbidden from using spells on muggles.

'God, how much courage they suddenly gained.' Harry glared at Hagrid.

The glare was completely deserved and justified, it certainly won't be Hagrid suffering through their gleefully tender care! Nevertheless, Harry didn't complain much. Having Dursleys pissed off at him while being confident enough to act? That was actually all according to his plan!

Harry didn't show them his trunk. Instead, he put Hedwig's cage with Hedwig inside to the middle of the room.

The next day, he went outside on a short walk for clearing his head and when he returned the cage with 'his' owl was missing.

"Where is Hedwig?" He asked Aunt Petunia with a fake widened and worried gaze.

Petunia sniffed in disdain at him as her eyes gained a mirthful condescending gleam.

"My Dudley decided your bird stank. He was generous enough to offer bathing her for you." Petunia told Harry mockingly.

Harry ran out of the light-house towards the Dudley who was 'playing' on the beach.

"Where is my owl!?" He shouted at him while crossing his fingers behind his back.

Dudley pulled the cage from the water and laughed at Harry's horrified expression, completely missing that its fake. Hedwig was in the cage. Sleeping. Eternally.

'Yes, all according to plan indeed.' Harry gleefully thought, immensely satisfied.

The next week was utter boredom and acting for Harry.

He had to act mortified over Hedwig's death.

He had to act like a depressed child.

He had to act at being angry with Dursleys yet unable to do anything.

He had to act afraid of them.

He had to act being the perfect little chore boy for them.

He had to act being hopeful for a new life at Hogwarts.

In short, he was bored. Bored with their antics. Bored with their idiotic mental 'torture'. Bored with Vernon's outbursts. Bored of Dudley's 1st grader taunts. Bored with…

But he waited. And after a week, he finally got what he wanted.

Dursleys moved back into their house and Harry was yet again thrown into the cupboard. It was the first night back and Dursleys enjoyed being home, in their comfortable soft bed. Needless to say, they slept like a log almost instantly. Harry though…

He sneaked through the house, taking everything of value and depositing it into his trunk. What was not of value, he broke. Silently, of course. It wouldn't do for masters of the house to wake up. He was rummaging his way through their belongings as he finally arrived at the family safe. Harry had to thank all deities Vernon is such a careful idiot and never trusted banks with his money. In front of Harry laid the entire savings of Dursleys. Forty-five thousand pounds. Most of which they got from Dumbledore for 'caring' for him.

Oh, Harry had no doubt the money actually came from his trust vault. Same as he had no doubt most of the money they received is already spent. Most likely on Dudley. He didn't care though. Not today. Today he was taking everything he wanted from them while destroying the rest. After he was done and his trunk full of valuables from the house, he shrunk his trunk and left through the front door. Richer, calmer, happier. He also didn't forget to stomp at every damn flower he had to plant in Petunia's garden, leaving her prized contest-winning wonder in complete disarray.

Harry entered the first telephone booth he found and called police, informing them he has a suspicion Dursleys are 'bullying' his 'friend'. At first, they didn't want to trust him, thinking it's just a child playing but when he mentioned this 'friend' usually has a lot of purple or blue spots on his body, they listened damn well. Harry then described how his 'friend' told him he lives in a cupboard. How he is regularly punished for being a freak. How he has to cook, do chores, and tend to garden. How he is again punished if he doesn't manage to do his chores in time. How his step-brother bullies him with his friends. How he is yet again punished when he fights back. And how his 'friend' is maln-, malnou-, malnur-, well, really thin and small!

The second he exited the telephone booth he rolled on the ground in laughter! Oh, no worries! He didn't forget to actually add a few blotches of his blood onto the bed in his cupboard as he left!

Harry blended into the cover of the night, whistling happily in a merry mood.

'Another bloody month at Dursleys? I think not!'