
Ch79. Christmas Gift 1

Dumbledore was in his office. The new office, as the old one was completely destroyed. He couldn't help but mull over all the precious artifacts lost... Artifacts that nobody will ever use again. His artifacts!

This office was smaller than his previous one. But it was also cozier and had a special drawer solely for his Lemon Drops! He was starting to warm up to this office.

Of course, as a great wizard, he wouldn't let some blasted bird have a jump at him tw-, ahem, three times in a row!

He fortified the office with various wards, spells, enchantments... hell, even dark curses! All for the safety of his candy!

The saddest part was that he lost the monitoring trinkets keyed to Harry Potter. But... he trusted his boy! The boy looked so meek and afraid! Then, that bitch Nymphadora approached him and he started to get out of his shell.

Sadly, Dumbledore couldn't just make Dora fall in love... say, with Remus, to make her suffer an incompetent coward as a husband.

That boy was a huge success! Dumbledore himself couldn't really believe that this self-proclaimed best friend of Sirius Black, completely abandoned him on the drop of a hat and one word from his illustrious self, supported by Daily Prophet, of all things! And when the boy didn't approach Harry for a decade because it would be 'dangerous'? Dumbledore loved when things went smoothly!

Unfortunately, Narcissa Malfoy informed him that Nymphadora is already betrothed to Lord Black! He even had to act courteously to the girl because she would be the future Lady Black! The things he did for the Greater Good!

He knew what she was saying. She was not 'informing' but 'warning' him. Nymphadora was off-limits.

But really. Nymphadora's new status baffled him. He could understand that as a metamorphmagus, she would be of interest to Lord Black. But to make her a wife? Dumbledore couldn't understand why Lord Black didn't make Nymphadora into a concubine. A mistress, even. The girl was half-blood and will always be taken with a grain of salt in the higher society. Dumbledore could only sadly sigh at the oversight of Lord Black in choosing his wife. The girl might have lower status as a mistress and would be frowned upon as everybody would know she is only a pleasure relief for the Lord but in the end, she would be taken at least somewhat seriously. As Lady? She would be politely rebuked at every turn.

Her being Lady Black was a big oversight to his plans. Especially since she was close to his Harry!

No... Nymphadora would have some serious trouble in higher society due to her blood-status. Dumbledore would make sure of that!

His musing was interrupted when a Hogwarts post owl brought him a letter. He smiled to himself as he popped another Lemon Drop into his mouth and started reading.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,

we have the misfortune to inform you that your dear friend Nicholas Flamel died yesterday of old age alongside his wife, Perenelle Flamel. Their funeral will be in two days. They both invited you as their guest of honor.

by the French Ministry


Dumbledore's eyes teared up and a lone tear streamed down his face.

"See, my friend? Even you died." He shook his head as he wistfully thought about the philosopher stone he 'borrowed' a few years ago. His friend probably ran out of his supply of water of life. That thing couldn't stay fresh for long so the stone was a very precious thing. Even he, Dumbledore, would never let it out of his sight if he could afford it. Alas, it was only this year that he dared to relocate it from a very secret vault to Hogwarts! Closer to him!

Sadly, he couldn't use the water of life yet. He was saving it for when Harry dies to Voldemort. It would be a MARVELOUS feat of LOVE and PASSION and SACRIFICIAL MAGIC that will make Dumbledore YOUNGER and STRONGER, enabling him to defeat the vicious and feared Dark Lord Voldemort!

At least, that will be what the public would know. He will become the Greater Good incarnate!

Oh, but immortality was just a step towards it! It was a very considerate thing that Tom was researching it so fervently for him!

"Now that I think about it..." Dumbledore remembered he didn't caress his precious stone in months!

He instantly activated one of the hundred and seventy-three monitoring magics on the third floor that always reported the state of the rooms with traps and the stone.

"Oh... Tom is again trying to get to the stone!" Dumbledore excitedly bounded up and down as he was eating his candy and watched as Tom tried to get past the traps. Anyone older than eighteen would have to go through five hundred fifty-five enchantments, hundred eleven protection spells, and twenty-two wards!

It was such a good shot! Watching Tom being bounced from right to left, being blasted with a blasting curse, and then seeing him being chased by a herd of Boggarts.

Tom was coming closer and closer to the room with the stone and Dumbledore was starting to frown. Sure, the stone had hundreds of spells protecting it. Nothing short of the mirror getting up by itself and walking away would move it. Plus the stone would leave the mirror only for Dumbledore and anyone he keyed to it. And so far, only Harry was keyed as Dumbledore wanted to use it as a test for him at the end of the year.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tom. You are too impatient." Dumbledore shook his head with a slight smile as he started leaning more and more forward in anticipation of Tom's expression as he entered the room.

Dumbledore wanted to see his elated look! It would make it so much sweeter when he realizes, he is unable to withdraw the stone or move the mirror!

As for destroying it? Hah, inside Hogwarts? With hundreds of wards around it? Dumbledore doubted even in his crazed and corrupted state, Tom would be as insane.

Just then he saw Quirrelmort enter the room. His anticipation peaked as he almost giddily giggled to himself, already imagining the look on Tom's face. Suddenly, both he and Quirrelmort froze.

"How!" Dumbledore exclaimed in utter bewilderment, abruptly standing up. The room! It lacked the mirror! It was gone!

His stone was... missing!?

Dumbledore quickly apparated to the room, heedless of any consequences. He completely ignored the gaping Quirrelmort as his eyes looked all around for anything out of place. With tears, he realized his eyes were not tricking him and he could only stare at the place where the mirror previously stood.

In its place was a pile of... coal.