
Studying superpowers in a mental hospital

A fascinating Chinese fantasy novel.

DaoistLYCOmu · Thành thị
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21 Chs

I am sorry

**Outside the Corridor**

"Sorry, Qiye, I'm really sorry!" Li Yifei stood there with his head down, constantly apologizing. "At that time, I was just too scared. I didn't think much, I just ran...

I left you and Jiang Qian behind and even got her into trouble...

I don't expect you to forgive me, but since we are classmates, I still hope to apologize to you!

I'm sorry!"

Li Yifei didn't dare to look Lin Qiye in the eyes, but his words were sincere.

After he finished speaking, Lin Qiye slowly responded,

"Running for your life when faced with danger is human nature, there's nothing wrong with that." Lin Qiye patted him on the shoulder. "Besides, if it had been me, I would have run even faster than you."

Li Yifei: ...

Li Yifei scratched his head, seemingly thinking of something. "By the way, did you also sign that confidentiality agreement?"

Lin Qiye was taken aback and, after a moment's hesitation, nodded.

It seemed Zhao Kongcheng hadn't lied to him; they really wouldn't do anything to the witnesses. Li Yifei escaped from the monster that night and signed a confidentiality agreement after being discovered, which was understandable.

If he guessed right, Liu Yuan had also signed the same agreement.

Although he hadn't signed it himself yet, it was just a matter of time. It would be hard to explain if he told Li Yifei he hadn't signed yet.

"Actually, even if they didn't make me sign, I wouldn't have talked about it." Li Yifei sighed. "That scene, I never want to remember it again in my life...

Moreover, after signing the agreement, if you violate it, you'd rot in prison. I don't want to bury my own life."

Li Yifei placed his hands on the corridor railing, looking down at the bustling campus below, a hint of longing in his eyes.

"Actually, I wish I could join them."

Lin Qiye asked in surprise, "You want to join them?"

"Yeah, I mentioned it when I signed the agreement. I was willing to give up my studies to join them, but unfortunately... they didn't want me."

"Why do you want to join? Your grades aren't great, but aren't you about to get a special admission to the Sports Academy?"

"Being a sports student is so boring. No, I should say... being an ordinary person is so boring." Li Yifei's eyes gradually brightened.

"Joining a mysterious and powerful organization, silently fighting enemies hidden in human society, achieving countless merits, and when everything comes to light, the world will remember my name!"

Li Yifei's fists gradually clenched as he said excitedly, "This is the dream of so many men. This is a meaningful life!"

"You're dreaming too beautifully." Lin Qiye mercilessly shattered his fantasy. "What if you die on your first mission, torn to pieces by a monster, buried anonymously in the mountains, and your parents might never know of your death. You would just leave this world so lonely."

Li Yifei: "..."

"Qiye, your imagination is too bloody."

"This isn't imagination." Lin Qiye shook his head. "What you just said, that is."

Li Yifei sighed helplessly. "Anyway, they don't want me, so there's no point in thinking about it. I'll just take this secret to my grave."

"Yeah." Lin Qiye glanced at the time. "We should head back; class is about to start."

**Returning to the Classroom**

As they walked back to the classroom, Lin Qiye could feel that Li Yifei's demeanor was noticeably more relaxed compared to before. It was clear that his guilt over what happened to Lin Qiye and Jiang Qian had been weighing heavily on him.

Despite both running away, Li Yifei's and Liu Yuan's actions were entirely different choices.

Lin Qiye had no interest in deliberately causing trouble for Liu Yuan, but if the opportunity arose in the future, he wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson.

After finishing the day's classes, Lin Qiye headed home with his backpack.

The recent deaths of Wang Shao and Jiang Qian had caused significant trouble for the school. Under pressure, the school had to cancel the evening self-study sessions, allowing students to go home early.

However, what surprised Lin Qiye was that the Night Watchers seemed to have very high authority. Normally, after the deaths of two students, people like Lin Qiye and Li Yifei, who had been with the deceased, would be questioned by the police.

But two days had passed since the incident, and no one had come to find them.

It seemed that the Night Watchers had fully taken over the case, with authority high enough to keep the local police silent.

As he walked, the sky gradually darkened, and a light drizzle began to fall.

It was just after six, but the sky was already dim.

Lin Qiye frowned, having not brought an umbrella, and could only quicken his pace towards home.

The rain grew heavier, and by the time Lin Qiye hurried home, he was soaked to the skin. However, as soon as he opened the door, a rich aroma of food greeted him, dispelling all his negative emotions.

"Goodness, Xiao Qi, how did you get so drenched?" His aunt, busy in the kitchen, hurried over when she saw his condition.

"It started raining heavily outside, and I didn't bring an umbrella today," Lin Qiye said with a smile.

"If you didn't bring an umbrella, you should have found a place to wait or called me. I could have come to pick you up. What if you catch a cold?" his aunt scolded, feigning anger.

Lin Qiye scratched his head sheepishly, not saying anything.

"Hurry up and dry off. Oh, by the way, your teacher came to see you earlier. I let him wait in your room," his aunt said, suddenly remembering.

"Teacher?" Lin Qiye was puzzled.

"Yes, your PE teacher. He said he needs to talk to you. Go see him quickly; don't keep him waiting."

Holding a towel, Lin Qiye dried his hair in confusion.

What on earth? The PE teacher came to see him? He had only transferred schools a few days ago and hadn't even attended a PE class yet. Why would the teacher be looking for him?

Could it be...

An idea flashed through Lin Qiye's mind. He dropped the towel and hurriedly opened the door to his room.

Inside, a familiar middle-aged man was sitting in a chair, holding a teacup and smiling at him.

Lin Qiye frowned slightly. "It's you? How did you find my house?"

Zhao Kongcheng smiled faintly, holding up a badge on the table and shaking it. "Ever since you ditched me that night, I got smarter. I slipped this tracker into your pocket last night."

Lin Qiye locked the door and walked directly to his bed, sitting down. "I told you, I won't join you."

"I know, which is why I'm not here for that this time."

"Then are you here to get me to sign the confidentiality agreement?"

"No," Zhao Kongcheng shook his head. "I reported to the others that you had gone missing. Since I decided to let you go, I can't make you sign the agreement. Otherwise, if they find out you aren't missing, they'll send someone else to persuade you,

and they... won't be as easy to deal with as I am."

Lin Qiye was taken aback. "Then you're here to..."

Zhao Kongcheng pulled a roll of parchment from his pocket and placed it on Lin Qiye's desk, slowly unrolling it.

"The benefits of being a Night Watcher are better than you think. I've accumulated quite a bit of savings over the years," Zhao Kongcheng said as he unrolled the parchment.

As the parchment was fully opened, Lin Qiye's eyes narrowed.

Inside was a thick stack of money.