

Jerry Davidson is a detective working at the NYPD. He struggles in his job due to his weak body. One day he embarks on a journey to Egypt where he finds a magical ring of an angel that turned his life around.

Dark_Keys · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Beginning

"Son I can't let you join my excavation team after the stunt you pulled last time" said Henry.

Henry was a man who was on his fifties with a strong build and a white goatee. 

"But Dad it's my life long dream to be a part of this expedition," Jerry explained.

Jerry is Henry's 25 year old son he had dark hair, and sky-blue eyes. He was 5 foot 8 inches and skinny.

"Fine, but you should follow my orders. There won't be any father-son wild cards over there. One more mistake and I will book the next flight back home for you. Then you will continue to work as a detective in NYPD." Henry explained. 

"I didn't make any huge mistakes or damages the last time…"

 Henry smoulders his eyebrows in a way that says 'think again genius'. 

"You are unbelievable! You still remember the mistake I made 5 years ago."complained Jerry.

"Wait let me think, oh... yes I remember, you jeopardized my license, my men, my project and nearly burned my eyebrows" shouted Henry.

 "No one was hurt dad," said Jerry.

 "You nearly killed us all because of your foolishness. Please tell me the real reason why you are trying to get back to the team?" asked Henry.

"You know the reason," said Jerry.

 "You don't have to keep your promise, 'the ring of the imprisoned angel' does not exist. No one has ever found the ring. It's a MYTH." Henry said.

 "Then tell me why are you trying to find it?" Jerry asked curiously. 

"It's something I don't want to talk about... Why did I ever tell you the story behind it?".

 There was a long pause and Henry said "You are determined. That I can say. You can come, but this will be the last one and then no more."sighed Henry.

 "Great I will pack my things and be ready for tomorrow". Jerry ran towards his room. 

Henry opened a beer and sat on the couch thinking about the day he told his son about the ring.

Fifteen years ago…

It was a rainy Friday night in California when Henry came home from his archeological dig site. Jerry was only 10 Years old and he was always fascinated to hear about the discoveries his father made.

That night he asked his father as usual for a story and Henry said, "Well I told you all the stories I know, just go to sleep". 

Jerry was very sad for he was looking forward to it and started making innocent puppy faces which he knew his father could never resist. "Fine one story, then you have to go to sleep," said Henry. Jerry's face lit like a Christmas tree and sat on his bed to hear the story.

 "The story what I am going to tell you is something that has happened at 14th-13th century b.c.e. It was the time when Moses returned to Egypt where the Israelite's were enslaved by the cruel Pharaoh 'Ramses II'. At that time there lived a powerful Egyptian sorcerer named 'Abasi Adom' who was the cousin brother of the pharaoh. He was well known and praised for his use of dark magic. Legend has it that he was a follower of Lucifer.

One day, while he was returning back from some errands given to him by the pharaoh, he found a beautiful hardworking Israelite woman named 'Inbar'. From that day onwards he couldn't take his eyes off from her. She did not love him back, for he was cruel to her kind and kept rejecting his advances. He was so mad when he realised he couldn't have her, so he created a love potion just for her. While she was away he went to her house and poured the potion into her bottle of cheap wine. He waited for her to return. 

She returned from her hard labor and she drank the wine to quench her thirst not knowing about the potion that was mixed with it. The next day she felt an uncontrolled desire and hunger for Abasi. They were madly in love. He looked out for her, reduced the amount of labor she had and he did his best to protect her. Their relationship was a secret until one day she found out that she was pregnant. when the other Israelites found out who the father was they wanted to kill her.

 Abasi rescued her from there and brought her to the palace where he told the pharoh of the situation. The pharoh was unhappy, but still he adviced that they should get married. Abasi married Inbar and she gave birth to a boy and she named him 'Betzalel' which means 'IN THE SHADE OF GOD'. 

They lived happily until the beginning of the plagues. They suffered a lot during the plagues and then one day Moses warned the pharoh that all the firstborns of his people would die that night. Even when the pharoh neglected Moses, Abasi feared. He feared the power of the Israel God. He then explained the situation to Inbar and they finally came up with different plans to save their child.

 Inbar disguised herself and went inside the Israel camp to find about the Moses's plan. For she knew that Moses had a way to protect the Israelites from this disaster. She found out that Moses ordered Israelites to apply the blood of a young lamb on the top frame of their door. When Abasi heard what the Israelites were planning to do he prayed to the devil for an answer and he was replied.

 He found out that it was the Angel of Death 'AZRAEL' that would kill all the first borns in Egypt. In return for the information, he was ordered to capture and imprison the Angel and gave him the required materials and spells. 

The angel was to be locked inside a golden ring that can only be used by his bloodline. Anyone can were the ring but the power of the ring can only be harnessed by him and his future generations and they will have the power of the angel of death. 

While Inbar was applying the blood, Abasi was getting ready to capture the angel. He returned to his house and found the blood mark on the door frame and thought that if the blood mark is on the door frame, the angel will never enter the house and the trap would be wasted. So he started wiping it off.

 He entered his house after wiping the blood completely, and found his son sleeping. He asked Inbar to go and sleep while he watched over their son . She was reluctant at first but then she agreed and went to sleep. Abasi started preparing for the trap.

 Then came the nightfall that followed the angel of death.