
Stuck in TVD

Alexander wakes up in The Vampire Diaries. What will he do?

Westley86 · Ti vi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

September 8th

I decided to take the day to learn how to control my powers better, mostly my speed and strength and water manipulation powers.

It wasn't really difficult to move so fast that it looks like I'm simply flashing or blurring from one place to the next as my perception speeds up enough that everything looks like it's moving in slow motion as I move. All my other powers were coming along well enough as they just seemed to come naturally to me but I still wasn't sure how strong I was compared to a vampire and such. Only time would tell I guess.

Other than that there wasn't really enough time that I could test my powers but I did have one other thing to do before I was picked up for the party tonight. Talking to Sheila Bennett, that was definitely on my list of things to do and It didn't take much effort to find her at her home.


And thus here I stand knocking on the door to her house hoping not to get smote by super witch juju. "Hello, what can I do for you?" Asks an older lady as she answers the door. She looks slightly on edge though.

"Mrs. Bennett?" I ask though I already know the answer. And she nods slightly. "yes, well, my name is Alexander Duvall. I just wanted to speak with you for a little bit if you don't mind too terribly much?"

As she just stares at me she finally responds. "And what would you want to speak to me about? I can sense the power on you but your clearly not a witch… nor a vampire so what exactly are you?" She asks with narrowed eyes while putting tea on.

'Hmm to be honest or not that is the question.' After a second of thought. "Umm yes I'm here to talk about the small infestation that this town has but what I am is slightly complicated.." she just narrows her eyes further probably about to blast me to kingdom come.

"I suppose you could say my father was Poseidon and I am simply a Demigod if you want to be specific?" I hide my smirk as she pales slightly.

I raised water droplets into the air before turning them into ice crystals around us to head off any chance of confusion about what I am…And then dispersed them. Her eyes widened further at that.

She sighed "very well." She motioned me inside without saying the words. Smarty. I of course walked in. "What can I do for you Alexander?" "Ah, just Alex will do fine Mrs. Bennett."

"Very well Alex, other than the vampires what can I do for you? I doubt you came to just inform me of such?" She asks curiously.

"What I want is simple. I want you to begin to train your grand daughter in the arts. She will need them to survive what is coming over the coming few years and I also know about the tomb full of vampires. When the time comes I want you to drop the barrier and when the time comes not to trap the Salvatore brothers inside.

They have a role to play in the future, Damon Salvatore won't find what he is looking for in there and I will kill the rest of them aside from two. They will try to live in peace along side humans and not go murder hobos on the town." I tell the older woman and her eyes are narrowed and her lips held tightly in a firm line.

"For what purpose do you want this done? Can you see the future, do you know what's coming?" She asks grimly and I just smile stupidly.

"I was shown one version of the future but it is or will be in essence defunct as I have been and am changing things subtly or at least I hope I'm being subtle. The next thing I need is Vervain if you have or can get a large supply I can pay for it."

She had paled again and sat down in her rocking chair deep in thought. "And Bonnie? What is her fate?" She asks grimly. "That depends, she won't die if that's what your worried about, neither in the future I saw nor in my plans. I already consider her a friend and plan to look after her." I tell the older witch lightly.

She just sighed loudly. "I will begin teaching her soon." She agreed. "And I will agree to help you enter the tomb under the old church when the time comes as long as you promise to look after my grand daughter in the future, at least as much as can be done."

"Then we are agreed. What about Vervain?" She just gave a put upon sigh. "I will have some sent to your house." She agreed. I just put a stack of hundred dollar bills on the table and gave her a questioning look. She just nodded no more words necessary and we just drank our tea in silence.

Ehh My interactions sucked but whatever

Westley86creators' thoughts