
Stuck in TVD

Alexander wakes up in The Vampire Diaries. What will he do?

Westley86 · Ti vi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

September 7th

As I began to slowly regain consciousness I shoot up from my new bed, realizing I can actually move now and am not in an overly strange place unless you consider i am in in a house I have never been in before and have no memory of.

Well at least the crazy deity dude gave me some basic information. I know I live alone and in my own house, and thankfully I don't have to go back to school again. Hopefully I'm already graduated as I don't really want to do home school.

As I get my bearing I search the house. On the kitchen counter there is a stack of papers with a wallet on top. All the basic powers needed to live in the modern would are there along with a drivers license and a debit card.

There was paperwork with a bank account information and while I'm most certainly not rich, I'm not going hungry for a while either. The house is also already paid for and paid up for the next year on utilities. That's all good and makes living life and getting started more simple at least.

With that done I decide to get cleaned up as somewhere along the line I had begun to sweat and feel sticky, most likely from when or before I woke up.

As I get to the bathroom and look into the mirror I freeze. The reflection staring back at me isn't the reflection that I remember and my heart begins to pound faster in my chest.

After a few moments of staring I begin to actually take in my new features. If I look hard enough I can see a resemblance to what I used to look like, I was originally 5'11 with dark brown hair and darkish blue eyes with a halfway decent figure. I was in the army so I didn't have a choice but to work out really. Now I looked more.. almost sculpted or something. Not grossly but I was definitely more built now. I was probably closer to 6'1 with more electric blue eyes now rather than the darker blue I remember. My face was similar though more defined and my hair was the same just a darker shade of brown.

Eventually with my internal musings coming to an end I decided to take a shower and wasn't that an experience. I could feel a weird connection to it, granting me some kind of powers. I would really have to dig into my memories and remember how people learn to use their powers in the different fandoms to figure this out hopefully.

With all that taken care of I guess I should get acquainted with the area next I suppose. Try to find out where I was sent to so that I understand how fucked I am. I didn't realize what time it was when I went outside but it did help me to realize how fucked I was.

The house to my right, there are two really pretty girls walking to a car, both of whom I recognize immediately. He wasn't lying when he said he put me on the same street as as the MC, Elena Gilbert the vampire magnet herself. Fuck I'm going to have to get a hold of my powers on the double pronto or I'm dead. But at least if memory serves this should be the very start of season 1.


Mystic grill - later

I decided to go to the go to hang out place in the town more out of curiosities sake than anything else.

It seemed a bit slow at the moment so I decided to just get a late lunch or dinner or whatever but I did notice Vickie Donovan already working as she came over to take my own order as well. She was most certainly hotter than I remember but then again it's been a while since I seen the first season.

"Hey, you must be new around here, I don't believe I have seen you before?" She was somewhat flirty or maybe just really friendly it was hard to tell really.

"Yes ma'am. Just moved here a few days ago. Decided to get the lay of the land and this seemed like the best place to do so. Any recommendations?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"Hmm well, you did pick the right place, this is where most people around our age pop up for the most part so good eye there. What can I get ya?" She asked with the barest hints of a blush.

After a moment of thought. "How about a burger and fries with a coke? Figure keep it classic right?"

"The classics are the best for a reason dear. I will have it right up!" She told me before heading to other customers. I couldn't help but watch as her ass swayed away. That was definitely one of her defining features though her face beautiful as well.

After a finishing eating, and it was a decent burger, I decided to play some pool out of boredom. I was somewhat curious about the main cast. The drama mostly comes from keeping unnecessary secrets and that also got a lot of their friends and family killed as well. I would see if I would fix some of that. After all they have no right to hide my secret if I don't want to, at least not to individuals.


Eventually I noticed a pretty blond enter with Bonnie Bennett, that had to be Caroline Forbes. I may have decided to take a minutely creepy action and sort of run into Bonnie to see if she gets any 'vibes' or 'visions' off of me with physical contact while on my way to the bar.

When the hot strangest walked close to me and then past me, our arms slightly touched and I almost gasped as I was hit by feelings of the ocean and the smell of the seas hit me like a sea breeze.

"Caroline who is tall dark and handsome that just passed us?" She asked almost excitedly.

"Mmm well if memory serves, his name is Alexander Duvall and he just moved here a few days ago like Stefan, the only difference is that he either graduated early or is taking online classes I believe he is 17 years old.

It's said that his family was from here a long time ago, around the times of the founding families I think. My mom seemed somewhat excited when she learned he had moved here." After taking a quick breath she continued. "I'm also told that he was orphaned and that if given the chance should show him around if he is amenable. How about helping a girl out?" She said that with almost a smirk at the end at seeing Bonnies interest.

"Sure sure why not, Elena will be here eventually and maybe we can introduce him to some of the guys as well." She felt horrible that the guy was an orphan already being around their age. She would try to befriend him at least.

After grabbing my drink from the bar I made my way back to a free table only to be basically followed by a certain blond with Bonnie trailing behind looking a little nervous.

"Hi, your.. Alexander Duvall right? I'm Caroline and this is Bonnie. Are you related to one of the founding families? My mom was excited when she heard you were moving here." Caroline said in one quick breath smiling excitedly.

I just laughed lightly, she was kinda amusing when being an airhead. "Yes I just moved here and yes my name is Alexander, it's nice to meet you both." I tell them as I move to shake both of their hands.

"As for being among the founding families I'm not really sure. I did find some old diaries dating back to the 1800s that mention mystic falls a lot so I assume my ancestors came from here at least." And that was true, I did find a bunch of journals or diaries that were dated to the 1800s. I don't remember the Duvalls being a family in the tv show so I'm guessing this is me getting my back story.

They both smiled at that. Though when I shook bonnies hand I notice she kind of froze up. She is definitely getting some kind of vibes.

"So what do y'all do for fun around here? This is my first day out and about." They both sighed at that.

Caroline took the lead. "This is pretty much it. There is a bowling alley I guess. Oh! There is a party tomorrow that you should come to at the falls!" She ended it with a hopeful look giving her brightest smile with Bonnie looking amused beside her.

"Sure I don't mind going as long as y'all are willing to show me around a bit. I don't really know anyone here yet. In fact you are the first people iv had a real conversation with since I moved here." I told them grinning stupidly.

Bonnie took this one. "Good it's decided, you will go with us then!" She looked at Caroline quickly to just see her nodding vigorously.

Huh must be a Demi god thing. I didn't think these two were this flirty in the show I thought cheerfully.


Soon after agreeing to go I noticed them both look at the entrance only to look myself, only to see a young and very beautiful girl walk in with long dark brown hair and sporting a perfect olive complexion followed by beautiful brown eyes, quickly followed by vampire dude.

I have nothing against Stefan but to be honest his actions were super creeper in the beginning so I was feeling a bit like a dick and I don't really like pedophile vampires, trying to date a 16 year old is a bit creepy at his age.

As they both neared the table and I could see Matt about to get up I cursed loudly and raised my hand up a bit cradling my index finger a bit. "Sorry sorry! I managed to cut my finger." I say throwing an only slightly pained grimace on my face.

Ah water powers for the win, conjuring a tiny ice dagger is simple.

Bonnie quickly grabs a paper towel off the table and hands it to me and I had already seen Steffon disappear in near a flash. Sucker. I also notice Elena look around confused.

"Oh are you alright? That looks painful!" She grimaces at the blood but shows genuine concern. Once we lock eyes there is almost an electric draw to her. I know it's likely magic from the doppelgänger effect or whatever but she is most certainly hot without it anyways.

"Yah I'll be fine, it was only a scratch anyways, thank you though. I'm Alexander by the way."

"Elena" she says happily still somewhat annoyed Stefan disappeared again.

And with that we all just talked for the next hour or so, getting to know each other a bit and also getting invited to the party again by Elena who wasn't here the first time.

Eventually I told them where I lived and Elena had an light bulb moment realized I was her new neighbor. It was decided since I was literally her neighbor Bonnie would just pick us both up even though I had a car, I didn't know where things were and Elena didn't like driving at the moment for obvious reasons.


Yes im following the story line for now mostly, I will begin to deviate somewhat as I begin to change things.