
Stuck in a Survival Game : I'm a Lucky Player?!

An Jiaxin got stuck inside a survival game as a Player. Here in this game, failure means instant death!  An Jiaxin who felt the world was boring no matter which way she looked at it, found a new inspiration in her life while walking through the continuous disasters she faced throughout the game. But to survive and continue her life, she needs someone to rely on who is stronger than her, right? Thanks to her lucky charm that she got after entering this game, An Jianxin meets a cold and indifferent, distant player whom she crosses paths with frequently.  "Boss, just close your eyes and let me hug your thighs, alright? I promise I'll be a good girl and won't get in your way to hunting monsters!" An Jiaxin soon finds a reliable ally who seems to be like an overpowered MC in a novel. But, why does the boss look at her with strange eyes? Does he have an eye problem?  The boss grabbed her cuff and smiled, "An Jiaxin, let's jump together from the cliff!" "No thanks, Boss. You have a death wish, but I don’t!"

CoffeePrincess · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

I'm Stuck inside a Game?

"Holy sh*t! How come it's like this?"

An Jiaxin cursed out madly as she stared widely at the screen before her eyes in disbelief. 

[Congratulations! You've been selected to participate in the survival game 'End Zero'. A total of twenty players in the first round will play this survival game together.]

"I didn't even sign up for this game! I absolutely hate games, how could I get dragged into one?" she stomped her feet in anger as she asked the system, screaming like an angry bird.

An Jiaxin is but an average college student with a broken life, her life has already half drained away by the ruthless education system and her bad luck.

The only thing she can brag about herself, that would be her beauty that would be unparalleled even within the entertainment industry, and of course, the load of money that she earns every day with each breath she takes. 

To say it in a more ambiguous way, An Jiaxin is literally a 'Money Making. Walking. ATM. Machine! 

Let's not say anything about how she earns so much money like this, we can talk about it slowly… 

She has ink black hair and a face as pretty as a flower, along with her flower petal like long eyelashes, a high bridge little nose, pink and rosy lips, a pair of beautiful and clear, soft red ruby eyes, squishy cheeks, skin as beautiful as porcelain jade.

Just a beautiful doll that you can stare at without getting tired all day long!

A lot of scouts already tried to hire her as an artist, but she always refused them as she wasn't really interested. 

She didn't like most of the things that are liked by common people and the students, the friends around her.

For instance, she didn't like to play games or watch cinema. Going out with friends on rare occasions is alright, though she doesn't have that many friends. 

And right now, she is being threatened to participate in a survival game where she doesn't have assurement that she can come back alive.

"What are the conditions of the game?" An Jiaxin pressed her forehead as she asked the system.

[You'll get an inventory for free to use, as well as the things you need to survive. Please find the clues on surrounding carefully to find the necessary items.]

An Jiaxin felt like kicking this stupid system in anger.

'The hell she needs to find? Where is the gift package for beginners?'

[Beginner package is given along with inventory, please check it out before guessing. Verbal abuse can lead you to be banned and get in black list.]

"..." An Jiaxin became speechless. 

[Please survive in the game for thirty days and earn 30 stat points. If you die inside the game world, that means you will die in the real world too!

Note : There will be 1,000 NPC's participating in this first round of the game named 'Rover Island'.]

[Best of luck! Player!]

An Jiaxin sighed as she looked around the white space.

"Can I just quit it? I really don't want to participate." An Jiaxin pouted her face as she tried to coax the system to let her off.

[Avoiding or quitting the game route without permission is considered a violation. The player will die an instant death if he or she tries to do any of these.]

An Jiaxin felt as if she got struck by thunder, turning ghostly pale in fear.

'Looks like there is no way I can stop this.'

After a few seconds, An Jiaxin felt the white space turn blurry as she closed her eyes.

This place…

"What is this?" 

She was dumbfounded when she opened her eyes, only to find out she was standing in the middle of a barren land.

"They are saying I have to live in this wilderness for thirty days? It's not even a forest!"

An Jianxin looked around to figure out what this place was, but soon she realized where she went.

This was actually an island, an empty one to be precise.

'So, the other players must also be around here?'

An Jiaxin decided to cool her head as she began walking towards the north with small steps.

"I should check my status window in the meanwhile, it would be beneficial to know my own strength to overcome any difficult situation." As soon as she thought, An Jiaxin opened her status bar.

[Player status :

Name : An Jiaxin

Race : Human

Grade : 1

Class : None

Level : 1

Martial Arts : Common

Divine Ability : None

Legend : None

Title : None

Stats ~

HP : 20/20

MP : 144/300

STR : 2

VIT : 10

INT : 30

AGI : 7

DEX : 15

DEF : 10

Toughness : 4

Skills : Bite Lv. 3, Scratch Lv. 4, Hide Lv. 6, Kick Lv. 5, Taekwondo Lv. 7...

Stats Point : 0

Skill Point : 0]


"Alright, but what's wrong with these skills?" An Jaixian felt like pulling her hair when she saw her skills shown in the status window. 

It's true that she goes around and sometimes tries to bite or scratch her friends, but she didn't expect that to be shown as her skills!

Damn… this is so embarrassing! 

"Ahem! Open the inventory. I want to see what's in it."

An Jiaxin entered the inventory mode, but her face turned into ashes when she saw the materials inside.

"What? An apple and a string? Axe? A knife?"

What was this?

She tried to see if there was something more than these, but the rest of the store was completely empty. 

The system said that I can get the necessary items around if I walk around the island, right?

What she needs the most right now was a place to stay and food to eat.

An Jiaxin took out the apple from her inventory as she was feeling a little hungry.

Working with a full stomach gives more support than a hungry stomach!

"Fine, let's do this." Completely hopeless, An Jianxin finished eating as she stood up and finally decided to drag her legs as she started her first day inside the survival game.