
Stuck in a body as a Abandoned omega prince

A powerful wondering soul who has been jumping from world to world has came to his 35th world And found the body of a beautiful boy who looks to be the age of ___ But unfortunately the boy was already gone from this world And as the soul was going to explode this new world the empty vessel of the body sucked the soul into it! Now the all powerful wondering soul is stuck in this unfortunately body! how will the soul live in its first ever body in a world that he has no knowledge of? ______________________________________ to excuse the bad writing and how slow the story is going this is a slow processing story! hehe

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

sweet strawberry..

Asher was half dragging his brother, he was huffing and puffing but soon thay reached at a two story building

Lucas was shocked when he saw the building, he was expecting a poorly maintained mansion but unexpectedly it was clean

Asher dragged him in the mansion and then called out to his guppies

"Bua! bubbles come here!"

Lucas still shocked at the clean house was once again surprised by what he was seeing

He has seen spirits, holy beast, magical beasts and familiars before but not in his widest dreams he imagine his baby brother with a familiar and its not just one but two!

But like the damn air head he is He brushed it off as he doesn't no his brother that much so there's things he may or may not no about him

"Please can you make a sweet snack for our guests?"

Bua and bubbles looked at each others before nodding happily at Asher

Asher smiled fondly and went onto his knees before kissing the guppies forehead

"Good err.. guppies"

Soon the guppies ran off to the kitchen

Asher turned to his brother

"Big brother~ can you stay with me for today?"

Lucas was snapped out if his surprised dazed

"Oh? Yes yes big brother will stay with you"


Asher smiled sweetly at him

"Ok~ let's go~! I want to show you something!"

Asher held his hands before dragging to his field

The field was in a glass greenhouse which Asher cleaned when he had hid free tine

The garden had random flowers that Asher picked outside and had different fruits like strawberries, blueberries and a growing apple tree

The green house even had a few butterfly flying around for a extra effort

Lucas paused he his eyes looked all over the green house

He has seen better green house but his little brother has been alone for a long time so this green is very surprising how he got them but as usual he doesn't question him because.. will you no

"It's beautiful Asher"

"It is?"

"Yes baby it is"

"Oh thank you.."

Asher smiled and soon he felt his little grudge slowly fade away

"Big brother do you want to taste the strawberry?"

"Ah? Yes please"

Asher then dragged him to the strawberry

The strawberries was plump and red after all Asher used his spiritual energy to grow them faster so it is mostly plump and sweet

Asher gently held the strawberry and picked it, he picked the plumpest and redest one he saw

He gently rubbed it

"Here big brother"

He gave him the strawberry

Lucas smiled like a fool as he held the strawberry

"..I will wash it"

Suddenly a cold but clear water appeared on the strawberry

And soon Asher remove the water and poured its on the apple tree

"Now eat"

Lucas nodded and took a bite

He was surprised the strawberry was very sweet but also refreshing

Lucas greedy ate the strawberry with a goofy smile


[ Status ]

ID- Soul#5214097

Vessel name- Asher [..... ]

Soul points- 408

Spiritual strength- 25%

Titles- Wandering soul, powerful divine soul

[Host Current mood- Joyful and sweet]

I just need to remember to update I guess..

I feel like this story is not moving along... but ty for the power stones

I no this is not a lot but can you like please Comment please it will.. kinda motivate me please..? okno bother..

I think Lucas us dumb and dumb I don't know how to write his character so maybe I will take a chapter to flush out his character

oh and here is a quick reply: Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

lilac_the_lazy_onecreators' thoughts