
Strung in Between

Rumors of an abandoned villages silhouette are seen whenever fog appears. A curious group wishes to investigate for themselves. A little touhou fanfic I felt like writing.

Fragasile · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

To Face the Darkness

As Masashi contemplated on what he should do, the darkness once again began to encroach upon the surroundings.

The momentary reprieve from the Youkai of darkness has long passed, once again continuing their game of catch.

"Misteeeeeer, if you give up now then Rumia is gonna start eating you!" The little predator cautioned as she flew towards its playmate and soon-to-be meal. That toothy grin of hers provoking the image of a playful little child.

This time however, the prey remained.

A calm face that should not belong to one who's in danger, a body steady and unmoving as a mountain, even those legs that had just ran with fervor left naught any trace of fatigue.

Rumia was a bit puzzled as to why the human wasn't running away, did the dread of being a weak human being chased by a youkai get to him? Maybe he realized that it was stupid to try escaping from her when he couldn't even fly. Whatever the reason, it looks like their small game is about to end with her eating well.

Even though she got closer and closer the tasty human that stood still like he wanted to be eaten, the look the human gave did not hold a shred of fear for his situation, but one full of resolution and even… obsession?

"Can you answer something for me, Rumia?" Masashi requested to the man-eater with a tone full of clarity, remaining to hold his ground despite the distance between them quickly shortening.

The blood red eyes of the child-like youkai looked towards the human with some confusion, for this is the first time one of them attempted to converse with her beyond stalling for time while they tried to think of a way to shave off her pursuit. No matter how young and naive the golden haired girl may seem at first glance, a monster that fed off of humanities negative emotions is still what you'd find underneath. So why is it that this guy isn't afraid of her at all?


The rustling leaves caused by the cool, nightly breeze became the only indication that I was still out in the wild. I see not a single thing, no image, no trees, and no color save for black. My eyesight had once again been deprived by the youkai whom I wish to face, but what use is vision when what I wish to see is underneath the exterior?

"What did you say? Are you alright Mr. human?" Is it truly so peculiar for a human to attempt communications with a man-eating youkai that even the latter become concerned?

"My questions, can you answer them."

"I'm about to eat you! You should be afraid of me instead of being curious." I could not agree more with that outburst, but what is a man to do with actions not even he himself comprehends.

"Indeed, so is it fine if I were to ask you, a youkai, about something?" Though the chances are as slim as finding a stick bug within the redwoods, trying is all that a person can do.

"Is this a new trick you humans thought of to fool Rumia and not get eaten?"


Was that truly the image I had given out? A little trick to stall for time? Have the humans here only looked for ways to escape from the threat of a youkai that's about to eat them?

"Rest assured, I only want my questions answered."

"Really?" That voice held a bit of childish caution as it asked


"Is that really so?" So even they could have moments of doubts, quite intriguing. Or perhaps my actions have just been too peculiar?

"I only want some answers."

" You promise? I'll eat you if you lie!" Were we not just engaged in a game of a predator trying to chase after its prey?

"Hmph fine. Rumia will answer your questions, then eat you right after." It seems that the child-like look she has isn't for show, but who am I to say that I understand the behavior of these youkai?

"Then let's begin."


From here on came a barrage of questions by the human who was meant to be nothing but food towards the youkai that the darkness follows.

Who's to say what made the human remain so nonchalant in front of the youkai for so long, especially when trapped in a ball of darkness which deprives all sight. Or could it be that being kept from directly facing her is what allows such courage to be upheld?

A great many questions were met with simple answers along the lines of "Because that's what a youkai should do." Followed up with "I dunno." Such is the case when dealing with younglings the likes of Rumia, following only instinct and impulse with very little room for intellect.

When asked with "Why do you eat humans?" All he can gleam was "they're really tasty and youkai eat humans, I'll eat you too after you're done asking me questions, mister."

As questions pile on and on, a seemingly endless flow of curiosity from the human that holds no fear. The youkai of darkness begins to get ever slightly more hungry as time passes.

The answer which the human found most interesting was that of her abilities and it's application, the manipulation of darkness itself. Such an ability being most commonly used to trap prey such as himself and create a ball of darkness during the day, for the light of the sun irritated her skin.

The human had become engrossed in questioning the youkai that he had not even noticed that he had been freed from the darkness, with only the rising moon indicating how much time had pass since then.

Seeing the babbling human only served to deepen Rumia's hunger. The thought of taking a bite of the delectable flesh before her was enough to make her drool in silence, her red eyes glistened bright under the blessing of the moonlight, not bothering to answer his questions any more.

"Mister, Rumia reeeaaaalllly wants to eat you now." And so began the desire for human meat taking over the mind of the youkai…

Unfortunately for our cute little darkness monster, a timely savior has come.