
Strongly Ranked Returns

I only own the MC. MC is Lesbian and is Op. A girl who is accused of stealing and hurting her party leader was left for dead but by her siblings as well. But the gate leads to another world that’s way more dangerous than her last world but greater rewards. She returns four years before her party became famous for there magic and items to get a chance at being the best.

GustWind · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - I’m home

Dana POV

As I walked out the gate to see I was in a park at night I feel the magic of this world.

I was wearing my normal clothes with white T-Shirt, Blue Jean Pants and sneakers. My body was now curvaceous and fit with great assets.

Dana: World Deus had more mana than this or magic energy really but that world is done with everyone safe.

Just then a ball of light came from a portal to land on Dana's shoulder.

?: Master, this is your world?

Dana: Yes Khion, it is.

Khion is the system of the world Deus.

Khion: This world can't compare to Deus, I'm searching the world now and you are light years ahead of the world in magic but also combat abilities.

Dana: That's good to know, do I still have my items?

Khion: Yes, all items and gold from Deus are in the storage, so you want me to covert the gold into currency here?

Dana: Yes, here they use credit cards so might need one.

Khion: On it.

As then a card appeared from my storage as I looked at the black card.

Dana: Khion, how rich am I?

Khion: With scanning the currency of the wealthiest people on this world you are the richest.

Dana: Good.

I put the card in my storage.

Khion: So? Are we going after your old party now?

Dana: No, there celebrities, that will cause too much attention in them but if we were higher up in the WIPA then it would be easier.

WIPA: World International Player Association

Khion: I see, but do we have to join a guild for that first?

Dana: Yes but if we need to make it a good guild to enter.

Sage Five: High officials in charge of WIPA.

World Ten: Ten strongest players in the world.

Khion: That's a good plan, so let's find the best guild for you then.