
You Really Like To Play Guessing Games, Huh?

A few days passed since Ethan and Emma had gone on a date.

The young man’s schedule was consistent. He would attend his classes in the mornings until the early afternoon, after which he would head to the library and read the Ancient Tomes in the Forbidden Section of the library.

He was almost done with the Diary of the Eccentric Adventurer, and he felt a bit sad, knowing that he only had a few dozen pages to read before the tale was completed.

Ethan had already shared the Moon Magic Spells that the old man invented with Luna, and both of them were looking forward to testing them on the night of the full moon, which would be happening in a week’s time.

Although he was a bit worried about what might happen on the day of the New Moon, when he would randomly transform into an animal, he had already informed the Headmaster and Professor Barret, as well as his lovers, about the side effects of his Origin Magic.