
Welcome To Caer Wydion

The flying ship was sailing nearly at its maximum speed, and yet, it still took them nearly three weeks to arrive at their destination.

Wherever Enzo was taking them, it had become increasingly obvious that it was somewhere in the heart of Midgard, a place that not many beings dared to visit due to the dangers it posed.

When the sun finally made its appearance, Ethan felt something he had never felt before.

A great feeling of unease and anticipation took hold of his body.

Ethan felt like a part of him looked forward to knowing his true identity, but at the same time, the other half dreaded coming to know what it was.

Emma and Lilith did not tell him anything about his background.

However, they did tell him that even if all the Nobles of Eastshire were to combine their wealth, it would still fall short of the kind of wealth Ethan’s family possessed.

After hearing those words, Ethan shared how his talk with Chloe’s Father, Soren, had gone.