
Under The Cover Of Darkness [Part 1]

It was worrying that Godfrey was accompanying them on their tour. Fortunately, the Demigod didn’t do anything except glance at Ethan from time to time.

Prince Isaac, who was doing his best to keep his cool, decided to distract his guest by telling ‘her’ stories about the City of Cashel and the history of the Milesians.

Since he wanted to look good in front of the beautiful lady accompanying him, he even divulged a few secrets about the movements of the Fomorians, as well as the war preparations of the Milesians.

“Truth be told, My Father, The King, doesn't wish to confront them at this point in time,” Prince Isaac said. “And frankly, I’m sure the Fomorians also don't wish for it either. Perhaps a compromise would be reached, but until then, the entire Kingdom is on high alert.”

Ethan thanked the Milesian Prince for this information, which made Prince Isaac very happy.