
This Kingdom Is So Pitiful

Two days after Ethan and the King had their talk, the young man stood in front of Princess Ramona’s residence to bid the two girls farewell.

“I’ll come back as soon as I can,” Ethan said. “Make sure to stay safe, while I’m away.”

“I will,” Princess Ramona replied.

“Come back as soon as you can, and make sure to bring souvenirs,” Joanne commented with her arms crossed over her chest.

“We want sweets!” Lapis, who was sitting on Princess Ramona’s shoulder stated.

“Yes! We want sweets!”

“This Kingdom is so pitiful. They don’t even have cake only bread.”

“They don’t even have candies. Only fruits!

“They have no chocolates! Only fruit juice!”

“Why can’t they even make something as simple as macarons? What kind of backwater Kingdom is this?!”

“This Kingdom needs an upgrade on their sweets production! We will make Ramona the Queen to ensure that this will be called a Sweets Kingdom in the future!”
