
There Can Only Be One King Of The Sea [Part 2]

Even when the bombardment rained down upon Ethan, the teenage boy still didn’t even bother to move and simply stayed where he stood.

Loud explosions reverberated in the surroundings as the magical projectiles hit some kind of invisible barrier, preventing them from reaching the young man whose identity was still unknown.

King Oceanus, who was now over ten meters tall, narrowed his gaze upon seeing that, despite the heavy bombardment, none of the attacks managed to even faze the young man, who was looking at the Naga Prince in disdain.

A few minutes later, the bombardment finally ceased, leaving the Ocean Races with solemn expressions on their faces.

“I’ll deal with you, later,” Ethan said to the Naga Prince before shifting his gaze to the Colossi in front of him. “I will give you a chance, Oceanus. Bow down to your rightful liege, and I can let bygones be bygones.”

“Me? Bow down to you?” King Oceanus sneered. “You’re not qualified!”