
The Unsung Hero [Part 2]

Ethan and Chloe knew that now was not the time to have a chat with the Giantess, so they decided to leave her alone for the time being.

The young man then dug a small cave in the middle of a mountain, where he and Chloe stayed to rest.

When evening came, the small campfire inside their cave crackled, while Chloe tended to Ethan’s injuries.

The blows of the Golden Gargoyle weren’t something that he could shrug off completely, and he could tell that the injuries he received would take a few days to heal completely.

“I didn’t expect that I’d witness an invasion in the realm of Janvidr,” Chloe said after she finished treating Ethan’s injuries. “And this proves that you are right. Even the Firbolgs are not safe in the Sylvan Realm because the sky above their heads could shatter anytime, and these fiends would come to destroy them all.”

“It seems that no place is safe,” Ethan commented. “Not even closed-off realms.”