
The One Who Holds The Wisdom Of The World [Part 1]

Ethan didn’t know how long he had been crying.

It was as if he was crying a lifetime’s worth of tears, and there was no sign of it stopping anytime soon.

He tried to call out to Sebastian and his Other Half from inside his head, but the two were nowhere to be found.

They were not there to give him some advice or tell him what was happening to him.

At first, he thought that he was under some kind of spell, one that forcefully flipped his switch to feel extremely sad.

But Ethan knew that he wasn’t under any spell.

He knew this with every fiber of his being.

The person in front of him wouldn’t do such a petty thing, for he didn’t need to do something like that.

So the young man did the only thing he could at that moment. He cried.

Ethan didn’t know if he had been crying for hours, days, weeks, or even years, but at some point, the tears did stop and, with it, clarity returned to his mind.